
0.25.10 • Public • Published

Serverless Platform SDK

This Serverless Platform SDK makes it easy to interact with the Serverless Platform and perform operations on it. Please note that there is an existing @serverless/platform-sdk npm module for interacting with the Serverless Inc. SaaS original platform services. This SDK is for the new services, which are multi-cloud, self-hostable and focued on Components. At some point, we will try to merge these SDKs.

The SDK is light-weight, so that it can be used in the following: CLIs, Dashboards, Back-End Services, FaaS Layers. Please DO NOT add any big Node.js dependencies to this SDK.

This SDK should guide the interface design between Services and Clients. All Clients and Services MUST use the SDK and should never hardcode API endpoints or FaaS resources identifiers.


If you are working within a Node.js environment, install the Serverless Platform Client SDK via NPM:

npm i @serverless/platform-client

If you are working within a web/browser environment, use the CDN hosted Serverless Platform Client SDK:

This is minified, tree-shaked, browserified. The CDN fetches it directly from NPM, so just reference any npm version, like below.

This CDN service has several locations in China, so it works well there.

// In index.html <head></head>
<!-- Load the Serverless Platform (Components) SDK -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@serverless/platform-client@0.17.2" async></script>

You can also pin to the latest version, but this could break at any time:

// In index.html <head></head>
<!-- Load the Serverless Platform (Components) SDK -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@serverless/platform-client" async></script>

If you are working with the dev environment of the Serverless Platform, set the following environment variable, or configure the client programmatically, as detailed below.


Here is how you require, instantiate the Client and use it:

const { ServerlessSDK } = require('@serverless/platform-client')

sdk = new ServerlessSDK({
  platformStage: 'dev',  // Optional.  Defaults to 'prod'
  accessKey: 'JA98JAJFASLFJSALFJASLFJ', // Optional, but recommended.  Platform Access Key needed to identify all requests.

const instances = await sdk.listInstances('my-org')


The Serverless Platform SDK Class

Kind: global class

new ServerlessSDK()

Creates an instance of the SDK. Accepts a configuration object and calls the config() method. See the config() method for more information on allowed configuration.

Param Type Description
[config.accessKey] string Can either be a Serverless Platform Access Key or an ID Token.
[config.platformStage] string The Serverless Platform Stage you wish to interact with. This can also be set by the environment variable SERVERLESS_PLATFORM_STAGE=
[context.orgName] string The name of the Serverless Platform Organization you wish to interact with. If set, this value is used upon creating a Websockets connection, and auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.orgUid] string The ID of the Serverless Platform Organization you wish to interact with. If set, this value is used upon creating a Websockets connection, and auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.stageName] string The Serverless Platform Organization Stage you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.appName] string The Serverless Platform Application you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.instanceName] string The Serverless Platform Instance you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.componentName] string The Serverless Platform Component you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.componentVersion] string The Serverless Platform Component version you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.


const { ServerlessSDK } = require('@serverless/platform-client')

  const sdk = new ServerlessSDK({
    accessKey: '123456789',
    context: {
      orgName: 'my-org',
      orgUid: '1234',
      stageName: 'prod',
      appName: 'my-app',
      instanceName: 'my-instance'

serverlessSDK.config() ⇒ null

Updates the SDK configuration

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type Description
[config.accessKey] string Can either be a Serverless Platform Access Key or an ID Token.
[config.platformStage] string The Serverless Platform Stage you wish to interact with. This can also be set by the environment variable SERVERLESS_PLATFORM_STAGE=
[context.orgName] string The name of the Serverless Platform Organization you wish to interact with. If set, this value is used upon creating a Websockets connection, and auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.orgUid] string The ID of the Serverless Platform Organization you wish to interact with. If set, this value is used upon creating a Websockets connection, and auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.stageName] string The Serverless Platform Organization Stage you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.appName] string The Serverless Platform Application you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.instanceName] string The Serverless Platform Instance you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.componentName] string The Serverless Platform Component you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.
[context.componentVersion] string The Serverless Platform Component version you wish to interact with. If set, this value is auto-added to every Event you publish.


const { ServerlessSDK } = require('@serverless/platform-client')

  const sdk = new ServerlessSDK()
    accessKey: '123456789',
    context: {
      orgName: 'my-org',
      orgUid: '1234',
      stageName: 'prod',
      appName: 'my-app',
      instanceName: 'my-instance'

serverlessSDK.getDomain(serviceName) ⇒ string

Gets a domain for a specific service: 'engine', 'registry', 'events-streaming'

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: string - The domain of that service.

