
1.2.4 • Public • Published


Welcome to BuidlLib! This is a comprehensive library of smart contract utilities to assist in the development of Ethereum based applications.



  • TokenChecker: A utility contract that allows checking if a user holds or owns a certain amount of ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155 tokens.


  • Treasury: A utility contract that allows withdrawing ERC20 and native Ether (ETH) tokens from a contract. This is useful for contracts that receive tokens and need to withdraw them to a specific address.
  • FeeManager A utility contract to manage fees on transactions. It supports both native Ether (ETH) and ERC20 token fees.


  • MetaContract: A contract that enables executing functions on target contracts.
  • MetaContractOwnable: An extension of MetaContract that enforces that only the contract owner can execute functions.
  • MetaContractChecker: An extension of MetaContract that adds additional checks for ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens before executing functions on target contracts.


  • Factory: A contract that enables creating new contracts from a template contract.
  • FactoryOwnable: An extension of Factory that enforces that only the contract owner can create new contracts.
  • FactoryFixedFee: An extension of Factory that enforces a fixed fee for creating new contracts.


You can install the library via npm:

yarn add @scobru/buidllib

Run all tests:

yarn test:coverage @scobru/buidllib



Here is how you can use the TokenChecker contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/utils/TokenChecker.sol";

contract MyContract is TokenChecker {
    // Puoi definire un indirizzo di token specifico e un saldo minimo per questo contratto
    address constant tokenAddress = 0xYourTokenAddress;
    uint256 constant minBalance = 1000;

    // Puoi verificare direttamente il saldo del token dell'utente utilizzando le funzioni di TokenChecker
    function checkUserERC20Balance(address userAddress) public view returns (bool) {
        return checkERC20Balance(tokenAddress, userAddress, minBalance);

    // E in modo simile per ERC721 e ERC1155
    function checkUserERC721Ownership(address userAddress, uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bool) {
        return checkERC721Ownership(tokenAddress, tokenId, userAddress);

    function checkUserERC1155Balance(address userAddress, uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bool) {
        return checkERC1155Balance(tokenAddress, tokenId, userAddress, minBalance);


Here is how you can use the TokenChecker contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/finance/Treasury.sol";

contract MyContract is Treasury {
    // Example implementation using Treasury
    // Function to withdraw tokens from the Treasury contract
    function withdrawTokensFromTreasury(address _token, address _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
        withdrawTokens(_token, _to, _amount);
    // Function to withdraw native Ether (ETH) from the Treasury contract
    function withdrawNativeFromTreasury(address payable _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {
        withdrawNative(_to, _amount);
    // Function to receive Ether in the contract
    receive() external payable {
        // Custom logic for handling received Ether


Here is how you can use the MetaContract contract:

pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/meta/MetaContract.sol";

contract MyContract is MetaContract {
    // Example implementation using MetaContract
    // Function to execute a function on the target contract
    function executeOnTargetContract(address target, bytes memory txData) public returns (bytes memory) {
        return executeFunction(target, txData);


Here is how you can use the MetaContract contract:

pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/meta/MetaContractOwnable.sol";

contract MyContract is MetaContractOwnable {
    // Example implementation using MetaContractOwnable
    // Function to execute a function on the target contract, restricted to contract owner
    function executeOnTargetContract(address target, bytes memory txData) public onlyOwner returns (bytes memory) {
        return executeFunction(target, txData);


Here is how you can use the MetaContract contract:

pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/meta/MetaContractChecker.sol";

contract MyContract is MetaContractChecker {
    // Example implementation using MetaContractChecker
    // Function to execute a function on the target contract with ERC20 balance check
    function executeOnTargetContractERC20Check(
        address target,
        bytes memory txData,
        address tokenAddress,
        address accountAddress,
        uint256 minAmount
    ) public returns (bytes memory) {
        return executeFunction20Check(target, txData, tokenAddress, accountAddress, minAmount);
    // Function to execute a function on the target contract with ERC721 ownership check
    function executeOnTargetContractERC721Check(
        address target,
        bytes memory txData,
        address tokenAddress,
        address accountAddress,
        uint256 tokenId
    ) public returns (bytes


Here is how you can use the FeeManager contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/finance/FeeManager.sol";

contract MyContract is FeeManager {
    // Example implementation using FeeManager

    // Initialize FeeManager with specific fee token and fee recipient
    constructor(address _feeToken, address _feeRecipient, uint256 _feePercentage) FeeManager(_feeToken, _feeRecipient, _feePercentage) {}

    // Function to pay fees
    function payFee() public payable {
        payNativeFee(); // for native Ether
        // or
        payERC20Fee(amount); // for ERC20 tokens, requires prior approval

Factory, FactoryOwnable and FactoryFixedFee

Located in the contracts/factories directory, Factory,FactoryOwnableand FactoryFixedFee are utility contracts used for creating and managing other contracts. These are especially useful for building decentralized platforms and applications where new contracts need to be deployed frequently or in a standardized way.


Factory is an abstract contract that provides a framework for deploying new contracts. A specific implementation of the Factory contract can define the logic for creating a new contract in the _createContract function.

To use the Factory contract, you need to implement the _createContract function. Here is an example:

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/factories/Factory.sol";
import "./MockTargetContract.sol";

contract MyFactory is Factory {
    constructor(address _owner) Factory(_owner) {}

    function createContract(address creator) public returns (address) {
        MockTargetContract simpleStorage = new MockTargetContract();
        emit ContractCreated(address(simpleStorage), creator);
        return address(simpleStorage);

FactoryOwnable is very similar to Factory, but only the owner can create new contracts. To use the FactoryOwnable contract, you need to implement the _createContract function. Here is an example:


FactoryFixedFee extends the Factory contract to add support for charging a fixed fee for creating a new contract. The contract creator must send the exact fee amount in order for the contract creation transaction to succeed. The fee is then transferred to the owner of the FactoryFixedFee contract.

To use the FactoryFixedFee contract, you need to implement the _createContract function. Here is an example:

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@scobru/buidllib/contracts/factories/FactoryFixedFee.sol";
import "./MockTargetContract.sol"

contract MockFactoryFixedFee is FactoryFixedFee {
        address _owner,
        uint256 _fixedFee
    ) FactoryFixedFee(_owner, _fixedFee) {}

    function createContract(
        address creator
    ) public payable returns (address) {
        MockTargetContract targetContract = new MockTargetContract();
        emit ContractCreated(address(targetContract), creator);
        return address(targetContract);

In both Factory and FactoryFixedFee, the _createContract function should contain the logic to deploy the specific type of contract that you want the factory to create. This function will be called when a user calls the createContract function.

Please refer to the full contract documentation for more detailed information on how to use these contracts.


For more detailed information on how to use this library, please refer to the open in your browser documentation.

Future Development

We aim to expand this library with more utility contracts in the future. Keep an eye on our release notes and documentation for updates.


We welcome contributions from the community. Here are steps to get started:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch on your forked repository.
  3. Submit your changes through a pull request from your new branch to the main branch of the original repository.

Before making a pull request, please make sure your changes are well-documented and include relevant tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Check out the LICENSE file in the root directory for more details.

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  • scobru