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Quintal Monads

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A collection of monads (Result, Option) for TypeScript, inspired by the Rust programming language.


  • 🛡️ Easy type-safe error- and empty-value handling,
  • 🦀 Implements all relevant stable utility methods from Rust,
  • ✅ CommonJS and ES Modules support,
  • 📖 Extensive documentation,
  • ⚖️ Super lightweight (only ~1kb gzipped),
  • 🙅 0 dependencies,
  • 🧪 100% test coverage.


The following features are planned for future releases:

Table of Contents

Getting Started

pnpm add @quintal/monads
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bun add @quintal/monads
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yarn add @quintal/monads
# or
npm install @quintal/monads


A TypeScript error handling paradigm using a Result monad.

The type Result<T, E> is used for returning and propagating errors. It has the following variants:

  • ok(value: T), representing success;
  • err(error: E), representing error.

Functions return Result whenever errors are expected and recoverable. It signifies that the absence of a return value is due to an error or an exceptional situation that the caller needs to handle specifically (e.g. database, network, or filesystem calls). For cases where having no value is expected, have a look at the Option monad.

A simple function returning Result might be defined and used like so:

import { type Result, ok, err } from '@quintal/monads';

// Type-safe error handling
type GetUniqueItemError = 'no-items' | 'too-many-items';

// `Result` is an explicit part of the function declaration, making it clear to the
// consumer that this function may error and what kind of errors it might return.
function getUniqueItem<T>(items: T[]): Result<T, GetUniqueItemError> {
  // We do not throw, we return `err()`, allowing for a control flow that is easier to process
  if (items.length === 0) return err('no-items');
  if (items.length > 1) return err('too-many-items');
  return ok(items[0]!);

// Pattern match the result, forcing the user to account for both the success and the error state.
const message = getUniqueItem(['item']).match({
  ok: (value) => `The value is ${value}`,
  err: (error) => {
    if (error === 'no-items') return 'There were no items found in the array';
    if (error === 'too-many-items') return 'There were too many items found in the array';

A more advanced use case might look something like this:

import { type AsyncResult, asyncResult, err, ok } from '@quintal/monads';

enum AuthenticateUserError {

async function authenticateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
  // AsyncResult allows to handle async functions in a Result context
): AsyncResult<Result<User, AuthenticateUserError>> {
  // Wrap the dangerous db call with `asyncResult` to catch the error if it's thrown.
  // `usersResult` is of type `AsyncResult<Result<User[], unknown>>`.
  const usersResult = asyncResult(() =>
      .where({ username: eq(users.username, username) }),

  // If there was an error, log it and replace with our own error type.
  // If it was a success, this fuction will not run.
  // `usersDbResult` is of type `AsyncResult<Result<User[], AuthenticateUserError>>`.
  const usersDbResult = usersResult.mapErr((error) => {
    // You can differentiate between different kinds of DB errors here
    return AuthenticateUserError.DATABASE_ERROR;

  // If it was a success, extract the unique user from the returned list of users.
  // If there was an error, this function will not run.
  // `userResult` is of type `AsyncResult<Result<User, AuthenticateUserError>>`.
  const userResult = usersResult.andThen(getUniqueItem).mapErr((error) => {
    if (error === 'no-items') return AuthenticateUserError.UNKNOWN_USERNAME;
    if (error === 'too-many-items') return AuthenticateUserError.USER_NOT_UNIQUE;
    return error;

  // It is possible to chain async functions on an `AsyncResult` (see API documentation)
  const authenticatedUserResult = userResult.andThen(async (user) => {
    const passwordMatches = await compare(password, user.password);
    if (!passwordMatches) return err(AuthenticateUserError.INCORRECT_PASSWORD);
    return ok(user);

  return authenticatedUserResult;

