TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.4.3 • Public • Published

📦 reverb-package-react

Reverb component kit in React, Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications.

Reverb provides a set of accessible, reusable, and composable React components that make it super easy to create websites and apps.

📄 Using Reverb in a react project

Install the kit package in your react project

yarn add @reverb-ui/react

or, with npm:

npm install @reverb-ui/react

In your entry file (e.g app.tsx) use the theme provider

# app.tsx

import * as React from "react"
import { ThemeProvider, ReverbUITheme } from "@reverb-ui/react"

// Use at the root of your app
function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={ReverbUITheme} resetCSS>
      <App />

Use any component from the library

# MyComponent.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { Button } from '@reverb-ui/react'

const MyComponent = () => <Button colorScheme="blue">Foobar</Button>

🏗️ Getting started in Development

There are two methods for getting started with this repo.

Familiar with Git?

git clone ssh://git@gitlab.rockcontent.com:2222/reverb/package/reverb-package-react.git

or with HTTPS:

git clone https://gitlab.rockcontent.com/reverb/package/reverb-package-react.git


cd reverb-package-react && npm install

Not Familiar with Git?

Click here to download the .zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, then open your terminal, change to the project directory, and:

npm install

👷 Developing

To start the developing run :

npm run start

This will build a version of your library, run the watcher and also run the Storybook.

To open the Storybook manually open your Browser and navigate to http://localhost:6006.

Start developing your components in src/components folder and update the src/index.ts file accordingly.

Always provide an your-component/stories/your-component.stories.tsx file, so your component will show up in the Storybook.

You can refer to example Button component, learn more about working in development on Reverb UI, follow this link;

Creating a new Library

Cleanup the src folder with existing components examples, and add your own components.

Proposals (Babel)

For smoother development some Babel plugin are included

🎨 Styling your components

SCSS and CSS are supported out of the box just import your styles into your component like you normally would do.

For the use of CSS Modules refere to rollup-plugin-postcss

But we indicate that you use styled-components for styling the components.

🧪 Testing

Testing is done with Jest, @testing-library;

You can refer to example.spec.tsx as an example.

npm run test

or (for testing watch)

npm run test:watch

or (for getting coverage)

npm run test:coverage

🚨 Linting

Linting is set up through ESLint and configured with eslint-config-tsdx;

You can modify linting rules by overriding them in the .eslintrc file.

npm run lint

or (for for automatic fixing if possible)

npm run lint:fix

🚀 Publishing your library to NPM

To release your library to NPM or your private Registry, make sure you have an active account at NPM, your .npmrc file is correctly setup and the repository url in package.json file is set to your repository url, then:

npm run release

Or you only need create a new tag and push the new tag to remote repository, the pipeline will do all the hard work here from compiling a new bundle, creating a new storybook build, publishing the new library version to NPM, and publishing the new storybook build to AWS.

According to the .terraform configuration;

Example create new tag:

git tag -a v1.0.1 -m “Release new component”

Now let's check if a tag was created and send it to the remote repository:

git show v1.0.1 && git push origin v1.0.1

Learn more about our git flow, follow this link

🎨 Storybook

For custom layouts, styling, controls, addons and more information about the Storybook please refer to React Storybook documentation.

📝 Scripts

  • npm run start : Only serves the Storybook.
  • npm run build : Builds your library (build can be found in dist folder).
  • npm run build:storybook : Builds the static Storybook in case you want to deploy it.
  • npm run test : Runs the tests.
  • npm run test:coverage: Runs the test and shows the coverage.
  • npm run test:watch: Runs the test and watch the files test.
  • npm run lint : Runs the linter, TypeScript TypeCheck and StyleLint.
  • npm run lint:fix : Runs the linter, TypeScript TypeCheck and StyleLint and fixes automatic fixable issues.
  • npm run eslint: Runs only the JavaScript linter.
  • npm run eslint:fix: Runs only the JavaScript linter and fixes automatic fixable issues.
  • npm run stylelint: Runs only the style linter.
  • npm run stylelint:fix: Runs only the style linter and fixes automatic fixable issues.
  • npm run check-types: Runs typescript type checker.
  • npm run release : Publishes your Library on NPM or your private Registry (depending on your config in your .npmrc file).

🏷️ Resources


Code Formatter

React Storybook

Testing Components

Code Linting

Code Compiler




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npm i @reverb-ui/react

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  • services-rockcontent
  • paulo.gontijo
  • felipe.oliveira
  • henriqueweiand
  • rock_engineering