
1.7.0 • Public • Published

RPF Design System - React

The React implementation of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Design System


Design System links:

Foo Foo
Foo Foo


Using yarn:

yarn add @raspberrypifoundation/design-system-react



asdf install

Enable corepack, which adds the yarn binary to your path

corepack enable

Install packages:


Run Storybook:

yarn run storybook


Run the tests with yarn run test.

Working with a local version of design-system-core

Sometimes you may want to work on design-system-core and design-system-react at the same time. You can do this by working with your local version of core using yarn link.

  1. In your design-system-react repo and tell the application to use your local version of design-system-core. In this command ../design-system-core should be replaced with the path to your copy of design-system-core.
yarn link ../design-system-core

The output should look include something like

➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step
➤ YN0085: │ + @raspberrypifoundation/design-system-core@portal:/Users/testy.mctestface/path/to/design-system-core::locator=%40raspberrypifoundation%2Fdesign-system-react%40workspace%3A.
➤ YN0085: │ - @raspberrypifoundation/design-system-core@npm:1.4.0
➤ YN0000: └ Completed
  1. Set NODE_OPTIONS=--preserve-symlinks, to make sure the local version of design-system-core is being used.
export NODE_OPTIONS="$NODE_OPTIONS --preserve-symlinks"
  1. Re-start storybook
yarn run storybook


If you are experiencing issues and believe design-system-react is not using your local version of design-system-core, or if you are running into issues running yarn link, try the following:

  • Check that design-system-react and design-system-core are both using the same nodejs version in .tool_versions. If they are not, update the node version(s) in .tool_versions locally and retry the steps above. If this was the issues / the nodejs versions are not the same, consider creating a PR to bring them in-line.

  • Make sure the NODE_OPTIONS=--preserve-symlinks is set in the same terminal (i.e. shell instance) as Storybook, and that Storybook has been restarted.

  • Ask in the design-system Slack channel.

Node versions

We've two places where the NodeJS version is specified, and we should keep these in-sync. The .tool-versions is used for local development, installed via asdf. The .nvmrc is used in the CI/publish Github action, and the Cloudflare pages build process. If you change one, please change t'other.


Create a new release:

  • Use yarn version -i minor to increment the version in package.json. You can also use major or patch instead of minor here.
  • Update the changelog
  • Commit and push to a branch, and open a PR for review.

Make a cuppa while a peer reviews the release.

  • Once approved, merge your PR to main
  • Click 'Draft a new release'
  • Type the version in the dropdown and click 'Create new tag'
  • Add a title and some notes about what the release contains
  • Click 'Publish release' (leave 'Set as latest release' checked) and a build will be kicked off

Once published

  • Add new version to package.json in your app

Using Docker





Package Sidebar


npm i @raspberrypifoundation/design-system-react

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  • raspberry-pi
  • jamesmead
  • greg-rpf