Or, shortened:

import { type AsyncResult, asyncResult, err, ok } from '@quintal/monads';

enum AuthenticateUserError {

async function authenticateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
): AsyncResult<Result<User, AuthenticateUserError>> {
  return asyncResult(() =>
      db.select().from(users).where({ username: eq(users.username, username) })
    .mapErr((error) => {
      return AuthenticateUserError.DATABASE_ERROR;
    .mapErr((error) => {
      if (error === 'no-items') return AuthenticateUserError.UNKNOWN_USERNAME;
      if (error === 'too-many-items') return AuthenticateUserError.USER_NOT_UNIQUE;
      return error;
    .andThen(async (user) => {
      const passwordMatches = await compare(password, user.password);
      if (!passwordMatches) return err(AuthenticateUserError.INCORRECT_PASSWORD);
      return ok(user);

Creating a Result

There are a few ways to initialize a Result, each with a different set of use cases:

  • The examples above use the ok(value) and err(error) utilities, which are aliases for the object instantiations new Ok(value) and new Err(error). These functions are used in the cases when you know what the result is when creating it.
  • The same use case counts for the asyncOk(value) and asyncErr(error) utilities, which are ok(value) and err(error)'s async counterparts, acting as aliases for easily creating AsyncResult instances.
  • If you are unsure that an external function you're using might throw an error, you can use the resultFromThrowable(() => value) or asyncResultFromThrowable(async () => value) functions. These functions return a Result with the return type of the function as value, and unknown as the error type, just in case it unexpectedly throws an error while executing.
  • If you have serialized a Result and want to deserialize it, you can use resultFromSerialized or asyncResultFromSerialized.
  • If you have a set of results you'd like to combine into one, use the resultFromResults(resultA, resultB, ...) utility function. This either returns a result with an array of all given result values, or the first encountered error.

Method Overview

Result provides a wide variety of convenience methods that make working with it more succinct.

Querying the contained value

  • isOk and isErr are true if the Result is ok or err, respectively.
  • isOkAnd and isErrAnd return true if the Result is ok or err, respectively, and the value inside of it matches a predicate.
  • inspect and inspectErr peek into the Result if it is ok or err, respectively.

Extracting the contained value

These methods extract the contained value from a Result<T, E> when it is the ok variant. If the Result is err:

  • expect throws the provided custom message.
  • unwrap throws a generic error.
  • unwrapOr returns the provided default value.
  • unwrapOrElse returns the result of evaluating the provided function.

These methods extract the contained value from a Result<T, E> when it is the err variant. If the Result is ok:

  • expectErr throws the provided custom message.
  • unwrapErr throws the success value.

Transforming the contained value

  • ok transforms Result<T, E> into Option<T>, mapping ok(value) to some(value) and err(error) to none.
  • err transforms Result<T, E> into Option<E>, mapping err(error) to some(error) and ok(value) to none.
  • transpose transforms a Result of an Option into an Option of a Result
  • flatten removes at most one level of nesting from a Result<Result<T, E>, E>.
  • map transforms Result<T, E> into Result<U, E> by applying the provided function to the contained value of ok and leaving err values unchanged.
  • mapErr transforms Result<T, E> into Result<T, F> by applying the provided function to the contained value of err and leaving ok values unchanged.
  • mapOr transforms Result<T, E> into U by applying the provided function to the contained value of ok, or returns the provided default value if the Result is err.
  • mapOrElse transforms a Result<T, E> into U by applying the provided function to the contained value of ok, or applies the provided default fallback function to the contained value of err.

Boolean operators

These methods treat the Result as a boolean value, where ok acts like true and err acts like false.

  • and and or take another Result as input, and produce a Result as output.
  • andThen and orElse take a function as input, and only lazily evaluate the function when they need to produce a new value.

Rust syntax utilities

Because we are not actually working with Rust, we are missing some essential syntax to work with the Result monad. These methods attempt to emulate some of this syntax.

  • match allows you to pattern match on both variants of a Result.
  • serialize reduces the Result object to a simple, type-safe object literal.

