Command line helpers to create a PostgreSQL database from a bootstrap GraphQL schema.
qs-autotool create schema.sql
Creates an empty bootstrap schema
qs-autotool db schema.sql
Prints a PostgresQL db script for the types expressed in the given schema.sql file
qs-autotool config schema.sql
Creates a Java relation config block from the relations in the given schema.sql file
qs-autotool domain schema.sql
Prints the schema in an intermediary internal format as JSON.
qs-autotool typedocs schema.sql
Prints the typedocs for the schema as JSON
The bootstrap schema is a valid GraphQL schema with special helper types and field arguments that configure the relations within the domain. To achieve the necessary expressiveness with just a schema definition, it makes use of field attributes in a somewhat unusual way.
Here we see an example of a declared type in the bootstrap schema. For simple fields the declaration is basically identically to what we will have in the final schema.
type Foo
name: String!
num: Int
long(m1024: _) : String
decimal(p10: _, s2: _) : BigDecimal
text : Text
The long
field shows how to specify a non-default maximum length for a String field. Also note how the text
field uses
the helper type Text to express that it is a text field, i.e. the field is a String in the final schema and has a text
type in the database.
Similarly, for decimal
with use attributes to express that we want a precision of 10 and scale of 2.
The underscore (_
) is a type without meaning and just exists as convenient gap filler because the abused arguments formally need to have
a type.
All types will have an id
field which we just ignore in the bootstrap schema.
We also can define relations for our types.
type Foo
name: String!
bar: Bar
bazes: [Baz]
type Bar { name: String! }
type Baz { name: String! }
This Foo has two relations. A many-to-one relation to Bar and a many-to-many relation with Baz, but both relations are only accessible from Foo. If we want Bar and Baz to link back to Foo we need to use back references.
type Foo
name: String!
bar(foos: BackReference): Bar
bazes(foos: BackReference): [Baz]
type Bar { name: String! }
type Baz { name: String! }
Now both relations have a back reference foos
which will be added as field to the respective type. Back references
always create a List field in qs-autotool. If you want something as exotic as a one-to-one relation that is accessible
from both sides, you need to change the relation config after the fact.
All relations are of course realized as foreign keys in the data base. results in just a simple foreign key
being created in the database.
For all many-to-many relations like bazes
, we create a link table with foreign keys to referencing both sides of the
The internal JSON format you can dump with the domain
command represents an Automaton centric view on the domain as
expressed by our bootstrap schema standard.
It is equivalent to the following type definitions
type InternalDomain
types: [TypeInfo]!
linkTables: [LinkTableInfo]
type TypeInfo
"Name of the type"
name: String!
"Description of the type"
description: String,
fields: [FieldInfo]!
refs: [ReferenceInfo]!
backRefs: [BackReferenceInfo]!
toMany: [ToManyInfo]
type FieldInfo
"Name of the field"
name: String!
"Description of the field"
description: String,
"Scalar type of the field"
type: String!
"True if the field cannot be null"
nonNull: Boolean!
"Maximum field length for String fields"
maxLength: Int
"Precision for BigDecimal fields"
precision: Int
"Scale for BigDecimal fields"
scale: Int
type ReferenceInfo
"Base name for the reference"
name: String!
"Description of the reference"
description: String,
"Type of the reference"
type: String!
"True if the reference cannot be null"
nonNull: Boolean!
type BackReferenceInfo
"Name of the back reference field"
name: String!
"Description of the source field"
description: String,
"Containing type of the back reference field"
type: String!
"Source Type of the back reference"
sourceType: String!
type ToManyInfo
"Name of the left side field"
name: String!
"Description of the many-to-many relation as seen from the left side"
description: String
"Type on the right side"
type: String
"True if the left side field is non null"
nonNull: String
"Type on the left side"
sourceType: String
type LinkTableInfo
"Link table name"
name: String!
"Reference infos for the fks to both sides"
refs: [ReferenceInfo]!
All type names etc within the JSON data have been converted to lowercase snake_case.
Typedocs is a simple format used by Automaton to collect domain documentation from various sources
The JSON format is just an array of TypeDoc objects.
type TypeDoc
"Type name in camel case"
name: String!
description: String!
fieldDocs: [FieldDoc]
type FieldDoc
"Field name in camel case"
name: String!
description: String!