Param Type Default Description
serviceName string null The name of the Serverless Platform Service you want the domain for.

serverlessSDK.connect() ⇒ null

Establishes a websockets connection with the Serverless Platform

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type Description
options.orgName string Name of the Serverless Platform Org.
options.orgUid string ID of the Serverless Platform Org.
options.onEvent function A function that handles events recieved from the Serverless Platform
options.filter string Filters which events this connection should receive
options.filter.stageName string Tells the SDK to only receive events on a specific stage
options.filter.appName string Tells the SDK to only receive events on a specific app
options.filter.instanceName string Tells the SDK to only receive events on a specific service

serverlessSDK.disconnect() ⇒ null

Disconnects a websockets connection with the Serverless Platform

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

serverlessSDK.isConnected() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the SDK is currently connected to the Serverless Platform

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: boolean - Will return true if the websocket connection is active.

serverlessSDK.publish() ⇒ null

Publishes a Serverless Platform Event via Websockets. The use-case for this is asynchronous publishing, where you do not want to synchronous auth requests, where every message must be authorized first, adding latency.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

serverlessSDK.publishSync() ⇒ null

Publishes a Serverless Platform Event via HTTP API. The use-case for this is synchronous publishing, where you do not want to open a websockets connection.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

serverlessSDK.createComponent(orgName, componentName)

Returns a new Component as a Javascript object.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type Default Description
orgName * The name of the Serverless Platform Organization.
componentName * The name of the Serverless Platform Stage.

serverlessSDK.publishComponent(componentDefinition) ⇒ object

This method publishes a Component to the Serverless Platform Registry. This method accepts a Component Definition (e.g. serverless.component.yml) as an object. In the Component Definition, it looks at the 'main' property to find the path to the Component source directory. Then it collects that directory, adds in the special Component Handler, and packages everything into a zip file. After that, it fetches secure upload URLs and uploads the Component to the Serverless Registry. Once a Component has been uploaded to the Registry, the Registry must do some background processing to publish it, while that's happening, this method polls the API to see when the Component is finished being processed, and then returns the published definition.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: object - The published Component definition is returned from the Platform API.

Param Type Description
componentDefinition * An object containing the properties of a Component.

serverlessSDK.getComponent(componentName, componentVersion) ⇒ object

Get Component

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: object - Returns a Component definition from the Registry.

Param Type Default Description
componentName * The name of the Component within the Registry.
componentVersion * The version of a specific Component within the Registry. If this is not included, this method will always return the latest version.

serverlessSDK.generateInstanceId(orgUid, stageName, appUid, instanceName) ⇒ object

Returns a properly formatted ID for an Instance

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: object - Returns a properly formatted ID for an Instance

Param Type Description
orgUid * The Uid of the Serverless Platform Organization.
stageName * The name of the Serverless Platform Stage.
appUid * The Uid of the Serverless Platform Application.
instanceName * The name of the Serverless Platform Instance.

serverlessSDK.validateInstance(instanceToValidate) ⇒ object

Validates the properties of an Instance, as well as auto-corrects shortened syntax (e.g. org => orgName)

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: object - Returns a validated, formatted version of the Instance

Param Type Description
instanceToValidate * The Serverless Platform Instance you want to validate.

serverlessSDK.createInstance(orgName, stageName, appName, instanceName) ⇒ object

Returns a new Instance as a Javascript object.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK
Returns: object - Returns a new Instance definition as a Javascript Object.

Param Type Default Description
orgName * The name of the Serverless Platform Organization.
stageName * The name of the Serverless Platform Stage.
appName * The name of the Serverless Platform Application.
instanceName * The name of the Serverless Platform Instance.

serverlessSDK.getInstance(orgName, stageName, appName, instanceName)

Get an Instance from the Serverless Platform by it's name and the names of its Organization, Stage, Application.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type Default Description
orgName * The name of the Serverless Platform Organization.
stageName * The name of the Serverless Platform Stage.
appName * The name of the Serverless Platform Application.
instanceName * The name of the Serverless Platform Instance.

serverlessSDK.listInstances(orgName, orgUid)

List all Component Instances within an Org, given an org name or org UId

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type Default Description
orgName * Optional. Must include either orgName or orgUid.
orgUid * Optional. Must include either orgName or orgUid.

serverlessSDK.run(action, instanceData, credentials, options)

Run an action on a Component Instance. Is an asynchronous call by default, but you can perform this synchronously if you set options.sync. Please note that synchronous runs have a 24 second timeout limit. That is not ideal for long operations, and is not recommended for deployments.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type
action *
instanceData *
credentials *
options *

serverlessSDK.runFinish(method, instanceData)

Run Finish

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Param Type Default Description
method string null The action that was performed on the Component.
instanceData object An object representing your Instance definition.


Performs a 'deploy' action and polls the 'getInstance' endpoint until its 'instanceStatus' reflects a successful deployment, or error.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK


Performs a 'remove' action and polls the 'getInstance' endpoint until its 'instanceStatus' reflects a successful deployment, or error.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK


Intercepts console 'log' 'debug' and 'error' methods, and sends their data to the Serverless Platform as an Event, before writing to stdout.

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK


Stop intercepting console methods

Kind: instance method of ServerlessSDK

Publishing the SDK

Before publishing the SDK, be sure to run the pre-publish script, which browserifies the code and updates its documentation, by running: npm run pre-publish within the sdk folder.

© Serverless Inc.




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