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1.0.0 • Public • Published


A lightweight, zero-dependency URL builder for Sanity images. This package provides the core URL generation functionality used by sanity-image, but can be used independently for cases where you don't need the React component.


  • Zero dependencies
  • Tiny bundle size
  • TypeScript support
  • Smart srcSet generation based on image size
  • Automatic quality and format optimization
  • Support for crops and hotspots
  • Never upscales images
  • Intelligent URL parameter optimization for better caching

Quick Start

Install it:

npm install @sanity-image/url-builder
# or
pnpm add @sanity-image/url-builder

Use it:

import { buildSrc, buildSrcSet } from "@sanity-image/url-builder"

// Get a single image URL with dimensions
const { src, width, height } = buildSrc({
  id: "image-79f37b3f070b144d45455d514ff4e9fc43035649-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  baseUrl: `https://cdn.sanity.io/images/<project-id>/<dataset>`,

// Get a responsive srcSet
const srcSet = buildSrcSet({
  id: "image-79f37b3f070b144d45455d514ff4e9fc43035649-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  baseUrl: `https://cdn.sanity.io/images/<project-id>/<dataset>`,



Returns metadata and a single image URL based on the provided options.

const { src, width, height } = buildSrc({
  id: "image-abc123-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  baseUrl: "/images/",
  mode: "cover", // optional, defaults to "contain"
  height: 300, // optional
  hotspot: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, // optional
  crop: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, // optional
  queryParams: { blur: 50, q: 90 }, // optional


Generates an array of srcSet entries optimized for responsive images. The widths generated depend on the target size:

  • Tiny images (< 160px): 0.5x, 1x, 2x
  • Small images (< 750px): 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x
  • Medium images (< 1400px): 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x
  • Large images: 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x
const srcSet = buildSrcSet({
  id: "image-abc123-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  baseUrl: "/images/",
  // ... same options as buildSrc

Default Behavior

  • Images are never upscaled beyond their original dimensions
  • Quality defaults to 75
  • Auto format conversion is enabled by default (e.g., WebP when supported)
  • When using mode="cover" without a hotspot, entropy-based cropping is used
  • URL parameters are sorted alphabetically for better caching
  • Tiny variants (< 50px) are skipped in srcSets to reduce HTML size


Parameter Type Required Description
id string Yes The Sanity Image ID (_id or _ref field value), e.g. image-abcde12345-1200x800-jpg
baseUrl string Yes The base URL for the Sanity image CDN, e.g. https://cdn.sanity.io/images/project/dataset/
width number No Target width in pixels. Used to determine dimensions of generated assets, not for layout. When provided, generates a reasonable srcSet based on this width.
height number No Target height in pixels. Used to determine dimensions of generated assets, not for layout. When provided with width, establishes target aspect ratio.
mode "cover" | "contain" No Defaults to "contain". cover: Crops image to match requested aspect ratio (based on width/height). contain: Fits image within boundaries without altering aspect ratio.
hotspot { x: number, y: number } No Coordinates for focal point when cropping. Values should be between 0-1 representing percentage across image.
crop { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number } No Crop coordinates. Values should be between 0-1 representing percentage to crop from each edge.
queryParams object No Additional Sanity Image API parameters like: q (Quality, defaults to 75), blur (Blur amount), sharpen (Sharpening amount), and other Sanity Image API options


Basic Image URL

const { src } = buildSrc({
  id: "image-abc123-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  baseUrl: "/images/",
// => "/images/abc123-1000x1000.png?auto=format&fit=max&q=75&w=500"

Cropped Image with Hotspot

const { src } = buildSrc({
  id: "image-abc123-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  height: 300,
  mode: "cover",
  hotspot: { x: 0.25, y: 0.25 },
  crop: { top: 0, bottom: 0.25, left: 0, right: 0.25 },
  baseUrl: "/images/",
// => "/images/abc123-1000x1000.png?auto=format&fit=crop&fp-x=0.333&fp-y=0.333&h=300&q=75&rect=0,0,750,750&w=500"

Responsive srcSet

const srcSet = buildSrcSet({
  id: "image-abc123-1000x1000-png",
  width: 500,
  baseUrl: "/images/",
// => [
//   "/images/abc123-1000x1000.png?auto=format&fit=max&q=75&w=250 250w",
//   "/images/abc123-1000x1000.png?auto=format&fit=max&q=75&w=500 500w",
//   "/images/abc123-1000x1000.png?auto=format&fit=max&q=75&w=750 750w",
//   "/images/abc123-1000x1000.png?auto=format&fit=max&q=75&w=1000 1000w"
// ]


Copyright ©2025 Corey Ward. Available under the MIT License.




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  • coreyward