
1.2.2 • Public • Published

Galleon Attributes ⚓

A simple yet powerful tool for Webflow Pirates to create dynamic content using data attributes.

🚧 Galleon Attributes is currently in beta. 🚧

Ahoy there! Welcome aboard! 🏴‍☠️

Galleon Attributes helps you create dynamic, data-driven websites without sailing into the treacherous waters of complex code. Made for Webflow, but works with any tool that supports data attributes.

The Treasure This Tool Provides 💎

  • Data Binding: Easily connect your HTML elements to data sources
  • Webflow-Friendly: Designed specifically for Webflow projects
  • No Heavy Coding Required: Perfect for the low-code/no-code sailors
  • Lightweight: Won't slow down your ship (website)

Set Sail ⛵ (Quick Start)

Add the Galleon Script

Add the following to your Webflow project's Site Settings > Custom Code > Head Code:


Screenshot of adding the script into Site Settings > Custom Code > Head Code

Test Galleon Attributes

Start by using our test APIs to get the hang of it.

  1. Select a container element to hold the data

    ➕ Add attribute gl-get with value https://galleon.tools/v1/queen.
    💡 It will fetch the data from the url and make it available to the element and its childrens.

    Screenshot of adding the attribute called "gl-get" with the value of the test API endpoint

  2. Select a multiline text child of the container element

    ➕ Add attribute gl-bind with value name.
    💡 It will bind the text content of the element to the bio property of the data.

    Screenhsot of adding the attribute named "gl-bind" with the value "bio"

  3. Select an image child of the container element

    ➕ Add attribute gl-bind-src with value avatar.url.
    💡 It will bind the src attribute of the element to the avatar.url property of the data.

    ➕ Add attribute gl-bind-alt with value avatar.alt.
    💡 It will bind the alt attribute of the element to the avatar.alt property of the data.

    Screenhsot of adding the attributes named "gl-bind-src" and "gl-bind-alt"

  4. Select a link child of the container element

    ➕ Add attribute gl-iterate with value socials.
    💡 It will iterate over the socials property of the data and create a copy of the element for each item.

    ➕ Add attribute gl-bind-href with value url.
    💡 It will bind the href attribute of the element to the url property of the socials item data.

    ➕ Add attribute gl-bind with value label.
    💡 It will bind set the inner html content (text) of the element to the label property of the socials item data.

    Screenshot of adding the attributes named "gl-iterate", "gl-bind-href" and "gl-bind"

  5. Publish your changes and see the magic happen!

    Screenshot of the final result

Treasure Map (User Guide)


The Attributes

Attribute Purpose Example
gl-get Fetches JSON data from an endpoint <div gl-get="/api/data.json">
gl-bind Binds element's text content to a data property <h1 gl-bind="title">Title</h1>
gl-bind-[attr] Binds specific attributes to data properties <img gl-bind-src="image.url">
gl-iterate Iterates through array items <li gl-iterate="items">
gl-auth-token Authentication source and key <div gl-auth-token="local:userToken">

gl-bind, gl-bind-[attr] and gl-iterate

  • Properties: Access properties with dot notation, such as user.profile.name
  • Array Indexing: Access specific items with property[index] syntax, such as socials[0].url


You can authenticate API requests using the gl-auth-token attribute with a concise format:

<div gl-get="/api/private-data" gl-auth-token="local:userToken"></div>

The format is source:key where:

  • source can be local (localStorage), session (sessionStorage), query (URL query parameter), or omitted for global scope
  • key is the name of your token variable


  • gl-auth-token="local:userToken" - Get token from localStorage with key "userToken"
  • gl-auth-token="session:apiKey" - Get token from sessionStorage with key "apiKey"
  • gl-auth-token="query:token" - Get token from URL query parameter with key "token"
  • gl-auth-token="authToken" - Use a global variable named "authToken"
  • gl-auth-token="Outseta.getAccessToken()" - Use a global function named "getAccessToken" from the "Outseta" SDK

Important: When gl-auth-token is specified but no valid value is found, the request will be skipped. This helps prevent failed API requests to protected endpoints.

Multiple Auth Sources

You can specify multiple auth sources in a single gl-auth-token attribute using comma-separated values. The system will try each source in order and use the first one that has a valid value:

  gl-auth-token="query:token, local:authToken, session:apiKey, ThirdParty.getToken()"

This will first check for a URL query parameter named "token", then a value in localStorage under the key "authToken", then a value in sessionStorage under the key "apiKey", and finally a value from a global function named "getToken" from the "ThirdParty" SDK. The first source to return a truthy value will be used.

Global Scope

// Auth value in global scope
window.myAuthToken = "a-unique-token";

<div gl-get="/api/data" gl-auth-token="myAuthToken"></div>;
// Auth function in global scope
window.getMyToken = function () {
  return "your-custom-token";

<div gl-get="/api/data" gl-auth-token="getMyToken()"></div>;

For global scope, you can also use nested paths to access properties and methods on objects (or more usually SDKs).

// Nested object with a token property in global scope
window.Auth = {
  token: "your-custom-token",

<div gl-get="/api/data" gl-auth-token="Auth.token"></div>;
// Nested object with auth method in global scope
window.Auth = {
  getToken: function () {
    return "your-custom-token";

<div gl-get="/api/data" gl-auth-token="Auth.getToken()"></div>;
// With Outseta script and configuration already in place

<div gl-get="/api/data" gl-auth-token="Outseta.getAccessToken()"></div>

The Galleon Tools

Galleon Attributes will be a part a larger Galleon fleet, aiming to unlock user data for Webflow Pirates:

  • Galleon Gateway: Fetch personalized content from tools like Airtable, Notion, Google Sheets, etc.
  • Galleon ???: Pitch your user data needs!

Join the Voyage

Captain's Log (License)

MIT © Queen Raae




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  • raae