If you have an idea on how to approach emulating Rust's question mark syntax, if let syntax, or other Rust language features that are not easily achieved in Typescript, feel free to open an issue.


A TypeScript optional value handling paradigm using an Option monad.

The type Option<T> represents an optional value. It has the following variants:

  • some(value: T), representing the presence of a value;
  • none, representing the absence of a value.

Functions return Option whenever the absence of a value is a normal, expected part of the function's behaviour (e.g. initial values, optional function parameters, return values for functions that are not defined over their entire input range). It signifies that having no value is a routine possibility, not necessarily a problem or error. For those cases, have a look at the Result monad.

A simple function returning Option might be defined like so:

import { type Option, some, none } from '@quintal/monads';

// `Option` is an explicit part of the function declaration, making it clear to the
// consumer that this function may return nothing.
function safeDivide(numerator: number, denominator: number): Option<number> {
  if (denominator === 0) return none;
  return some(numerator / denominator);

// Pattern match the result, forcing the user to account for both the some and none state.
const message = safeDivide(10, 0).match({
  some: (value) => `The value is: ${value}`,
  none: () => 'Dividing by 0 is undefined',

Method Overview

Option provides a wide variety of convenience methods that make working with it more succinct.

Querying the contained value

  • isSome and isNone are true if the Option is some or none respectively.
  • isSomeAnd returns true if the Option is some and the value inside of it matches a predicate.
  • inspect peeks into the Option if it is some.

Extracting the contained value

These methods extract the contained value from an Option<T> when it is the some variant. If the Option is none:

  • expect throws the provided custom message.
  • unwrap throws a generic error.
  • unwrapOr returns the provided default value.
  • unwrapOrElse returns the result of evaluating the provided function.

Transforming the contained value

  • okOr transforms Option<T> into Result<T, E>, mapping some(value) to ok(value) and none to err using the provided default err value.
  • okOrElse transforms Option<T> into Result<T, E>, mapping some(value) to ok(value) and none to a value of err using the provided function.
  • transpose transforms an Option of a Result into a Result of an Option.
  • flatten removes at most one level of nesting from an Option<Option<T>>.
  • map transforms Option<T> into Option<U> by applying the provided function to the contained value of some and leaving none values unchanged.
  • mapOr transforms Option<T> into U by applying the provided function to the contained value of some, or returns the provided default value if the Option is none.
  • mapOrElse transforms Option<T> into U by applying the provided function to the contained value of some, or returns the result of evaluating the provided fallback function if the Option is none.
  • filter calls the provided predicate function on the contained value of some, and returns some(value) if the function returns true; otherwise, returns none.
  • zip returns some([s, o]) if it is some(s) and the provided Option value is some(o); otherwise, returns none.
  • zipWith calls the provided function f and returns some(f(s, o)) if it is some(s) and the provided Option value is some(o); otherwise, returns none.
  • unzip "unzips" itself, meaning that if it is some([a, b]), this method returns [some(a), some(b)], otherwise, [none, none] is returned.

Boolean operators

These methods treat the Option as a boolean value, where some acts like true and none acts like false.

  • and, or, and xor take another Option as input, and produce an Option as output.
  • andThen and orElse take a function as input, and only lazily evaluate the function when they need to produce a new value.

Rust syntax utilities

Because we are not actually working with Rust, we are missing some essential syntax to work with the Option monad. These methods attempt to emulate some of this syntax.

  • match allows you to pattern match on both variants of an Option.
  • serialize reduces the Option object to a simple, type-safe object literal.

If you have an idea on how to approach emulating Rust's question mark syntax, if let syntax, or other Rust language features that are not easily achieved in Typescript, feel free to open an issue.


Though it is not a fork, this implementation draws prior work from Sniptt's monads package and Supermacro's neverthrow package. I was very inspired by their work and the issues the community filed to these repositories.

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