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0.0.6 • Public • Published

Discovery Form

This is a declarative form widget dedicated to Discovery.


In a Web Environment

With NPM/Yarn

$ npm install @senx/discovery-widgets
$ npm install @senx/discovery-plugin-form

With CDN

<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.esm.js"></script>

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-plugin-form/dist/discovery-plugin-form/discovery-plugin-form.esm.js"></script>
<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-plugin-form/dist/discovery-plugin-form/discovery-plugin-form.js"></script>


<html lang="en">
<discovery-dashboard url="https://warp.senx.io/api/v0/exec" dashboard-title="Test">
  'title' 'Test'
  'description' 'Dashboard test'
  'tiles' [
      'title' 'test'
      'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 4
      'type' 'form'
      'macro' <%
          'events' [ { 'tags' [ 'test' ] 'type' 'variable' 'selector' 'myVar' } ]
          'data' [
              'name' 'make' 'label' 'Choose a maker'
              'type' 'list'
              'data' [ "Toyota" "BMW" "Honda" "Ford" "Chevy" "VW" ]
              'required' T
              'options' { 'col' 4 }
              'name' 'myDateTime' 'label' 'First use'
              'type' 'datetime' 
              'default' NOW
              'required' T
              'options' { 'col' 4 }
<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-widgets/dist/discovery/discovery.esm.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-plugin-form/dist/discovery-plugin-form.esm.js"></script>
<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@senx/discovery-plugin-form/dist/discovery-plugin-form.js"></script>


General options

  • options.button.label: Custom label for the submit button, "Ok" by default.
  • options.input.validation: Enable form validation
  • options.input.allLabel: Custom label for "All" button
  • options.input.noneLabel: Custom label for "None" button

Main usage

Your Discovery macro should return a list of controls or a key value map with a field "data" containing a list of controls.

Each control is placed on a 12 columns width grid. By default, each control is 12 columns width.

Each control is described by:

  'name' 'make'                 // Mandatory. Unique control's name  
  'label' 'Choose a maker'      // Optional. Control's label. By default, the control's name is used as label
  'description' 'Bla bla'       // Optional short field description  
  'type' 'list'                 // Mandatory. Type of control (see below)
  'data' [ 'A' 'B' 'C' ]        // Data used by the list
  'default' 'B'                 // Optional default value.
  'required' T                  // Optional, if form validation is enable, mark this control as requiered
  'options' { 
    'col' 4                     // Optional, width of the control over the main grid
    'grid_break' true           // Optional, force a line return in the grid
    'placeholder' 'Choose...'   // Custom input placeholder  

Available controls

text (default)

  'name' 'myText' 'label' 'Text input sample'  
  'type' 'text'
  'default' 'foo bar' 
  'options' {
    'min' 3         // Optional minimal string length   
    'max' 8         // Optional maximal string length


  'name' 'mySecret' 'label' 'Password input sample'  
  'type' 'secret'
  'default' 'foo bar' 
  'options' {
    'min' 3         // Optional minimal string length   
    'max' 8         // Optional maximal string length


  'name' 'myHidden' 'label' 'Invisible'  
  'type' 'hidden'
  'default' 'foo bar' 


  'name' 'myNumber' 'label' 'Number input sample'  
  'type' 'number'
  'default' 12 
  'options' {
    'min' 3         // Optional minimal value   
    'max' 80        // Optional maximal value


Works with a list of strings or a list of numbers

  'name' 'myList' 'label' 'List input sample'  
  'type' 'list'
  'data' [ 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ] // Use data to set the available values
  'default' 1998
  'name' 'myList' 'label' 'List input sample'  
  'type' 'list'
  'macro' <% [ 'A' 'B' 'C' ] %> // or use a macro to set the available values
  'default' 'B'


Like lists, works also with a macro.

Works only with a list of strings.

  'name' 'myAutocomplete' 'label' 'Autocomplete input sample'  
  'type' 'autocomplete'
  'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "tiny" "trusting" ] // Use data to set the available values
  'default' "adoring"


Like lists, works also with a macro.

  'name' 'myRating' 'label' 'Rating input sample'  
  'type' 'rating'
  'data' [ "Beginner" "Skilled" "Experienced" "Advanced" "Expert" ]
  'default' 'Experienced'

date, time, datetime

  'name' 'myTime' 'label' 'Standard time field'  
  'type' 'time'
  'default' '12:44'
  'name' 'myDate' 'label' 'Standard date field'  
  'type' 'date'
  'default' NOW
  'name' 'myDateTime' 'label' 'Standard datetime field'  
  'type' 'datetime'
  'default' NOW

radio group

Like lists, works also with a macro.

  'name' 'myRadio' 'label' 'Radio'
  'type' 'radio'
  'default' "Work"
  'data' [ "Home" "Work" ]

checkbox, switch

  'name' 'myCheckbox' 'label' 'Checkbox'
  'type' 'checkbox'
  'default' true
  'name' 'mySwitch' 'label' 'Switch'
  'type' 'switch'
  'default' false

checkboxes group (multi-cb)

Like lists, works also with a macro.

Your data list can contain either a string or a key/value map.

  'name' 'myMultiCb' 'label' 'Multi checkboxes'
  'type' 'multi-cb'
  'default' [ true       false     true       false    false ]
  'data'    [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "tiny" { "name" "opt1" "label" trusting" } ]


  'name' 'mySlider' 'label' 'Slider sample'
  'type' 'slider'
  'default' 30 
  'options' {
    'min' 10        // Optional minimal value   
    'max' 80        // Optional maximal value
    'step' 10       // Optional increment 

Package Sidebar


npm i @senx/discovery-plugin-form

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  • giwi
  • pi-r-p
  • xavmarin