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0.4.0 • Public • Published

@rat.md / rollup-plugin-sass - Rollup SASS Extension

A SASS / SCSS Compiler and Bundler Plugin for rollup, especially designed for our own rat and tail products and packages. It supports source maps, relative source map source URLs, separate stylesheets for middleware developers and many more neat features.

This package is inspired by thgh/rollup-plugin-scss, but is designed especially for package developers, who want to provide multiple stylesheets for their products and packages.

Differences to thgh/rollup-plugin-scss v2 / v3

  • Support for SourceMaps (+ relative SourceMap Source URLs).
  • Support for separate but also bundled stylesheets.
  • Uses the Rollup Native assets environment and a bunch of configurations.
  • Adds a few more options, such as banner and footer.
  • Requires node.js version 14.13.0 or above.
  • Written in TypeScript.
  • Does not support using other SASS libraries (DartSASS is the only supported lib).
  • Fails on error per default.
  • Skipping SASS imports must be done with .skip() instead of output: false.


  • Tested with Rollup 3.x only

Get the latest version of our Rat SASS Rollup Plugin using npm or yarn:

npm install --save-dev @rat.md/rollup-plugin-sass
yarn add --dev @rat.md/rollup-plugin-sass


The @rat.md/rollup-plugin-sass package exports 3 rollup plugins:

  • .build(), the main SASS compiler / handler
  • .output(), an additional output plugin handler
  • .skip(), an SASS import skipper / ignore handler

The .build() plugin can only be used in the outer scoped plugins configuration object and will take over the whole SASS handling including the output generation / bundling, unless the additional .output() plugin is available in the inner scoped output.plugins configuration set. This allows you to generate different CSS stylesheets on all your defined outputs, ex.: creating a minified and unminified stylesheet.

The additional .skip() handler can also only be used in the outer space plugins object and allows to just strip all respective style-imports.

Usage of .build()

The .build() plugin does the main magic and also generates the desired output directly, unless the .output() plugin is passed in the inner scoped output.plugins rollup definition.

import rat from '@rat.md/rollup-plugin-sass';

export default {
    input: 'src/index.js',
    output: {
        file: 'dist/script.js',
        format: 'cjs'
    plugins: [

Usage of .output()

The .output() plugin allows you to adapt the css compilation per rollup output definition and can ONLY be used together with .build() as outer-scoped plugin.

import rat from '@rat.md/rollup-plugin-sass';
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser';

export default {
    input: 'src/index.js',
    output: [
            file: 'dist/script.js',
            format: 'cjs',
            plugins: [
                    /* Provide output-related options */
            file: 'dist/script.min.js',
            format: 'cjs',
            plugins: [
                rat.output(/* Provide output-related options */ {
                    outputStyle: 'compressed'
    plugins: [
        rat.build(/* Provide Basic options */)

Usage of .skip()

The .skip() package will just ignore all stylesheet imports, useful if you need to export multiple versions of your JavaScript on multiple rollup definitions, without re-compiling the same stylesheets again.

import rat from '@rat.md/rollup-plugin-sass';

export default [
        input: 'src/index.js',
        output: {
            file: 'dist/script.js',
            format: 'cjs'
        plugins: [
        input: 'src/index.js',
        output: {
            file: 'dist/script.js',
            format: 'es'
        plugins: [



Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: string | (name: string) => string

Adds an additional banner on top of your (bundled) stylesheets. You can use either a hardcoded string (don't forget to use the comment syntax) or a function, which receives the current stylesheet filename and which MUST return a string.


Available for: .build()
Types: boolean

The rat.sass rollup plugin doesn't bundle your stylesheets per default, so each included SASS or SCSS file within your JavaScript or TypeScript project will be compiled into an own file. This option allows you to force the bundeling of all included stylesheets into one single .css file, including one single SourceMap too, of course.


Available for: .build() and .skip()
Types: picomatch

Rollup filter configuration: A valid picomatch pattern, or array of patterns. If options.include is omitted or has a length of zero, filter will return true by default. Otherwise, an ID must match one or more of the picomatch patterns, and must not match any of the options.exclude patterns.


Available for: .build()
Types: string | (name: string, id: string) => string

Allows you to overwrite the default used rollup.assetFileNames option, which defines where and with which name scheme the stylesheets will be stored / bundled. This option allows you to use the following placeholders:

  • [extname]: The file extension without leading dot: css or min.css
  • [name]: The name of the imported stylesheet without any extension

Keep in mind, that this cannot be a relative or absolute path (see rollup#3507). The according files will be written within the bundled root directory, which is defined by output.dir. If you're using output.file you should consider to switch to output.dir with output.entryFileNames instead which leads to the same result when used correctly.


Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: string | (name: string) => string

Adds an additional footer on the bottom of your (bundled) stylesheets but BEFORE the sourceMapUrl comment. You can use either a hardcoded string (don't forget to use the comment syntax) or a function, which receives the current stylesheet filename and which MUST return a string.


Available for: .build() and .skip()
Types: picomatch

Rollup filter configuration: A valid picomatch pattern, or array of patterns. If options.include is omitted or has zero length, filter will return true by default. Otherwise, an ID must match one or more of the picomatch patterns, and must not match any of the options.exclude patterns.


Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: boolean

True will automatically turn .css extensions into .min.css if the outputStyle option is set to compressed, which is really helpful for bundle generations on 2-styled outputs.


Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: string | (name: string) => string

Adds additional SASS / SCSS / CSS content to each stylesheet, before they get compiled. Very useful to add some variables or mixins. You can use either a hardcoded string or a function, which receives the current stylesheet filename and which MUST return the prefix content as string.


Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: (file: OutputAsset, config: RatSassOutputConfig, options: OutputOptions, bundle: OutputBundle) => OutputAsset

Adds a hook on the top of the main generateBundle method, which allows you to modify the output asset.


Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: (file: OutputAsset, config: RatSassOutputConfig, options: OutputOptions, bundle: OutputBundle) => OutputAsset

Adds a hook on the bottom of the main generateBundle method, which allows you to modify the output asset.


Available for: .build() and .output()
Types: boolean | string | (url: string) => string

Allows you to turn the absolute paths, generated by the DartSASS sourcemap generator, into relative ones. You can either pass true, which will autodetect a relative path considering the sourceMapRoot option if passed, false to keep the absolute paths, a fixed string which will be used to replace the absolute part of the URL with the relative one or a function, which receives the absolute URLs and should return the relative ones as string.

Using true will also replace the inital stdin (used for the main imported stylesheet files) with the stylesheet relative path itself. Beware, that your callback function will receive the stdin input as well.


Available for: .build()
Types: string | string[]

You can pass a single or multiple file or directory paths to be monitored in watch mode, which triggers the rollup build function on each change of these files.

SASS Configuration

Available for: .build() and .output()

The following SASS options are available on the latest published version, keep in mind that rat.sass uses DartSass and is not compatible nor configurable for the NodeSass, LibSass or RubySass packages.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


This option should be avoided whenever possible, since rat.sass pushes this option based on the used rollup configuration. Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


The default value for this option is based on the output.compact rollup configuration. Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


The default value for this option is based on the output.sourcemap rollup configuration. Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


The default value for this option is based on the output.sourcemapExcludeSources rollup configuration. Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


The default value for this option is based on the output.sourcemap rollup configuration. Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.


Check out the related SASS Docs for more information.

Copyright & License

Written by SamBrishes <sam@rat.md> - rat.md.

Published under the MIT license
Copyright © 2021 - 2023 rat.md <info@rat.md>.
Copyright © 2020 - 2021 pytesNET <info@pytes.net>.

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  • sambrishes
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