
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Persistent immutable collections for typescript

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Zero dependency library for immutable collections in typescript.


  • An immutable hash-based map with fast constant time operations (as long as there are no collisions).
  • An immutable balanced binary tree with guaranteed log n operations.
  • Two equivalent APIs:
    • A class-based API with classes for HashMap and OrderedMap.
    • A function API with better tree-shaking and bundle size.
  • Efficient bulk operations for modifying many keys at once in a single change.
  • Support for shallow comparision to determine if a data structure actually changed.
  • An iterable wrapper for lazy data manipulation.


See the website for full API docs.


Install with npm/yarn/pnpm from the npm registry.


To use the class-based API, import from the @seedtactics/immutable-collections module directly. See the comparison docs to decide between a HashMap or an OrderedMap.

import { HashMap, OrderedMap } from "@seedtactics/immutable-collections";


This library does not implement an immutable list. The funkia/list library already contains a high-quality immutable list which can be used in conjunction with the immutable maps in this library. An alternative is to use an OrderedMap as a kind of sequence by using a number key. This works well for sorted lists by using the sort as the key. Then, whenever you iterate the values in the OrderedMap, the values will be in ascending order of keys. The OrderedMap also has functions to view, modify, or pop the entry with the largest or smallest key, allowing list operations at the ends of the list.


Immutable-collections is written in pure typescript with an extensive test suite using mocha and chai, using pnpm as a package manager. Run pnpm test to run the test suite or pnpm coverage to run the test suite and also output coverage information.

The website is built using docusaurus and lives inside the website subdirectory. Instead of using typedoc, we have a custom script which converts the tsdoc comments in the source files into markdown: website/tsdoc-to-mdx.mts. This only supports a subset of tsdoc at the moment. Run pnpm run generate in the website subdirectory to generate the markdown files and then pnpm run start to start the docuasurus dev server.

Related Projects

  • hamt_plus - A javascript hash array mapped trie. immutable-collections was initially motivated by converting hamt_plus to typescript so as to add in additional operations.
  • Haskell unordered containers - An implementation of a hash array mapped trie in Haskell. The operations and algorithms in the Haskell version influenced the implementation in this library.
  • Haskell containers - An implementation of many immutable data structures in Haskell. In particular the implementation of the balanced tree influenced the algorithms and implementation in this library.
  • funkia/list - A high-quality immutable list library.




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  • johnlenz