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There are many emoji pickers for Angular and the web, but no one for NativeScript?! Let's change this!

How it looks like

Keyboard view Emoji picker view
screenshot 1 screenshot 2


The emoji picker currently only supports Android and NativeScript 7 or higher. In case you need to use an older NativeScript version, have a look at the old branch.


Install the plugin using ns plugin add @schoolsquirrel/emoji-picker


How does it work?

This plugin will give you two elements, EmojiPicker and EmojiLabel. The first one will give you an editable textfield (very similar to the NativeScript TextView) and the second one is a label (similar to NativeScript Label), which will display your text with emojis correctly.

NativeScript Core:

Define the namespace

<Page class="page"

Use the plugin:

<ns:EmojiPicker id="myEmojiPicker"></ns:EmojiPicker>
<ns:EmojiLabel id="myEmojiLabel"></ns:EmojiLabel>

On the JS / TS Side you can toggle the keyboard or the popup window of the edit text field like this:

const page = frame.Frame.topmost().currentPage;

The <EmojiPicker> class extends the TextField NativeScript class, which means that all of TextField's properties and methods are supported. It is the same with <EmojiLabel> and the Label class.

You can add custom styles by using ids, classes or the tag selector in (s)css:

EmojiLabel {
	background-color: rgba(14, 190, 221, 0.233);
	padding: 10;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 20;

EmojiPicker {
	padding: 30;
	color: green;
	margin: 20;

For more info and examples check out the demo folder.

Angular Version:

In your app.module.ts include the library like so:

import { EmojiPickerModule } from '@schoolsquirrel/emoji-picker/angular';

and add it to the imports array:

    bootstrap:  [
    declarations: [
    imports: [
        EmojiPickerModule, // <--- add this here
    schemas: [
export class AppModule { }

The use it in your .html file:

<EmojiPicker #myEmojiPicker></EmojiPicker> <EmojiLabel #myEmojiLabel text="Have fun with @schoolsquirrel/emoji-picker"></EmojiLabel>

On the TS Side you can toggle the keyboard or the popup window of the edit text field like this:

export class HomeComponent {
	@ViewChild('myEmojiPicker', { static: false }) public myEmojiPicker: EmojiPicker;
	@ViewChild('myEmojiLabel', { static: true }) public myEmojiLabel: EmojiLabel;

	public onButtonTap(): void {

	public onCopyBtnTap(): void {
		this.myEmojiLabel.nativeElement.text = this.myEmojiPicker.nativeElement.text;

The <EmojiPicker> class extends the TextField NativeScript class, which means that all of TextField's properties and methods are supported. It is the same with <EmojiLabel> and the Label class.

You can add custom styles by using ids, classes or the tag selector in (s)css:

EmojiLabel {
	background-color: rgba(14, 190, 221, 0.233);
	padding: 10;
	text-align: center;
	font-size: 20;

EmojiPicker {
	padding: 30;
	color: green;
	margin: 20;

For more info and examples check out the demo and the demo-angular folder.



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npm i @schoolsquirrel/emoji-picker

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