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1.0.0-beta.9 • Public • Published




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  • .rsk domains:

    • availability and prices
    • registrations
  • Manage domains:

    • availability
    • Set subdomain owner
    • transfer
    • reclaim
    • Get/set domain owner
    • Get/set domain resolver
  • Manage resolution:

    • Get/set addr resolution


The library supports the following modules:

  • .rsk domains registrations using RSKRegistrar
  • .rsk domains registrations using the new partner registrar contracts PartnerRegistrar
  • RNS domains admin using RNS
  • Domain address resolution using AddrResolver
  • Information on a partner configuration using PartnerConfiguration

You will need to use this addresses to initialize the library:

Contract name RSK Mainnet RSK Testnet
RNS Registry (rsnRegistryAddress) 0xcb868aeabd31e2b66f74e9a55cf064abb31a4ad5 0x7d284aaac6e925aad802a53c0c69efe3764597b8
RIF Token ERC-677 ERC-20 (rifTokenAddress) 0x2acc95758f8b5f583470ba265eb685a8f45fc9d5 0x19f64674d8a5b4e652319f5e239efd3bc969a1fe
ERC-721 .rsk domains token (rskOwnerAddress) 0x45d3e4fb311982a06ba52359d44cb4f5980e0ef1 0xca0a477e19bac7e0e172ccfd2e3c28a7200bdb71
.rsk domains registrar (fifsAddrRegistrarAddress) 0xd9c79ced86ecf49f5e4a973594634c83197c35ab 0x90734bd6bf96250a7b262e2bc34284b0d47c1e8d
.rsk domains partner registrar (partnerRegistrarContractAddress) - 0x8104d97f6d82a7d3afbf45f72118fad51f190c42
.rsk domains partner registrar (partnerRegistrarContractAddress) - 0x8104d97f6d82a7d3afbf45f72118fad51f190c42

See also RNS Resolver library @rsksmart/rns-resolver.js to resolve domains following the standard protocol

.rsk domain registrations

RNS validates and normalizes names in the following way:

  1. Validation: RNS validates that a name is a valid domain name by checking that it conforms to the following rules:
  • The name contains only letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and hyphens (-).
  • The name starts and ends with a letter or digit.
  1. Normalization: RNS normalizes a name by converting it to its canonical form, which includes:
  • Converting all letters to lowercase.
  • Expanding Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to their Unicode representation.

1. Using the RSKRegistrar

You can register .rsk domains paying with RIF Tokens. First, create the instance of RSKRegistrar

import { Signer } from 'ethers'
import { RSKRegistrar } from '@rsksmart/rns-sdk'

let signer: Signer
const rskRegistrar = new RSKRegistrar(rskOwnerAddress, fifsAddrRegistrarAddress, rifTokenAddress, signer)

Query price and availability

const label = 'taringa'

const available = await rskRegistrar.available(label)

const duration = BigNumber.from('1')

const price = await rskRegistrar.price(label, duration)

Register the domain

const { makeCommitmentTransaction, secret, canReveal } = await rskRegistrar.commitToRegister(label, testAccountAddress)

await makeCommitmentTransaction.wait()

// you need to wait at least for one minute, you can build
// your own polling strategy checking canReveal to ensure
// it is the correct time to submit the register tx
const commitmentReady = await canReveal()

if (!commitmentReady) throw

const registerTx = await rskRegistrar.register(

await registerTx.wait()

2. Using the PartnerRegistrar

You can use the PartnerRegistrar to register domains using the partner registrar contracts. First, create the instance of PartnerRegistrar.

The PartnerRegistrar supports one click register even where commitment is required.

import { Signer } from 'ethers'
import { PartnerRegistrar } from '@rsksmart/rns-sdk'

let signer: Signer

const networkAddresses = {
  rskOwnerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  rifTokenAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  partnerRegistrarAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  partnerRenewerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  partnerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

const partnerRegistrar = new PartnerRegistrar(signer, 'localhost', networkAddresses);


The network param is mandatory value, and it only valid values are 'mainnet', 'testnet' or 'localhost'.

Param networkAddresses is mandatory for network='localhost'. For 'mainnnet' and 'testnet' will be optional and can be passed only in case of needing to modify one of the default addresses for the given network, otherwise, default addresses will be used.

  • Query price and availability
const label = 'taringa'

const available = await partnerRegistrar.available(label)

const duration = BigNumber.from('1')

const price = await partnerRegistrar.price(label, duration)
  • Register the domain
const label = 'taringa'
const duration = BigNumber.from('1')
const ownerAddress = '0x...' //address of the owner of the domain

const price = await partnerRegistrar.price(label, duration)

const { commitHash, commitSecret, registerTxHash } = await partnerRegistrar.commitAndRegister(label, ownerAddress, duration, price)
  • Transfer the domain
const label = 'taringa'
const toAddress = '0x...' //address to transfer the domain ownership to

const transactionHash = await partnerRegistrar.transfer(label, toAddress)
  • Renew the domain
const label = 'taringa'
const duration = BigNumber.from('1')

const price = await partnerRegistrar.price(label, duration)

const transactionHash = await partnerRegistrar.renew(label, duration, price)

Domain management

Create RNS instance

import { Signer } from 'ethers'
import { RNS } from '@rsksmart/rns-sdk'

let signer: Signer
const rns = new RNS(registryAddress, signer)


Get and set the controller of a domain you own

const domain = 'user1.taringa.rsk'
const newController = '0xb774...d771'

const tx = await rns.setOwner(domain, newController)
await tx.wait()

const controller = await rns.owner(domain)


Get and set the resolver of a domain you own

const domain = 'user1.taringa.rsk'
const resolverAddr = '0xb774...d771'

const tx = await rns.setResolver(domain, resolverAddr)
await tx.wait()

const controller = await rns.resolver(domain)


Set the owner of a subdomain of a domain you own

const domain = 'taringa.rsk'
const subdomainLabel = 'user1'
const ownerAddress = '0x8c0f...1264'

const subDomainAvailable = await rns.getSubdomainAvailability(domain, subdomainLabel)

const tx = await rns.setSubdmoainOwner(domain, subdomainLabel, ownerAddress)
await tx.wait()

Address resolution

Create AddrResolver instance

import { Signer } from 'ethers'
import { AddrResolver } from '@rsksmart/rns-sdk'

let signer: Signer
const addrResolver = new AddrResolver(registryAddress, signer)

Get and set the address of a domain or subdomain you own

const domain = 'user1.taringa.rsk'
const addr = '0xb774...d771'

const tx = await addrResolver.setAddr(domain, ownerAddress)
await tx.wait()

const addr = await addrResolver.addr(domain)


  1. Browser

The library uses a dependency that requires Buffer to be available globally. If you are using in a browser environment, you need to the following:

  • Install the dependency: npm install -D buffer

  • Add the following to your webpack config:

const webpackConfig = {
    resolve: {
        fallback: {
            buffer: require.resolve('buffer/'),
    plugins: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'],


window.Buffer = window.Buffer || require('buffer/').Buffer;
  1. React Native

You can use the rn-nodeify package

rn-nodeify --install buffer -hack --yarn && patch-package

Partner Configuration

We have also provided a class for interacting with the partner configuration contract

import { Signer } from 'ethers'
import { PartnerConfiguration } from '@rsksmart/rns-sdk'
let signer: Signer
const partnerConfigurationAddress = '0x...' //address of the partner configuration contract

const partnerConfiguration = new PartnerConfiguration(partnerConfigurationAddress, signer)

Available operations:

  • getMinLength
    const minLength = await partnerConfiguration.getMinLength()
  • getMaxLength
    const maxLength = await partnerConfiguration.getMaxLength()
  • getMinDuration
    const minDuration = await partnerConfiguration.getMinDuration()
  • getMaxDuration
    const maxDuration = await partnerConfiguration.getMaxDuration()
  • getMinCommitmentAge

This is the minimum time that needs to pass before a commitment can be revealed

    const minCommitmentAge = await partnerConfiguration.getMinCommitmentAge()
  • getFeePercentage

This is the percentage of the domain price that will be charged as a fee

    const feePercentage = await partnerConfiguration.getFeePercentage()
  • getDiscount

This is the percentage of the domain price that will be discounted for the partner

    const discount = await partnerConfiguration.getDiscount()
  • getPrice
    const price = await partnerConfiguration.getPrice(label, duration)
  • validateName

This function will resolve if the name is valid

    const valid = await partnerConfiguration.validateName(label, duration)

List of Partners and addresses

Coming soon

Run for development

Install dependencies:

npm i

Run unit tests

npm test

Coverage report with:

npm run test:coverage

Run linter

npm run lint


npm run lint:fix

Build for production

npm run build

Branching model

  • main has latest release. Merge into main will deploy to npm. Do merge commits.
  • develop has latest approved PR. PRs need to pass ci and scan. Do squash & merge.
  • Use branches pointing to develop to add new PRs.
  • Do external PRs against latest commit in develop.



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