GraphQL Codegen plugin and preset which generate both the GraphQL type definitions and a few convenienece methods for useage with Optimizely Graph Client.
To install using Yarn, use the following command:
yarn add --dev @remkoj/optimizely-graph-functions
Create a codegen.ts within your application root folder (e.g. apps/frontend/codegen.ts within the example site). Within the codegen.ts create the following configuration:
import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'
import getSchemaInfo from '@remkoj/optimizely-graph-client/codegen'
import OptimizelyGraphPreset, {type PresetOptions as OptimizelyGraphPresetOptions} from '@remkoj/optimizely-graph-functions/preset'
// This example assumes the configuration can be read from the environment variables, make sure .env files (if you use them) are processed prior to invoking getSchemaInfo()
// Create the configuration itself
const config: CodegenConfig = {
schema: getSchemaInfo(),
documents: [
// Add local GQL files
// Add Definitions from components
generates: {
'./src/gql/': {
preset: OptimizelyGraphPreset,
presetConfig: {
// By default the preset will not support recursive queries,
// however if your content model requires it, you can enable
// it here.
// When setting recursion to `true` it requires additional
// steps to work
recursion: false,
// The GQL tag to be used to identify inline GraphQL queries
gqlTagName: 'gql',
// Configure the fragments that will be spread into the utility
// partial fragments. You can use any fragment here, however
// the system is designed for the following receiving
// fragments:
// - PageData => For all page-level components
// - BlockData => For everyting that can be rendered as
// individual component
// - ElementData => For all element types that are useable
// within Visual Builder
injections: [
// Add from all Pages, as .page.graphql file
into: "PageData",
pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.page\.graphql$"
// Add from all Experiences, as .experience.graphql file
into: "PageData",
pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.experience\.graphql$"
// Add from all Blocks, as .component.graphql file
into: "BlockData",
pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.component\.graphql$"
// Add from all Elements, as .element.graphql file
into: "ElementData",
pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.element\.graphql$"
} as OptimizelyGraphPresetOptions
ignoreNoDocuments: false
export default config
The presetConfig of the OptimizelyGraphPreset
is an extension of the configuration for the Client Preset of GraphQL Codegen. It adds the following configuration options:
Configuration option | Usage |
recursion | Set to true to automatically generate recursive queries to iterate down the result.The default logic of GraphQL Codegen contains an infite loop when disabling the recursion check. To patch this, a custom resolution must be added to the root package.json . This resolution must set the resolution for @graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common to the patched file provided within this repository
injections | A set of rules to define how individual fragments will be used to construct the master queries. Each rule has the following options: - into : The name of the Fragment to inject into- pathRegex : The regular expression to be applied ot the file name to see if the fragment should be included with the into Fragment- nameRegex : The regular expression to be applied to the name of the Fragment |
documents | The standard rules for preset specific documents, however there are four standard documents available: - opti-cms:/queries/13 (included by default)- opti-cms:/queries/12 - opti-cms:/fragments/13 (included by default)- opti-cms:/fragments/12 The defaults are only applied when there's no document starting with opti-cms: defined
functions | The list of GraphQL Functions that should be made available in the functions.ts file. When specified, this overrides the default list.Default value: ['getContentType','getContentByPath','getContentById']
verbose | Set to true to enable debugging output of the preset, loader, plugin and transform |
After running the code generation, you can use the following API's (assuming the folder where the generated files are stored is available at @/gql
Only the methods specified by the functions
preset configuration are available using this method.
import { getContentById, getContentByPath } from "@/gql/functions"
import createClient from "@remkoj/optimizely-graph-client"
const client = createClient({
single_key: "your single key here"
const contentFromId = await getContentById(client, { guidValue: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', locale: 'en' })
const contentFromPath = await getContentByPath(client, { path: '/en' })
All GraphQL operations (e.g. Queries, Mutations, ...) defined within the documents are available using this method.
import { getSdk } from "@/gql/client"
import createClient from "@remkoj/optimizely-graph-client"
const client = getSdk(createClient({
single_key: "your single key here"
const contentId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
const locale = Schema.Locales.En
const contentItem = await client.getContentById({ guidValue: contentId, locale })
The preset automatically injects a number of fragments and documents into the generated code. These can be found in their respective document: