Project: FT JS-SDK
This repository creates the JSDK library used to pull in our plugin architecture from FS Apps
It will follow a scheme similar to Facebook Plugins
npm install
npm run start
Create a dist folder
npm run build
Publishing the NPM
This should only be done by David or Ian
Any files with a package.json file can be published on NPM
You can test your local user with
npm config ls
Versioining is an critical point of using NPM, update the version with the following commands, this will also create a tag in GIT. We will employ semantic versioning (semver) so choose the command that relates to the bump.
npm version patch
npm version minor
npm version major
To push the tags use
git push --follow-tags
Login to NPM, run the command below and enter the user and pass
npm login
Org scoping, this should already be set up but documenting
npm config set scope rush-partners --global
To publish use in the directory root with a package.json
npm publish
Remove package
npm unpublish --force
Facebook examples include:
- Enables you to use the Like Button and other Social Plugins on your site.
- Enables you to use Facebook Login to lower the barrier for people to sign up on your site.
- Makes it easy to call into Facebook's Graph API.
- Launch Dialogs that let people perform various actions like sharing stories.
- Facilitates communication when you're building a game or an app tab on Facebook.
Very old source code:
- [ ] Need to address local VS Code settings so it lints correctly