
0.1.2 • Public • Published


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Popovers hide or show content as a result of user interaction, such as clicking, hovering, or focusing. When opened, the content remains connected to the element that triggered it.

Getting Started

Let's start by installing wes-popover as a dependency of your project with npm.

npm i @salesforce-ux/wes-popover


After installation, all the distributables for the wes-popover are found under @salesforce-ux/wes-popover/dist/ folder.

File Name Description
popover.css The CSS file specific to wes-popover only.
popover.compiled.css The Compiled CSS file for wes-popover. This file includes styles of wes-popover`. This file is useful for LWC applications.(see below →)
popover.js The bundled JS file for wes-popover component. This file is useful for Non LWC applications.(see below →)

wes-popover Integration

For the sake of understanding, we have categorized the development environment into LWC and Non LWC application. If you are using the Salesforce Experience Cloud platform, WES is supported through an Unlocked Package, see the Confluence page for the WES Unlocked Package.

This Guide covers the integration approach for these two types of application.

For Lightning Web Component(LWC) Application

Dependency Inclusion

wes-styling-hooks is a styling dependency for wes-popover. Hence, this needs to be embedded into the root of the web app in order to make the wes-popover render properly.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/@salesforce-ux/wes-styling-hooks/dist/hooks.custom-props.css">
    <!-- Your application's other stylesheets go below -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="...">
    <!-- Your application -->

There are also other ways wes-styling-hooks can be embedded. Please checkout the wes-styling-hooks Integration Guide to learn more.

Component CSS Import

/* myComponent.css */
@import '@salesforce-ux/wes-popover/dist/popover.css';

HTML Decoration

After that,the HTML of your LWC component template needs to be decorated to have all the named part attributes as per the component's specification. Below is a reference to the component's structure.

<wes-popover placement="below-center" depth="2">
  <div part="source" aria-haspopup="true">
    <!-- This is the placeholder to configure popover trigger element -->
  <div part="popup" exportparts="backdrop, frame" role="dialog" aria-label="popup" closed>
    <div part="frame" role="none">
      <wes-button id="dismissible" variant="tertiary" size="default"
        ><wes-icon slot="end" symbol="close"></wes-icon
      <div part="popup-container">
        <!-- This is the placeholder to configure popover container -->

For Non LWC Application

Dependency Inclusion Read the section above

Component Import

/* myComponent.js */
import WESPopover from '@salesforce-ux/wes-popover/dist/popover';

Component Registration

/* myComponent.js */
customElements.define('wes-popover', WESPopover);


Below is one approach to integrate your wes-popover component.

/* myComponent.js */
import '@salesforce-ux/wes-styling-hooks/dist/hooks.custom-props.css';
import WESPopover from '@salesforce-ux/wes-popover/dist/popover';
window.customElements.define('wes-popover', WESPopover);
  <wes-button slot="source">Click Me</wes-button>
  <div>This is the place where the content of the popover is configured</div>

Interactive Demo

To see more examples with interactive demo, please visit WES Subsytem's Storybook Environment


Below are some of the current issues with the Popover and will be releasing the fixes for these in the next versions.

  • Hitting Escape key makes popover close but not returning the focus to the triggered element.
  • First Inyeractive element inside the popover is not focussed when popover is opened.




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npm i @salesforce-ux/wes-popover

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  • salesforce-ux