Reflaunt lib
The objective of this project is to provide a blockhchain library that can be used easily in every reflaunt project.
This project includes the migration of ERC-721 based token that will become the standard of reflaunt blockchain to emit non-fungible tokens for every products.
To foster conviniences, reflaunt wallets will be derived on the HD wallet that is defined by the creator, the reflaunt user's user id will become the HD wallet last path.
Eg. reflaunt user id 100 and reflaunt is using hd wallet path "m/44'/60'/0'/0/", the wallet will be generated based on the defined mnemonic and path of "m/44'/60'/0'/0/100".
To start, please import it this way
import {ReflauntErc721} from "@reflaunt/reflaunt-erc721";
Next please instatiate the class this way
this.api = new ReflauntErc721({
mnemonic: '...',
nodeUrl: '...'
As we are using ganache to construct a mock node for testing and run it this way
./node_modules/.bin/ganache-cli -m 'blame left final crime wing curious actual light drip trip patient daughter' -p 9988
then run
jest test
This library do not cover the authentication and the security is solely based on the caller mnemonic key and closed within the hd wallet ecosystem.
Contract address
- ROPSTEN: 0xD64F081BF118e17338297F2B3Fdf301dF6874997
- SOKOL: 0xfF2Bb1588f44382337a4b328AFB4fc943ddc8b14
Check it out at:
Current Parameters
ROPSTEN_MNEMONIC = 'blame left final crime wing curious actual light drip trip patient daughter'
SOKOL_MNEMONIC = 'blame left final crime wing curious actual light drip trip patient daughter'
DOCKER_MNEMONIC = 'blame left final crime wing curious actual light drip trip patient daughter'
DOCKER_NODE_URL = 'http://testrpc:9988'
Continuous integration
git tag $(VERSION_NO eg. 0.0.3)
git push origin master --tags