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1.2.3 • Public • Published

Qeydar Date and Time Pickers

A comprehensive package providing separate DatePicker and TimePicker components for Angular applications, with support for both Jalali (Persian) and Gregorian calendars. This package supports Angular 14 and above. Specific version compatibility:

Package Version Angular Version
1.x.x ≥14.0.0


You can see the online Demo


This package includes two main components:

  1. QeydarDatePicker: A flexible date picker with range selection support and time selection
  2. QeydarTimePicker: A standalone time picker with 12/24 hour format support



  • 📅 Support for both Jalali (Persian) and Gregorian calendars
  • 🎯 Single date and date range selection
  • ⏰ Integrated time selection support
  • 🌐 Multilingual support (English/Persian)
  • 📏 Min/Max date restrictions
  • 🎨 Customizable styles
  • 📱 Responsive design
  • ⌨️ Keyboard navigation
  • 🔄 Form integration
  • 📋 Custom period labels
  • 📐 Multiple placement options
  • 🔄 Value format flexibility (string/Date object)
  • 🎯 Today button support
  • 🚫 Disabled dates support with custom filtering
  • 🎨 Custom templates for days, months, and years
  • 🔒 Read-only mode support


  • ⏰ 12/24 hour format support
  • ⏱️ Optional seconds display
  • 🔒 Time range restrictions
  • 🎭 Time input mask
  • 🌐 Multilingual AM/PM
  • 📍 Inline display mode
  • 🔄 Date adapter integration
  • 🚫 Disabled times support with custom filtering


npm install @angular/cdk@<COMPATIBLE_VERSION> @qeydar/datepicker


  "@angular/cdk": ">=14.0.0",
  "date-fns": ">=2.0.0",
  "date-fns-jalali": ">=2.13.0"

Required Styles

@import '@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css';

DatePicker Usage

Basic Usage

// app.module.ts
import { QeydarDatepickerModule } from '@qeydar/datepicker';

  imports: [QeydarDatepickerModule]
export class AppModule { }

// component.ts
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  selectedDate: Date | string = '1403/01/01'; // Can accept both Date object and string

Range Selection

The DatePicker supports flexible range selection with multiple ways to handle values:

  template: `
      [rangeInputLabels]="{ start: 'From', end: 'To' }"
export class AppComponent {
  // Using string values
  dateRange = {
    start: '1403/08/12',
    end: '1403/08/15'

  // Using mixed values (string and Date)
  dateRange2 = {
    start: '1403/08/12',
    end: new Date()

  // Using Date objects
  dateRange3 = {
    start: new Date('2024-01-01'),
    end: new Date('2024-01-07')

  // With emitInDateFormat=true, values will be emitted as Date objects
  onRangeChange(range: { start: Date, end: Date }) {
    console.log('Start:', range.start);
    console.log('End:', range.end);

Range Selection with Predefined Periods

// Define custom period labels
const customLabels: CustomLabels[] = [
    label: 'This Week',
    value: [new Date('2024-01-01'), new Date('2024-01-07')]
    label: 'Last 7 Days',
    value: ['1403/08/05', '1403/08/12'] // Can use strings for Jalali dates
    label: 'Custom Range',
    value: 'custom'

  template: `

Date and Time Selection

  template: `
      [format]="'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'"
export class AppComponent {
  selectedDateTime: Date | string = new Date();

Value Format Options

  template: `
      [valueFormat]="'gregorian'"  // 'gregorian' | 'jalali' | 'date'

Disabled Dates

  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  // These will disable the entire day
  disabledDates = [
    new Date(2024, 0, 1),  // Jan 1, 2024
    new Date(2024, 11, 25), // Dec 25, 2024
    '2024/01/15'  // Jan 15, 2024

  // This will disable specific days advanced
  disabledDatesFilter = (date: Date) => {
    const day = date.getDay();
    return day === 0 || day === 6; // Disable weekends

Custom Templates

The DatePicker now supports custom templates for days, months, and years, allowing you to customize how these elements are rendered:

  template: `
    <qeydar-date-picker [(ngModel)]="selectedDate">
      <!-- Custom day template -->
      <ng-template qeydarTemplate="day" let-day>
        <div class="custom-day">
          {{ day.getDate() }}
          <!-- Add custom indicators or styling -->
          <span *ngIf="isSpecialDay(day)" class="special-indicator">*</span>

      <!-- Custom month template -->
      <ng-template qeydarTemplate="month" let-month>
        <div class="custom-month">
          {{ getMonthName(month) }}
          <!-- Add custom content -->

      <!-- Custom year template -->
      <ng-template qeydarTemplate="year" let-year>
        <div class="custom-year">
          {{ year }}
          <!-- Add custom styling or indicators -->
export class AppComponent {
  isSpecialDay(date: Date): boolean {
    // Your custom logic
    return date.getDate() === 1;

