A modern, themable and configurable treeview for React
TODO: In the future I will implement the tests, Cloud CI.
npm install deni-react-treeview --save (React 16)
npm install deni-react-treeview@0.1.13 --save (React 15)
Added to your react component
<TreeView url="https://denifakedata.herokuapp.com/tree/countries" />
For more details: examples
- Cross-Browser.
- Binding to a JSON (locally, remotely and lazy-load)
- Predefined Themes
- Theme Customization
- Events
- Checkboxes
- And so on...
- autoLoad
- lazyLoad
- marginItems
- selectRow
- showCheckbox
- showIcon
- showRoot
- theme
- OnRenderItem
- onBeforeLoad
- onAfterLoad
- onSelectItem
- onExpanded
- onColapsed
- onLazyLoad
- onCheckItem
id: 100,
text: 'Fruits',
children: [
id: 101,
text: 'Orange',
isLeaf: true
id: 102,
text: 'Banana',
isLeaf: true
id: 200,
text: 'Vegetables',
children: [
id: 201,
text: 'Carrot',
isLeaf: true
id: 202,
text: 'Tomato',
isLeaf: true
Denimar de Moraes (denimar@gmail.com) is a full-stack developper at the HBSis IT Solutions, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil.