
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Salling Group Jobs SDK

This SDK simplifies the process of querying Salling Group's open job positions. Salling Group owns Netto, Føtex, Bilka, Salling, and more. Through this SDK you will be able to find information about open job positions. The requests are made through the Salling Group API which can be found here.

You can get your credentials through the developer portal.

Getting Started.

The SDK heavily relies on Traversers. You can read more about them here.

The following example gets names of all Netto job openings in the ZIP code 8200. You will need to get a JWT secret or Bearer token with access to the Jobs API from the developer portal.

const Jobs = require('@salling-group/jobs');
const instance = new Jobs({
  'auth': {
    'token': 'my_token',
    'type': 'bearer',

const traverser = instance.beginQuery()
  .pick('title', 'address')

traverser.get().then((page) => console.log(page));

This prints:

    "title": "Butiksassistent under 18 år - Aarhus N",
    "address": {
      "city": "Aarhus N",
      "country": "DK",
      "street": "Finlandsgade 15",
      "zip": "8200"
    "title": "Butiksassistent under 18 år - Aarhus N",
    "address": {
      "city": "Aarhus N",
      "country": "DK",
      "street": "Randersvej 116-118",
      "zip": "8200"
    "title": "Souschef - Aarhus N",
     { "city": "Aarhus N",
       "country": "DK",
       "street": "Finlandsgade 15",
       "zip": "8200"



This initializes a new Jobs SDK object. options must be an object containing an auth object with the following contract:

Property Value Required Description
type 'jwt' or 'bearer' Yes The authentication type. This is either a JWT or a Bearer Token.
token String If type is 'bearer'. The token associared with the bearer token credentials.
issuer String If type is 'jwt'. The issuer associated with the JWT credentials.
secret String If type is 'jwt'. The secret associated with the JWT credentials.

applicationName should be set in the options object, but this is optional. (This value will be sent in the UserAgent during requests.)


const Jobs = require('@salling-group/jobs');
const instance = new Jobs({
  'applicationName': 'My Application v1.0.0',
  'auth': {
    'type': 'jwt',
    'issuer': 'my_issuer',
    'secret': 'my_secret'


This gets the open job position with the given ID.


const jobData = await instance.get('3764efcb-4a7a-4d30-a274-7cefa0dce797');


This gets all jobs.


const traverser = instance.getAll();
const page = await traverser.get();


This begins a query for jobs. This should be followed by a chain of these commands:

Method Description Example
pick(field1, field2, ...) Only returns the given fields. .pick('id', 'name')
ofBrand(brand) Returns jobs from the given brand. .ofBrand('netto')
inCity(city) Returns jobs in the given city. .inCity('Risskov')
inZIP(zip) Returns jobs located in the given ZIP code. .inZIP(8200)
inCountry(country) Returns jobs located in the given country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). .inCountry('dk')

The chain should be ended with .execute(). This will return a Traverser for the query.


const traverser = instance.beginQuery()
    .pick('title', 'id')
// This will return title and ID of Netto jobs in the ZIP code 8200.
const page = await traverser.get();

query(params = {})

This queries the Jobs API directly and returns a Traverser. (See this for more informaton.) params is the search parameters. This is mostly used internally.




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