Read-only Mode

The DatePicker now supports two types of read-only modes:

  template: `
    <!-- Completely read-only - prevents both input and calendar interaction -->

    <!-- Read-only input but allows calendar interaction -->

TimePicker Usage

The TimePicker is a separate component for time selection:

  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  selectedTime = '14:30:00';

  // Or using Date object with valueType="date"
  selectedDateTime = new Date();

TimePicker with Custom Format

  [displayFormat]="'hh:mm a'"

Inline Mode with Date Adapter

  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(public dateAdapter: GregorianDateAdapter) {}

Disabled Times

  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  // Disable lunch hours (12:00-13:00)
  disabledTimesFilter = (date: Date) => {
    const hour = date.getHours();
    const minute = date.getMinutes();
    // Disable specific hour
    if (hour === 12) return true;
    // Disable specific minutes
    if (minute === 45) return true;
    return false;

API Reference

DatePicker Inputs

Input Type Default Description
rtl boolean false Right-to-left mode
mode 'day' | 'month' | 'year' 'day' Selection mode
isRange boolean false Enable range selection
format string 'yyyy/MM/dd' Date format
calendarType 'jalali' | 'gregorian' 'gregorian' Calendar type
minDate Date null Minimum selectable date
maxDate Date null Maximum selectable date
cssClass string '' Custom CSS class
footerDescription string '' Footer description text
rangeInputLabels RangeInputLabels undefined Labels for range inputs
inputLabel string undefined Label for single input
placement Placement 'bottomLeft' Dropdown placement
disabled boolean false Disable the datepicker
isInline boolean false Show calendar inline
showSidebar boolean true Show sidebar with months/years
showToday boolean false Highlight today's date
valueFormat 'gregorian' | 'jalali' | 'date' 'gregorian' Output value format
disableInputMask boolean false To disable input mask
disabledDates Arrar<Date string>
disabledDatesFilter (date: Date) => boolean undefined Function to determine if a date should be disabled
disabledTimesFilter (date: Date) => boolean undefined Function to determine if a time of date should be disabled
allowEmpty boolean true Allow empty value
readOnly boolean false Make the entire component read-only
readOnlyInput boolean false Make only the input field read-only

DatePicker Outputs

Output Type Description
onFocus EventEmitter Fires when input receives focus
onBlur EventEmitter Fires when input loses focus
onChangeValue EventEmitter Fires when value changes
onOpenChange EventEmitter Fires when picker opens/closes

TimePicker Inputs

Input Type Default Description
placeholder string 'Select time' Input placeholder
displayFormat string 'hh:mm a' Time display format
minTime string undefined Minimum selectable time
maxTime string undefined Maximum selectable time
valueType 'string' | 'date' 'string' Output value type
cssClass string '' Custom CSS class
showIcon boolean true Show clock icon
rtl boolean false Right-to-left mode
lang Lang_Locale lang_En Language settings
inline boolean false Show time picker inline (without popup)
dateAdapter DateAdapter undefined Custom date adapter for time manipulation
disableInputMask boolean false To disable input mask
disabledTimesFilter (date: Date) => boolean undefined Function to determine if a time should be disabled
disabled boolean false Disable the time picker
allowEmpty boolean true Allow empty value
readOnly boolean false Make the entire component read-only
readOnlyInput boolean false Make only the input field read-only

TimePicker Outputs

Output Type Description
timeChange EventEmitter Fires when time changes
openChange EventEmitter Fires when picker opens/closes

Form Integration Examples

Reactive Forms with Both Components

  template: `
    <form [formGroup]="form">
      <!-- Date Range -->

      <!-- Time -->
export class AppComponent {
  form = this.fb.group({
    dateRange: [{
      start: '1403/08/12',
      end: new Date()
    time: ['14:30']

  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}

Inline Mode


Calendar Types and Localization

The TimePicker automatically adapts to your chosen calendar system:

// Jalali (Persian) Time Picker

// Gregorian Time Picker

Template-driven Forms

<form #form="ngForm">



Both components can be styled using CSS variables:

.qeydar-time-picker {
  --primary-color: #40a9ff;
  --border-color: #d9d9d9;
  --text-color: #666;
  --background-color: white;
  --hover-background: #f5f5f5;
  --selected-background: #e6f4ff;
  --selected-text-color: #1890ff;
  --disabled-color: #d9d9d9;

/* Inline mode specific styles */
.time-picker-popup.inline {
  border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
  border-radius: 8px;


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


MIT License

Package Sidebar


npm i @qeydar/datepicker

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1.55 MB

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  • abbasa7