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4.2.0 • Public • Published

Optimizely GraphQL Codegen Plugin

GraphQL Codegen plugin and preset which generate both the GraphQL type definitions and a few convenienece methods for useage with Optimizely Graph Client.

[!WARNING] Version 4.1 Requires a new build of the patched Visitor Plugin Common package from GraphQL Codegen. See instructions below on updating/installing this patched version.

Install package

To install using Yarn, use the following command:

yarn add --dev @remkoj/optimizely-graph-functions
yarn patch-codegen

Some updates will include a newer version of the patched Visitor Plugin Common package from GraphQL Codegen. After applying the update to this package, rerun yarn patch-codegen to download and apply the latest version.

Configure package

Create a codegen.ts within your application root folder (e.g. apps/frontend/codegen.ts within the example site). Within the codegen.ts create the following configuration:

import type { CodegenConfig  } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'
import getSchemaInfo from '@remkoj/optimizely-graph-client/codegen'
import OptimizelyGraphPreset, {type PresetOptions as OptimizelyGraphPresetOptions}  from '@remkoj/optimizely-graph-functions/preset'

// This example assumes the configuration can be read from the environment variables, make sure .env files (if you use them) are processed prior to invoking getSchemaInfo()

// Create the configuration itself
const config: CodegenConfig = {
    schema: getSchemaInfo(),
    documents: [
        // Add local GQL files

        // Add Definitions from components
    generates: {
        './src/gql/': {
            preset: OptimizelyGraphPreset,
            presetConfig: {
                // By default the preset will not support recursive queries, 
                // however if your content model requires it, you can enable
                // it here.
                // When setting recursion to `true` it requires additional
                // steps to work
                recursion: false,

                // The GQL tag to be used to identify inline GraphQL queries
                gqlTagName: 'gql',

                // Configure the fragments that will be spread into the utility
                // partial fragments. You can use any fragment here, however 
                // the system is designed for the following receiving 
                // fragments:
                // - PageData => For all page-level components
                // - BlockData => For everyting that can be rendered as
                //                individual component
                // - ElementData => For all element types that are useable
                //                  within Visual Builder
                injections: [
                        // Add from all Pages, as .page.graphql file
                        into: "PageData",
                        pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.page\.graphql$"
                        // Add from all Experiences, as .experience.graphql file
                        into: "PageData",
                        pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.experience\.graphql$"
                        // Add from all Blocks, as .component.graphql file
                        into: "BlockData",
                        pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.component\.graphql$"
                        // Add from all Elements, as .element.graphql file
                        into: "ElementData",
                        pathRegex: "src\/components\/cms\/.*\.element\.graphql$"
            } as OptimizelyGraphPresetOptions
    ignoreNoDocuments: false

export default config

The presetConfig of the OptimizelyGraphPreset is an extension of the configuration for the Client Preset of GraphQL Codegen. It adds the following configuration options:

Configuration option Usage
recursion Set to true to automatically generate recursive queries to iterate down the result.

The default logic of GraphQL Codegen contains an infite loop when disabling the recursion check. To patch this, a custom resolution must be added to the root package.json. This resolution must set the resolution for @graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common to the patched file provided within this repository

A Convenience script: yarn patch-codegen is available to apply these transformations automatically
injections A set of rules to define how individual fragments will be used to construct the master queries. Each rule has the following options:
- into: The name of the Fragment to inject into
- pathRegex: The regular expression to be applied ot the file name to see if the fragment should be included with the into Fragment
- nameRegex: The regular expression to be applied to the name of the Fragment
documents The standard rules for preset specific documents, however there are four standard documents available:
- opti-cms:/queries/13 (included by default)
- opti-cms:/queries/12
- opti-cms:/fragments/13 (included by default)
- opti-cms:/fragments/12
The defaults are only applied when there's no document starting with opti-cms: defined
functions The list of GraphQL Functions that should be made available in the functions.ts file. When specified, this overrides the default list.
Default value: ['getContentType','getContentByPath','getContentById']
verbose Set to true to enable debugging output of the preset, loader, plugin and transform


After running the code generation, you can use the following API's (assuming the folder where the generated files are stored is available at @/gql):

Option 1: Direct methods

Only the methods specified by the functions preset configuration are available using this method.

import { getContentById, getContentByPath } from "@/gql/functions"
import createClient from "@remkoj/optimizely-graph-client"

const client = createClient({
    single_key: "your single key here"

const contentFromId = await getContentById(client, { guidValue: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', locale: 'en' })
const contentFromPath = await getContentByPath(client, { path: '/en' })

Option 2: Enhanced Client

All GraphQL operations (e.g. Queries, Mutations, ...) defined within the documents are available using this method.

import { getSdk } from "@/gql/client"
import createClient from "@remkoj/optimizely-graph-client"

const client = getSdk(createClient({
    single_key: "your single key here"
const contentId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
const locale = Schema.Locales.En

const contentItem = await client.getContentById({ guidValue: contentId, locale })

Query Fragments

The preset automatically injects a number of fragments and documents into the generated code. These can be found in their respective document:




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  • remkoj