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Catalog Backend Module for Okta

This is an extension module to the plugin-catalog-backend plugin, providing entity providers to read Okta Group and User objects as Backstage Entities.

To setup the Okta providers you will need an Okta API Token


To install the plugin dependency in your Backstage app, from the root of your project run:

yarn --cwd packages/backend add @roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta

App Config

You will need to configure your okta credentials in the app-config.yaml.

Basic Config via an API Token

      - orgUrl: 'https://tenant.okta.com'
        token: ${OKTA_TOKEN}
            minutes: 5
            minutes: 10
            minutes: 1

OAuth 2.0 Scoped Authentication

Create an OAuth app in Okta. You will need to grant it with the okta.groups.read and okta.users.read scopes as a bare minimum. In the following example the oauth.privateKey may be passed as either a string encoded PEM or stringified JWK.

      - orgUrl: 'https://tenant.okta.com'
          clientId: ${OKTA_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID},
          keyId: ${OKTA_OAUTH_KEY_ID},
          privateKey: ${OKTA_OAUTH_PRIVATE_KEY},
            minutes: 5
            minutes: 10
            minutes: 1

Note: keyId is optional but must be passed when using a PEM as the privateKey

Filter Users and Groups

The provider allows configuring Okta search filtering for users and groups. See here for more details on what is possible: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/core-okta-api/#filter

      - orgUrl: 'https://tenant.okta.com'
        token: ${OKTA_TOKEN}
        userFilter: profile.department eq "engineering"
        groupFilter: profile.name eq "Everyone"
            minutes: 5
            minutes: 10
            minutes: 1

Adding the provider

First, add the required okta-entity-provider dependency to your backend in the packages/backend/src/index.ts file:


Now, you need to add a provider factory that will define the strategy used to load users and groups. We provide three default factory that you can use out of the box, or your can create your own custom one, let's explore both options.

Default entity providers

The Okta catalog module provides default implementations of 3 entity providers that can be used with the Backstage backend system.

To integrate these into your application, add them after the okta-entity-provider, like this:

  import('@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta/okta-entity-provider'), // The required entity provider
  import('@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta/org-provider-factory'), // Optional - Load both users and groups

The provider factory decides which kind of entities are provided for you. The options are:

  • org-provider-factory - Loads both users and groups
  • user-provider-factory - Loads only users
  • group-provider-factory - Loads only groups

Custom entity provider(s)

Instead of using the default entity providers, you can create your own custom entity provider(s) by implementing the EntityProvider interface.

You can also tailor the entity providers to handle different configurations if there is a need to add specific logic for example naming strategies for your entities.

⚠️ Note: You use either the custom entity provider(s) or the default ones, not both.

Load Users and Groups Together - OktaOrgEntityProvider

You can construct your own configuration of OktaOrgEntityProvider factory and register it into the backend:

In a separated file of your choice, to avoid cluttering the packages/backend/src/index.ts file, you can create a new module that will contain the custom entity provider registration logic.

import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import {
} from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta/new-backend';
import { Config } from '@backstage/config';

export const oktaOrgEntityProviderModule = createBackendModule({
  pluginId: 'catalog',
  moduleId: 'default-okta-org-entity-provider',
  register(env) {
      deps: {
        provider: oktaCatalogBackendEntityProviderFactoryExtensionPoint,
        logger: coreServices.logger,
      async init({ provider, logger }) {
        const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
          OktaOrgEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
            logger: logger,
            userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
            groupNamingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',


This is your custom entity provider module. You can now add it to the backend in the packages/backend/src/index.ts file:

// We need to comment or remove the default entity provider, since now we have a custom one.
// backend.add(import('@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta/org-provider-factory'));

You can configure the provider with different naming strategies. The configured strategy will be used to generate the discovered entity's metadata.name field. The currently supported strategies are the following:

User naming strategies

  • id (default) | User entities will be named by the user id.
  • kebab-case-email | User entities will be named by their profile email converted to kebab case.
  • strip-domain-email | User entities will be named by their profile email without the domain part.

