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0.7.4 • Public • Published


Using npm:

npm install @retter/sdk

Using yarn:

yarn add @retter/sdk

Using unkpg:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@retter/sdk/bundle/index.js"></script>

You can use global Retter keyword.



Clients should initialize with project id. Instances with same project id always be cached.

import Retter from '@retter/sdk'

const rio = Retter.getInstance(config: RetterClientConfig)

interface RetterClientConfig {
    projectId: string
    rootProjectId?: string
    region?: RetterRegion
    platform?: string
    culture?: string

projectId: Unique id of a project created in retter.io Console

region: Could be euWest1 or euWest1Beta

platform: web, node

culture: tr, en-US, vs....


Retter uses custom token to authenticate. This custom tokens can be given by an action or a cloud object.

await rio.authenticateWithCustomToken('{CUSTOM_TOKEN}')

Authentication statuses can be listened. SDK will fire an event that clients can be subscribe on status change.

rio.authStatus.subscribe((event: RetterAuthChangedEvent) => {

Event gives information about current auth status. Clients can check the authStatus to determine if they need to show login/register pages or not.

interface RetterAuthChangedEvent {
    authStatus: RetterAuthStatus
    identity?: string
    uid?: string
    message?: string

enum RetterAuthStatus {

Cloud Objects

SDK will allow to use Retter Cloud Objects. Clients can subscribe realtime state changes, trigger cloud methods, ...

Firstly, a cloud object must be initilize with classId. Additional config options can be seen in interface below.

const cloudObject = await rio.getCloudObject(config: RetterCloudObjectConfig)

interface RetterCloudObjectConfig {
    classId: string
    key?: {
        name: string
        value: string
    instanceId?: string
    method?: string
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: string
    pathParams?: string
    queryStringParams?: {
        [key: string]: string
    body?: {
        [key: string]: any
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put'
    base64Encode?: boolean // default: true, only get requests

State Subscription

Clients can be subscribe to realtime state (public, user and role states) changes. On first subscription, it gives current state.

cloudObject.state.public.subscribe((state: { [key: string]: any }) => {

cloudObject.state.user.subscribe((state: { [key: string]: any }) => {

cloudObject.state.role.subscribe((state: { [key: string]: any }) => {

Method Calls

Any cloud method can be called via sdk. method parameter must be specified. Other parameters can be seen in interface below.

const response = await cloudObject.call(params: RetterCloudObjectCall)

interface RetterCloudObjectCall {
    method: string
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: string
    queryStringParams?: {
        [key: string]: string
    body?: {
        [key: string]: any
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put' // default: post
    base64Encode?: boolean // default: true, only get requests
    retryConfig: {
        delay?: number // 50ms
        count?: number // 3
        rate?: number // 1.5

Call method will return a response with RetterCallResponse type includes data, status and headers.

Getting State

Clients also access state via method call.

const response = await cloudObject.getState(params: RetterCloudObjectRequest)

interface RetterCloudObjectRequest {
    headers?: {
        [key: string]: string
    queryStringParams?: {
        [key: string]: string
    body?: {
        [key: string]: any
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put'

Get stae method will return a response with RetterCallResponse type includes data<RetterCloudObjectState>, status and headers.

Available Methods

Cloud objects available methods can be accessed on methods array/

const methods = cloudObject.methods: RetterCloudObjectMethod[]

interface RetterCloudObjectMethod {
    tag?: string
    name: string
    sync?: boolean
    readonly?: boolean
    inputModel?: string
    outputModel?: string
    queryStringModel?: string

Instance List

const instanceIds = await cloudObject.listInstances()

Static Calls

make sure using sdk version v0.5.3 or higher

Static method calls can be made via sdk. Getting a cloud object is not necessary. Simple call makeStaticCall method on rio objecty. classId and method parameters must be specified. Other parameters can be seen in interface below.

interface RetterCloudObjectStaticCall {
    classId: string
    method: string
    headers?: { [key: string]: string }
    pathParams?: string
    queryStringParams?: { [key: string]: string }
    httpMethod?: 'get' | 'delete' | 'post' | 'put'
    body?: any
    platform?: string
    culture?: string


import Retter from '@retter/sdk'

const rio = Retter.getInstance(config: RetterClientConfig)

await rio.makeStaticCall({
    classId: 'StaticTest',
    method: 'methodName',




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