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This library has been deprecated and should not be used. Please use the SAP Cloud SDK instead. You can find details about it here:


0.2.1 • Public • Published


Utility for consumption of the SAP Cloud Platform Destination Service.

Example usage:

const axios = require('axios')
const https = require('https')
const request = require('request')
const xsenv = require('@sap/xsenv')
const destinationsClient = require('@sap/destinations')

//xsuaa service instance is needed only in multitenant scenario
const services = xsenv.getServices({
  'destination-svc': { tag: 'destination' },
  'xsuaa': { tag: 'xsuaa' }

const client = destinationsClient(services)

client.load("destination-name").then(destination => {
    // Node.js standard http
    // options object with correct Authorization header already set
    const req = https.get(destination.toOptions(), (res) => {
      let data = ''
      res.on('data', (chunk) => {
        data += chunk
      res.on('end', () => {
        console.log(`standard - body: ${data}`)

    // requests
    request(destination.toOptions(), (error, response, body) => {
      console.log('request - error:', error)
      console.log('request - code:', response && response.statusCode)
      console.log('request - body:', body)

    // axios
      .then(function (response) {
        console.log('axios - code:', response.status, response.statusText)
        console.log('axios - body:',
      .catch(function (error) {
        console.log('axios - error:', error.message)})

What does @sap/destinations do?

The destination service client will fetch a destination with a given name from the SAP Cloud Platform Destination Service. In the background @sap/destinations also fetches an access_token for the destination service so you don't have to.

If the requested destination is configured with Basic Authentication or oAuth Client Credentials, the returned object will contain access token for the destination itself in addition to the destination credentials. If it's configured with oAuth User Token Exchange, the returned object will contain the exchanged user token. The Destination Service does the exchange authomatically.

client.load("dest-oauth").then( destination => {
    const destAccessToken = destination.authTokens[0]
    const destClientId = destination.destinationConfiguration.clientId
    const destClientSecret = destination.destinationConfiguration.clientSecret

The destinations client returns an object with the same structure as the response from the SAP Cloud Platform Destination Service. You can read more on the structure of the returned object in the SAP Cloud Platform Destination Service Documentation.

For convenience the returned destination object has a toOptions() function, so it could be easily passed to http clients like standard Node.js http/https packages, request, axios etc.

client.load("dest-name").then(destination => {
  request(destination.toOptions(), (error, response, body) => {

Supported Destination Types

Currently the client supports and can fetch destinations configured with NoAuthentication, Basic Authentication, oAuth Client Credentials or *oAuth User Token Exchange.


Class: DestinationServiceClient

new DestinationServiceClient(services)

Creates a new DestinationServiceClient instance.

  • services Object Parameter containing the service binding information for the Destination Service and optionally XSUAA. The structure is the same as the one in VCAP_SERVICES. If there is XSUAA passed, it will be used for token handling, otherwise the default UAA configured in the Destination Service binding will be used.
  • returns DestinationServiceClient a destination client for the corresponding destination service instance.


Asynchronous. Fetches a destination from the Destination Service.

  • destinationConfig string or Object String containing the name of the destination or, in case of oAuth User Token Exchange Flow, a destination configuration object that has to be loaded. The object could contain the follwing properties:
    • name string Name of the destination.
    • token string User token that needs to be exchanged to access the destination. In case userDestination is configured, this token will be set as Authorization header in the request to the Detsination service. Otherwise this token will be set as X-user-token header.
    • userDestination bool See above. Default is false. The name resolution is as follows - first the library will look through destinations configured on instance level and then on subaccount level.
  • returns Destination A destination object with the same structure as the Destination Service response.

Class: Destination


Converts a destinations object to an Options object that can be passed to http clients (standard Node.js http/https packages, request, axios etc.)

  • returns Object Options object containing the properties: port, path, hostname, protocol, url (result of URL.parse of the destination url) and headers (Authorization header).




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