You may also choose to implement a custom naming strategy by providing a function.

export const customUserNamingStrategy: UserNamingStrategy = user =>

Group naming strategies

  • id (default) | Group entities will be named by the group id.
  • kebab-case-name | Group entities will be named by their group profile name converted to kebab case.
  • profile-name | Group entities will be named exactly as their group profile name. ⚠ The Okta field supports characters not supported as entity names in backstage. ⚠

You may also choose to implement a custom naming strategy by providing a function.

export const customGroupNamingStrategy: GroupNamingStrategy = group =>

Hierarchy config

You can optionally provide the ability to create a hierarchy of groups by providing hierarchyConfig.

const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
  OktaOrgEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
    logger: logger,
    userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
    groupNamingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',
    hierarchyConfig: {
      key: 'profile.orgId',
      parentKey: 'profile.parentOrgId',

Custom Transformers

The module supports also custom transformers that can be configured as part of the customized registration.

In case you want to customize the emitted entities, the provider allows to pass custom transformers for users and groups by providing userTransformer and groupTransformer.

  1. Create a transformer:
import { GroupNamingStrategy } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';
import { GroupEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import { Group } from '@okta/okta-sdk-nodejs';
import { OktaGroupEntityTransformer } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';

export const myGroupTransformer: OktaGroupEntityTransformer = function (
  group: Group,
  namingStrategy: GroupNamingStrategy,
  parentGroup: Group | undefined,
  options: {
    annotations: Record<string, string>;
    members: string[];
): GroupEntity {
  // Enrich it with your logic
  const groupEntity: GroupEntity = {
    kind: 'Group',
    apiVersion: 'backstage.io/v1alpha1',
    metadata: {
      annotations: {
      name: namingStrategy(group),
      title: group.profile.name,
      title: group.profile.description || group.profile.name,
      description: group.profile.description || '',
    spec: {
      members: options.members,
      type: 'group',
      children: [],

  if (parentGroup) {
    groupEntity.spec.parent = namingStrategy(parentGroup);
  return groupEntity;
  1. Configure the provider with the transformer:
const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
  OktaOrgEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
    logger: logger,
    userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
    groupNamingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',
    groupTransformer: myGroupTransformer,

Stacked Custom Transformers

Transformers may be stacked to isolate specific business logic.

This example continues the above custom transformer case.

import { GroupNamingStrategy } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';
import { GroupEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import { Group } from '@okta/okta-sdk-nodejs';
import { OktaGroupEntityTransformer } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';
import { LoggerService } from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';

export function myLoggingGroupTransformerFactory(
  f: OktaGroupEntityTransformer,
  logger: LoggerService,
): OktaGroupEntityTransformer {
  let f2: OktaGroupEntityTransformer = function (
    group: Group,
    namingStrategy: GroupNamingStrategy,
    options: {
      annotations: annotationRecord;
      members: string[];
    parentGroup: Group | undefined,
  ): GroupEntity {
      .child({ id: group.id })
      .debug('Okta group info=' + JSON.stringify(group));
    // Modify the group here for an example
    return f(group, namingStrategy, options, parentGroup);
  return f2;
  1. Configure the provider with the transformer factory:
const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
  OktaOrgEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
    logger: logger,
    userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
    groupNamingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',
    groupTransformer: myLoggingGroupTransformerFactory(

Legacy backend

Expand for example legacy configuration
import { OktaOrgEntityProvider } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';

export default async function createPlugin(
  env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
  const builder = await CatalogBuilder.create(env);

  const orgProvider = OktaOrgEntityProvider.fromConfig(env.config, {
    logger: env.logger,
    userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
    groupNamingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',


  const { processingEngine, router } = await builder.build();


  await processingEngine.start();

  // ...snip...

  return router;

Load Users and Groups Separately - OktaUserEntityProvider

You can construct your own configuration of OktaUserEntityProvider factory and register it into the backend:

export const oktaUserEntityProviderModule = createBackendModule({
  pluginId: 'catalog',
  moduleId: 'default-okta-user-entity-provider',
  register(env) {
      deps: {
        provider: oktaCatalogBackendEntityProviderFactoryExtensionPoint,
        logger: coreServices.logger,
      async init({ provider, logger }) {
        const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
          OktaUserEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
            logger: logger,
            namingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',


// ...snip...


You can configure the provider with different naming strategies. The configured strategy will be used to generate the discovered entity's metadata.name field. The currently supported strategies are the following:

  • id (default) | User entities will be named by the user id.
  • kebab-case-email | User entities will be named by their profile email converted to kebab case.
  • strip-domain-email | User entities will be named by their profile email without the domain part.

You may also choose to implement a custom naming strategy by providing a function.

export const customUserNamingStrategy: UserNamingStrategy = user =>

In case you want to customize the emitted entities, the provider allows to pass custom transformer by providing userTransformer.

