A TypeSCript library to check the favicon of a website. This library is used by the favicon checker of RealFaviconGenerator.
The checker analyzes an HTML page to produce a report, platform per platform (desktop, iOS, Web app manifest). The report contains logs, warnings and errors messages, along with the icons themselves.
npm install @realfavicongenerator/check-favicon node-html-parser
import { parse } from 'node-html-parser'
import { checkDesktopFavicon, checkTouchIcon, checkWebAppManifest } from '@realfavicongenerator/check-favicon'
const body = fs.readFileSync('some_page.html');
const root = parse(body);
const head = root.querySelector('head');
const desktopFaviconReport = await checkDesktopFavicon(pageUrl, head);
const touchIconFaviconReport = await checkTouchIcon(pageUrl, head);
const webAppManifestFaviconReport = await checkWebAppManifest(pageUrl, head);
console.log("Analysis and icons", desktopFaviconReport, touchIconFaviconReport, webAppManifestFaviconReport);