
1.0.11 • Public • Published


Service for building websites using Vite.

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From the command line run:

npm install @saws/website

Then add the included service, WebsiteService to your saws.js file.


In development, a WebsiteService will use the Vite dev server to build and serve your website. It will also write any of your dependant service's environment variables to a .env file for Vite to read and inject into your build.

For new WebsiteServices that have just been added to your saws.js file. SAWS will create a hello world world website for you.


When you deploy a WebsiteService, a number of resources will be stood up and configured for you:

  • An S3 bucket will be created that is configured to be used as a website.
  • A Cloudfront distribution that serves content out of the above S3 bucket.
  • A Route 53 Record Set Group to point your domain at the above Cloudfront distribution.


@saws/website includes the WebsiteService


You can require the WebsiteService and use it in your saws.js file like so:

const { WebsiteService } = require('@saws/website/website-service')

const website = new WebsiteService({
  name: 'my-website'

module.exports = website

The WebsiteService constructor accepts the following options:

name: string

The name of your service. This should be unique across all of your services.

dependencies: ServiceDefinition[]

An array of all of the other services this service depends on. This will ensure that permissions, environment variables, and execution order are all set up.

port?: number

The port to run the Vite dev server on. If the provided port is in use, a different port will automatically be chosen.

rootDir?: string

Used if you would like the service to point at a different directory for your WebsiteService other than it's name.

domain?: string

A domain name that you would like to use for your website. You must own this domain and have it configured in Route 53.

env?: Record<string, string>

Additional environment variables to include in your Vite build.

certificateArn?: string

The AWS Arn to the certificate you'd like to use for your website to enable HTTPs.

When used as a dependency

When a WebsiteService is used as a dependency, it does not attach any environment variables to the dependant services.


@saws/website does not include any libraries with it.




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  • shichongrui