  1. Create a transformer:
import { UserEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import { User } from '@okta/okta-sdk-nodejs';
import { UserNamingStrategy } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';
import { OktaUserEntityTransformer } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';

export const myUserTransformer: OktaUserEntityTransformer = function (
  user: User,
  namingStrategy: UserNamingStrategy,
  options: { annotations: Record<string, string> },
): UserEntity {
  // Enrich it with your logic
  return {
    kind: 'User',
    apiVersion: 'backstage.io/v1alpha1',
    metadata: {
      annotations: { ...options.annotations },
      name: namingStrategy(user),
      title: user.profile.email,
    spec: {
      profile: {
        displayName: user.profile.displayName,
        email: user.profile.email,
      memberOf: [],
  1. Configure the provider with the transformer:
const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
    OktaUserEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
        logger: logger,
        userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
        groupNamingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',
        groupTransformer: myUserTransformer,

Load Users and Groups Separately - OktaGroupEntityProvider

You can manually construct your own configuration of OktaGroupEntityProvider factory and register it into the backend:

export const oktaGroupEntityProviderModule = createBackendModule({
  pluginId: 'catalog',
  moduleId: 'default-okta-group-entity-provider',
  register(env) {
      deps: {
        provider: oktaCatalogBackendEntityProviderFactoryExtensionPoint,
        logger: coreServices.logger,
      async init({ provider, logger }) {
        const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
          OktaGroupEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
            logger: logger,
            userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
            namingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',


You can configure the provider with different naming strategies. The configured strategy will be used to generate the discovered entities metadata.name field. The currently supported strategies are the following:

User naming strategies:

  • id (default) | User entities will be named by the user id.
  • kebab-case-email | User entities will be named by their profile email converted to kebab case.
  • strip-domain-email | User entities will be named by their profile email without the domain part.

You may also choose to implement a custom naming strategy by providing a function.

export const customUserNamingStrategy: UserNamingStrategy = user =>

Group naming strategies:

  • id (default) | Group entities will be named by the group id.
  • kebab-case-name | Group entities will be named by their group profile name converted to kebab case.
  • profile-name | Group entities will be named exactly as their group profile name. ⚠ The Okta field supports characters not supported as entity names in backstage. ⚠

You may also choose to implement a custom naming strategy by providing a function.

export const customGroupNamingStrategy: GroupNamingStrategy = group =>

Make sure you use the OktaUserEntityProvider's naming strategy for the OktaGroupEntityProvider's user naming strategy.

You can optionally provide the ability to create a hierarchy of groups by providing the hierarchyConfig. See example of OrgEntityProvider above for usage instructions.

In case you want to customize the emitted entities, the provider allows to pass custom transformer by providing groupTransformer.

  1. Create a transformer:
import { GroupNamingStrategy } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';
import { GroupEntity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import { Group } from '@okta/okta-sdk-nodejs';
import { OktaGroupEntityTransformer } from '@roadiehq/catalog-backend-module-okta';

export const myGroupTransformer: OktaGroupEntityTransformer = function (
  group: Group,
  namingStrategy: GroupNamingStrategy,
  parentGroup: Group | undefined,
  options: {
    annotations: Record<string, string>;
    members: string[];
): GroupEntity {
  // Enrich it with your logic
  const groupEntity: GroupEntity = {
    kind: 'Group',
    apiVersion: 'backstage.io/v1alpha1',
    metadata: {
      annotations: {
      name: namingStrategy(group),
      title: group.profile.name,
      title: group.profile.description || group.profile.name,
      description: group.profile.description || '',
    spec: {
      members: options.members,
      type: 'group',
      children: [],

  if (parentGroup) {
    groupEntity.spec.parent = namingStrategy(parentGroup);
  return groupEntity;
  1. Configure the provider with the transformer:
export const oktaGroupEntityProviderModule = createBackendModule({
  pluginId: 'catalog',
  moduleId: 'default-okta-group-entity-provider',
  register(env) {
      deps: {
        provider: oktaCatalogBackendEntityProviderFactoryExtensionPoint,
        logger: coreServices.logger,
      async init({ provider, logger }) {
        const factory: EntityProviderFactory = (oktaConfig: Config) =>
          OktaGroupEntityProvider.fromConfig(oktaConfig, {
            logger: logger,
            userNamingStrategy: 'strip-domain-email',
            namingStrategy: 'kebab-case-name',
            groupTransformer: myGroupTransformer,


Roadie gives you a hassle-free, fully customisable SaaS Backstage. Find out more here: https://roadie.io.

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