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0.27.11 • Public • Published

Snap Preact

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Snap Preact is an abstraction layer that provides a config based interface for creating a Searchspring integration quickly.


To install the snap-preact package and it's dependencies:

npm install --save @searchspring/snap-preact


import { Snap } from '@searchspring/snap-preact';

const snap = new Snap(config);


A configuration object provided to Snap will determine the services that will be created.

Full example:

const config = {
	context: globalContext,
	url: {
		parameters: {
			core: {
				query: { name: 'search' },
	client: {
		globals: {
			siteId: 'xxxxxx',
	controllers: {
		search: [
				config: {
					id: 'search',
					settings: {
						redirects: {
							merchandising: false,
				targets: [
						selector: '#searchspring-content',
						component: () => Content,
						hideTarget: true,
						selector: '#searchspring-sidebar',
						component: () => Sidebar,
						hideTarget: true,
		autocomplete: [
				config: {
					id: 'autocomplete',
					selector: 'input.searchspring-ac',
					settings: {
						trending: {
							limit: 5,
				targets: [
						selector: 'input.searchspring-ac',
						component: () => Autocomplete,
						hideTarget: true,

config.context - optional Context object to be used to set the global context. If no context is provided, a default context taken from the integration script (shopper variable) will be used, otherwise the provided config.context is merged with the script context. This context becomes the globalContext that is passed to all controllers that are created.


A single client instance will be created and shared across all services using the provided config.

See @searchspring/snap-client documentation for full client config options.

const config = {
	client: {
		globals: {
			siteId: 'xxxxxx'


The instantiators object must be defined if any Recommendation controllers have also been defined via config.controllers.recommendation

const config = {
	instantiators: {
		recommendation: {
			context: recommendationContext,
			components: {
				Standard: () => Standard
			config: {
				branch: BRANCHNAME,
				batched: true
			selector: '',
			services: {}
	controllers: {
		recommendation: []

recommendation.components - required mapping of recommendation components.

recommendation.context - optional Context object to be used to set controller specific context. Defaults to the global context if no context prop is provided, or if one is provided, it is merged into the global context.

recommendation.config.branch - required current git branch name. Defined via webpack during bundle build:

const webpack = require('webpack');
const childProcess = require('child_process');

module.exports = {
	plugins: [
		new webpack.DefinePlugin({
			BRANCHNAME: `"${branchName}"`,

recommendation.config.batched - optional boolean (default: true) to batch multiple recommendations into a single network request

recommendation.selector - optional selector to target recommendation instances if using a non-standard installation. Default selector: script[type="searchspring/recommend"]

recommendation.services - optional object of ControllerServices


The url object contains the config provided to each UrlTranslator created by Snap Preact.

const config = {
	url: {
		parameters: {
			core: {
				query: { name: 'search' },
				page: { name: 'p' }


The controllers object contains a list of controllers to create for each controller type.

Available controllers:

const config = {
	controllers: {
		search: [],
		autocomplete: [],
		finder: [],
		recommendation: [],

Each array entry contains an object with the following properties:

config - required controller config for the corresponding controller. See Controller specific documentation for all available configuration options.

targets - optional array of Target objects. Targets thats have been found will have the corresponding controller provided to the target component controller prop and the controller's search method invoked.

type ExtendedTarget = {
	selector: string;
	inject?: {
		action: 'before' | 'after' | 'append' | 'prepend' | 'replace';
		element: Element | ((target: Target, element: Element) => Element);
	hideTarget?: boolean;
	emptyTarget?: boolean;
	name?: string;
	component?: () => Promise<RootComponent> | RootComponent;
	props?: unknown;  // additional props to pass to the component
	onTarget?: OnTarget;  // additional scripts to execute when target is found
	prefetch?: boolean;  // run controller search before finding targets

services - optional object of ControllerServices to be used for this controller in place of the default services

url - optional UrlTranslator config object to be used with the UrlManager for this controller

context - optional Context object to be used to set controller specific context. Defaults to the global context if no context prop is provided, or if one is provided, it is merged into the global context.

An example creating a SearchController:

const config = {
	controllers: {
		search: [
				context: searchContext,
				config: {
					id: 'search',
				targets: [
						selector: '#searchspring-content',
						component: () => Content,
						hideTarget: true,
						selector: '#searchspring-sidebar',
						component: () => Sidebar,
						hideTarget: true,
				services: {}

The controller config id will be the name of the controller that you will then interface from the return of creating the new Snap() instance via the controllers object.

For example, if using the config example above:

const snap = new Snap(config);
const { search } = snap.controllers;


After instantiating an instance of Snap, the following properties can be accessed.


A reference to the config that was provided.


A reference to the shared @searchspring/snap-logger instance used by each controller.


A reference to the shared @searchspring/snap-client instance used by each controller.


A reference to the shared @searchspring/snap-tracker instance used by each controller.


An object containing all controllers that have been created.


A reference to RecommendationInstantiator instance if creating recommendation instances.


Snap Preact provides various polyfills to ensure legacy browser support.

import { polyfills } from '@searchspring/snap-preact';

polyfills.then(() => {




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