A collection of abstracted utilities for react applications
npm i @saul-atomrigs/react
Abstracted boilerplate code for context API.
import { createContext } from '@saul-atomrigs/react';
const [ThemeProvider, useThemeContext] = createContext<{
mode: 'light' | 'dark';
function ChildComponent() {
const theme = useThemeContext();
console.log('🚀 ~ ChildComponent ~ theme:', theme);
return <p>current theme: {theme.mode}</p>;
function App() {
return (
<ThemeProvider mode='light'>
<ChildComponent />
Suspense + ErrorBoundary + useQueryErrorResetBoundary (react-query). If no rejectedFallback is provided as props, it will render the reset (Try again) button.
import { QueryAsyncBoundary } from '@saul-atomrigs/react';
function App() {
return (
<QueryAsyncBoundary rejectedFallback={} pendingFallback={}>
<DataComponent />
A utility function that wraps asynchronous operations and returns a standardized result object. This helps to handle promise-based operations in a consistent way, without try-catch blocks everywhere.
import { tryCatch } from '@saul-atomrigs/react';
const { data: user, error } = await tryCatch(fetchUser);