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React Keycloak

React Keycloak

React bindings for Keycloak

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Table of Contents


React Keycloak requires:

  • React 16.8 or later
  • keycloak-js 9.0.2 or later
yarn add @react-keycloak/web


npm install --save @react-keycloak/web

Getting Started

Setup Keycloak instance

Create a keycloak.js file in the src folder of your project (where App.js is located) with the following content

import Keycloak from 'keycloak-js'

// Setup Keycloak instance as needed
// Pass initialization options as required or leave blank to load from 'keycloak.json'
const keycloak = new Keycloak()

export default keycloak

Setup KeycloakProvider

Wrap your App inside ReactKeycloakProvider and pass the keycloak instance as prop

import { ReactKeycloakProvider } from '@react-keycloak/web'

import keycloak from './keycloak'

// Wrap everything inside KeycloakProvider
const App = () => {
  return <ReactKeycloakProvider authClient={keycloak}>...</ReactKeycloakProvider>

N.B. If your using other providers (such as react-redux) it is recommended to place them inside ReactKeycloakProvider.

ReactKeycloakProvider automatically invokes keycloak.init() method when needed and supports the following props:

  • initOptions, contains the object to be passed to keycloak.init() method, by default the following is used

      onLoad: 'check-sso',

    for more options see Keycloak docs.

  • LoadingComponent, a component to be displayed while keycloak is being initialized, if not provided child components will be rendered immediately. Defaults to null

  • isLoadingCheck, an optional loading check function to customize LoadingComponent display condition. Return true to display LoadingComponent, false to hide it.

    Can be implemented as follow

    ;(keycloak) => !keycloak.authenticated
  • onEvent, an handler function that receives events launched by keycloak, defaults to null.

    It can be implemented as follow

    ;(event, error) => {
      console.log('onKeycloakEvent', event, error)

    Published events are:

    • onReady
    • onInitError
    • onAuthSuccess
    • onAuthError
    • onAuthRefreshSuccess
    • onAuthRefreshError
    • onTokenExpired
    • onAuthLogout
  • onTokens, an handler function that receives keycloak tokens as an object every time they change, defaults to null.

    Keycloak tokens are returned as follow

      "idToken": string,
      "refreshToken": string,
      "token": string

Hook Usage

When a component requires access to Keycloak, you can use the useKeycloak Hook.

import { useKeycloak } from '@react-keycloak/web'

export default () => {
  // Using Object destructuring
  const { keycloak, initialized } = useKeycloak()

  // Here you can access all of keycloak methods and variables.
  // See https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/securing_apps/index.html#javascript-adapter-reference

  return (
      <div>{`User is ${
        !keycloak.authenticated ? 'NOT ' : ''

      {!!keycloak.authenticated && (
        <button type="button" onClick={() => keycloak.logout()}>

External Usage (Advanced)

If you need to access keycloak instance from non-React files (such as sagas, utils, providers ...), you can import the instance directly from the keycloak.js file.

The instance will be initialized by react-keycloak but you'll need to be carefull when using the instance and avoid setting/overriding any props, you can however freely access the exposed methods (such as refreshToken, login, etc...).


See inside examples folder of @react-keycloak/react-keycloak-examples repository for various demo implementing this library main features.

Guides and Articles


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



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