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1.1.2 • Public • Published


Enforces strictly typed forms in Angular.

Table of Contents


Install the library by using npm, pnpm or yarn:

npm install @rytrox/ngx-typed-forms
pnpm install @rytrox/ngx-typed-forms
yarn add @rytrox/ngx-typed-forms

Compatibility List

Angular Version Library Version
^18.2.0 ^1.0.0


Creating your FormGroup-Interface

Instead of having a Model-interface, define a FormGroup-interface like this:

// this interface can now be removed entirely, since it is no longer necessary:
// This is equivalent to "FormGroupRawValue<Foo>"
interface FooModel {
    name: string | null;
    id: number | null;
    date: Date | null

// This is our new Interface
interface Foo {
    name: FormControl<string | null>;
    id: FormControl<number | null>;
    date: FormControl<Date | null>;

Only controls that are declared as optional (by using the ? operator), are allowed to be registered or removed from the form group.

Initializing your FormGroup-Class

After you've defined your FormGroup-interface like above, you can implement a custom FormGroup like this:

import {FormGroup, FormControl, FormGroupValue} from "@rytrox/ngx-typed-forms";

export class FooGroup extends FormGroup<Foo> {

    public constructor(private input: FormGroupValue<Foo>) {
            name: new FormControl(input.name),
            id: new FormControl(input.id),
            date: new FormControl(input.date),

Notice that the name of the form-related classes are the same as angular's native ones.

Raw Values, Values for FormGroups

There are four new types for FormGroup and FormArrays:
FormGroupValue<C> or FormArrayValue<C> and FormGroupRawValue<C> or FormArrayRawValue<C>.

Those types represent the current value or raw value of your form. In most cases your model now is a FormGroupValue<C> or FormGroupRawValue<C>.

The difference between FormGroupValue and FormGroupRawValue is that FormGroupValue hides properties of disabled sub-forms, while FormGroupRawValue doesn't.

Strong-typed Validators

Validators inside this Library are now strongly typed by default. Every Form inside this Library only supports Validators based on their FormValue.

For example:

import {FormControl, AbstractControl} from "@rytrox/ngx-typed-forms";

const form = new FormControl('Hello'); // This is a FormControl<string | null>

// This is not allowed!!
form.addValidators((c: AbstractControll<number | null>) => { 

// Instead, we are using this:
form.addValidators(c => {
    const val = c.value; // type is string | null

A new fresh look to FormControls

Over the past years, the famous FormControl is pretty stuffed with confusing APIs. Angular 18 introduces the nonNullable-Flag and deprecated all old constructors as well.

This Library goes a bit further by removing the old constructors and tidy up the new ones


// From:
import {FormControl, Validators} from "@angular/forms";

const form = new FormControl('Hello', [Validators.required], [ /* Async-Validators here */]);


import {FormControl} from "@rytrox/ngx-typed-forms";
import {Validators} from "@angular/forms";

const form = new FormControl('Hello', {validators: [Validators.required()], asyncValidators: []});

Non-Nullable Angular FormControls

Angular 18 introduces a Non-Nullable flag inside its options parameter. This Library also introduced this feature, but on the state parameter instead.


import {FormControl} from "@angular/forms";

const form = new FormControl('Hello', {nonNullable: true, validators: [], asyncValidators: []});


import {FormControl} from "@rytrox/ngx-typed-forms";

const form = new FormControl({value: 'Hello', nonNullable: true}, {validators: [], asyncValidators: []});

A nice gimmick

You are now able to use the internal Angular-Type OptionalKeys<T> that returns all keys, declared as optional (IDK why they hide this, since that's pretty neat in some cases)

Differences to Angular:

  1. While Angular-Forms are more freely, they often have a lack of type safety. We decided to declare every AbstractControl without a generic declaration as AbstractControl<unknown> instead of Angular's AbstractControl<any>.

  2. Angular FormControls should support undefined, but changes internally to null. Since they don't declare this, I fix that inside the type definition

  3. Inside Angular, it is allowed to declare a nullable non-nullable FormControl:

    import {FormControl} from "@angular/forms"; 
    const form = new FormControl(null, {nonNullable: true});
    const value = form.value; // <- This is null...

    This happens, because TypeScript constructor declarations are limited. But instead of allowing that, we've decided to set this type to never:

    import {FormControl} from "@rytrox/ngx-typed-forms"; 
    const form = new FormControl({value: null, nonNullable: true}); // Sadly, I can't catch this...
    const value = form.value; // <- This is never!
  4. We introduced in every form a new field called rawValue. It returns the raw value of every form. It's just an alternative to the getRawValue() method


Please feel free to contribute to this project
by creating issues or pull requests on our mirror project


Copyright (c) 2024 Team Rytrox
Licensed under the MIT license

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