
0.5.0 • Public • Published


Npm Travis Coveralls

A Seneca plugin that provides basic graph operations.


$ npm install seneca-graph

Action Patterns

Action Descriptions

« add:rel,role:graph »

Add a directed relation between two nodes in a given graph.


  • add:rel,role:graph,graph:number,rel:lessthan,add:rel,from:<from-id>,to:<to-id>
    • Idempotently add a pair of nodes to number graph connected by directed relation lessthan with from-id and to-id referencing external entity identifiers as per graph definition in options.


  • graph : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'The name of the graph.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • rel : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'The name of the relation.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • from : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'From-side entity identifier.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • to : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'To-side entity identifier.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }

Replies With

  from: '_from_ parameter, as provided',
  to: '_to_ parameter, as provided',
  rel: '_rel_ parameter, as provided',
  graph: '_graph_ parameter, as provided',
  node: {
    f: 'from-side entity identifier',
    t: 'to-side entity identifier',
    r: 'relation name',
    id: 'internal graph node identifier'

« list:rel,role:graph »

List nodes connected by a given relation.


  • list:rel,role:graph,graph:number,rel:lessthan,list:rel

    • List all nodes in number graph connected by directed relation lessthan
  • list:rel,role:graph,graph:number,rel:lessthan,list:rel,from:<from-id>

    • List all nodes in number graph connected by directed relation lessthan with given from-id
  • list:rel,role:graph,graph:number,rel:lessthan,list:rel,to:<to-id>

    • List all nodes in number graph connected by directed relation lessthan with given to-id
  • list:rel,role:graph,graph:number,rel:lessthan,list:rel,to:<to-id>,entity:from

    • List all nodes in number graph connected by directed relation lessthan with given to-id, loading and including referenced from-side entities
  • list:rel,role:graph,graph:number,rel:lessthan,list:rel,entity:to

    • List all nodes in number graph connected by directed relation lessthan, loading and including referenced to-side entities


  • graph : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'The name of the graph.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • rel : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'The name of the relation.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • from : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { description: 'From-side entity identifier.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • to : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { description: 'To-side entity identifier.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • entity : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: { _values: Set { 'from', 'to', 'both' }, _refs: Set {}, _lowercase: Map { 'from' => 'from', 'to' => 'to', 'both' => 'both' }, _override: false }, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { only: true, description: 'Entity side to load. Values: from, to, both.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }

Replies With

  from: '_from_ parameter, as provided',
  to: '_to_ parameter, as provided',
  rel: '_rel_ parameter, as provided',
  graph: '_graph_ parameter, as provided',
  list: [
      f: 'from-side entity identifier',
      t: 'to-side entity identifier',
      r: 'relation name',
      id: 'internal graph node identifier',
      fe: 'from-side entity',
      te: 'to-side entity'

« role:graph,tree:rel »

Load tree of nodes connected by given relation.


  • role:graph,tree:rel,graph:number,rel:lessthan,from:<from-id>

    • Load tree of nodes from number graph connected by directed relation lessthan with from-id nodes at first level, to default depth of 1.
  • role:graph,tree:rel,graph:number,rel:lessthan,from:<from-id>,depth:2,entity:to

    • Load tree of nodes from number graph connected by directed relation lessthan with from-id nodes at first level, to depth 2, loading and returning referenced to-side entities.


  • graph : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'The name of the graph.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • rel : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { presence: 'required', description: 'The name of the relation.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • from : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { description: 'From-side entity identifier.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • to : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { description: 'To-side entity identifier.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • depth : { type: 'number', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: null, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { default: 1, description: 'Depth of graph to traverse.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null }, '$_super': {} }
  • entity : { type: 'string', '$_root': { _types: Set { 'alternatives', 'any', 'array', 'boolean', 'date', 'function', 'link', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'symbol', 'binary' }, alternatives: [Function], any: [Function], array: [Function], boolean: [Function], date: [Function], function: [Function], link: [Function], number: [Function], object: [Function], string: [Function], symbol: [Function], binary: [Function], allow: [Function], custom: [Function], disallow: [Function], equal: [Function], exist: [Function], forbidden: [Function], invalid: [Function], not: [Function], only: [Function], optional: [Function], options: [Function], prefs: [Function], preferences: [Function], required: [Function], strip: [Function], valid: [Function], when: [Function], ValidationError: [Function: Error], version: '17.1.0', cache: { provision: [Function: provision] }, assert: [Function: assert], attempt: [Function: attempt], build: [Function: build], checkPreferences: [Function: checkPreferences], compile: [Function: compile], defaults: [Function: defaults], expression: [Function: expression], extend: [Function: extend], isError: [Function: isError], isExpression: [Function: isTemplate], isRef: [Function], isSchema: [Function], in: [Function: in], override: Symbol(override), ref: [Function: ref], types: [Function: types], alt: [Function], bool: [Function], func: [Function], x: [Function: expression], trace: [Function: trace], untrace: [Function], [Symbol(@hapi/lab/coverage/initialize)]: [Function: trace] }, '$_temp': { ruleset: false, whens: {} }, _ids: { _byId: Map {}, _byKey: Map {}, _schemaChain: false }, _preferences: null, _valids: { _values: Set { 'from', 'to', 'both' }, _refs: Set {}, _lowercase: Map { 'from' => 'from', 'to' => 'to', 'both' => 'both' }, _override: false }, _invalids: null, _rules: [], _singleRules: Map {}, _refs: { refs: [] }, _flags: { only: true, description: 'Entity side to load. Values: from, to, both.' }, _cache: null, '$_terms': { alterations: null, examples: null, externals: null, metas: [], notes: [], shared: null, tags: [], whens: null, replacements: null }, '$_super': {} }

Replies With

  from: '_from_ parameter, as provided',
  to: '_to_ parameter, as provided',
  rel: '_rel_ parameter, as provided',
  graph: '_graph_ parameter, as provided',
  c: [
      f: 'from-side entity identifier',
      t: 'to-side entity identifier',
      r: 'relation name',
      id: 'internal graph node identifier',
      fe: 'from-side entity',
      te: 'to-side entity',
      c: [
        '{ ...connected-nodes... }'



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