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1.1.5 • Public • Published

Raisins Core

Raisins in a WYSIWYG visual editor for HTML and web components. The core package provides utility functions that are used to validate the HTML being edited and provide additional data, such as parent / child slot validation, locations for moving a node from one location to another, and more.

Available Functions

Function description Returns
htmlSerializer Renders a DOM node or an array of DOM nodes to a string string
htmlParser Parses HTML into a RaisinDocumentNode RaisinDocumentNode
isNodeWithChildren Determines whether the node has any children boolean
isElementNode Determines if the given node is an HTML element boolean
isRoot Determines if the given node is the root element boolean
isStyleNode Determines if the given node is a style element boolean
isTextNode Determines if the given node is a text-only node boolean
isCommentNode Determines if the given node is an HTML comment boolean
isDirectiveNode Determines if the given node is a directive (eg. <!doctype ...>) boolean
getSlots Returns the available slots based on a node and metadata NodeWithSlots | undefined
doesChildAllowParent Given a tag's metadata, checks if it allows children boolean
doesParentAllowChild Given a child and it's parent's metadata, checks if the parent will allow the child to be embedded boolean
isNodeAllowed Given two nodes and their metadata, check each side to determine if the parent allows the child, and the child allows the parent boolean
validateNode Given a node and its meta, return errors of any type ErrorStack
validateChildConstraints Given a node and its meta, return errors if either of the parent or child are in an invalid position ErrorStack
validateAttributes Given a node and its meta, return errors if any attributes have invalid values ErrorStack
generateJsonPointers Generate a set of JSON Pointers for all descendents of a RaisinNode WeakMap<RaisinNode, string>
getSubErrors Given a JSON Pointer, return any errors that are descendants of the node at the given pointer ErrorStack
hasSubErrors Given a JSON Pointer, return true if there are any descendants of the node at the given pointer boolean
removeError Given a JSON Pointer, remove the error at that path and return a new list of errors ErrorStack
calculatePlopTargets Given a parent RaisinNode, a potential plop target as a RaisinNode and any metadata, return a PlopTarget for each valid position PlopTarget[]
getNode Given the root node and a NodePath, return the RaisinNode RaisinNode
getPath Given the root node and a descendant node, return a NodePath if it's found NodePath | undefined
cssSerializer Converts a plain CSS node AST into a css string string
cssParser Parses a CSS expression and returns a pure js object AST representation of the content CssNodePlain
cssSelector Given a RaisinDocumentNode and a css query string, return all matches found as RaisinElementNode[] RaisinElementNode[]

Other Exports

  • HTMLComponents
    • Mappings for all HTML Elements as CustomElements for use in the raisins ecosystem
  • DefaultTextMarks
    • An array of all HTML Elements that should be treated as text nodes for editing purposes
  • htmlUtil
    • A library of HTML Utility functions
  • cssUtil
    • A library of CSS Utility functions




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