This package has been deprecated

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This guide refers to the old version of the Wayfinding module, which is no longer maintained. We strongly recommend adopting MapView, the new visual component available at @situm/react-native.

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0.3.2 • Public • Published


Integrate plug&play navigation experience with floorplans, POIs, routes and turn-by-turn directions in no time. with the power of SITUM.

License: MIT Latest version: Node compatibility: TypeScript React Native


Situm SDK is a set of utilities that allow any developer to build location based apps using Situm's indoor positioning system. Among many other capabilities, apps developed with Situm SDK will be able to:

  1. Obtain information related to buildings where Situm's positioning system is already configured: floor plans, points of interest, geotriggered events, etc.
  2. Retrieve the location of the smartphone inside these buildings (position, orientation, and floor where the smartphone is).
  3. Compute a route from a point A (e.g. where the smartphone is) to a point B (e.g. any point of interest within the building).
  4. Trigger notifications when the user enters a certain area.

In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step to set up your first react-native application using Situm SDK. Before starting to write code, we recommend you to set up an account in our Dashboard (, retrieve your API KEY and configure your first building.

  1. Go to the sign in form and enter your username and password to sign in.
  2. Go to the account section and on the bottom, click on "generate one" to generate your API KEY.
  3. Go to the buildings section and create your first building.
  4. Download Situm Mapping Tool Android application. With this application you will be able to configure and test Situm's indoor positioning system in your buildings.

Perfect! Now you are ready to develop your first indoor positioning application.


First, you need to setup a React Native development environment. You will also need a functional React Native app (where you will integrate this plugin). The instructions under section React Native CLI Quickstart on this guide will be helpful.


On the root folder of your project, execute:

yarn add


npm install

Situm repository (Android only)

To allow Gradle to compile your Android application, add the Situm artifact repository to the build.gradle file at the root of your project:

buildScript {
  // ...

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "" }


In order to work correctly the user will have to confirm the use of location and Bluetooth services.

  • In Android, this is handled automatically by the plugin.
  • In iOS, you will need to include a pair of keys and its descriptions on the Info.plist file of the native .xcworkspace project. See below:
    • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription : Location is required to find out where you are
    • NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription : Bluetooth is required to find where you are

Configure Google Maps APIKEYs

This plugin uses Google Maps as a base layer, on top of which everything else is drawn: floorplans, routes, user’s location… More concretely, it uses the Dynamic Maps service, which has a generous free tier.

First, you should create an API Key for your project. Then, on Android add the API Key to your “android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml” file:

<?xml ...>
<manifest ...>

        android:value="GOOGLE_MAPS_APIKEY" />

    <activity ...></activity>

On iOS there is nothing else to do rather than including the Google Maps APIKEY on the Javascript side of the app (see below).


Copy & paste this in your App.tsx or App.js file for a quick start!

import * as React from 'react';

import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { MapView, OnFloorChangedResult, OnNavigationResult, OnPoiDeselectedResult, OnPoiSelectedResult, WayfindingResult } from '@situm/react-native-wayfinding';

export default function App() {

  const onMapReady = (event: WayfindingResult) => {
    console.log('Map is ready now' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onFloorChanged = (event: OnFloorChangedResult) => {
    console.log('on floor change detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onPoiSelected = (event: OnPoiSelectedResult) => {
    console.log('on poi selected detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onPoiDeselected = (event: OnPoiDeselectedResult) => {
    console.log('on poi deselected detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onNavigationRequested = (event: OnNavigationResult) => {
    console.log('on navigation requested detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onNavigationStarted = (event: OnNavigationResult) => {
    console.log('on navigation started detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onNavigationError = (event: OnNavigationResult) => {
    console.log('on navigation error detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  const onNavigationFinished = (event: OnNavigationResult) => {
    console.log('on navigation finished detected: ' + JSON.stringify(event));

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <MapView style={styles.mapview} 
      user="SITUM_USER" //Your Situm user account (e.g.
      apikey="SITUM_APIKEY" //Your Situm APIKEY
      googleApikey="GOOGLE_MAPS_APIKEY" //Your Google APIKEY (see previous section)
      buildingId = "BUILDING_ID" //The identifier of the building where you want to center the view (e.g. "1234")

      onMapReady={onMapReady} //Called when the maps is ready
      onFloorChanged={onFloorChanged} //Called when the user moves to another floor
      onPoiSelected={onPoiSelected} //Called when the user selects a POI
      onPoiDeselected={onPoiDeselected} //Called when the user de-selects a POI
      onNavigationRequested={onNavigationRequested} //Called when the user requests a route / navigation
      onNavigationStarted={onNavigationStarted} // Called when the navigation starts
      onNavigationError={onNavigationError} //Called when the route / navigation stops unexpectedly
      onNavigationFinished={onNavigationFinished} //Called when the route / navigation finishes
      enablePoiClustering={true} //Clusters close POIs together
      showPoiNames={true} //Shows the POI name on top of each POI
      useRemoteConfig={true} // Use the Remote Configuration
      initialZoom={18} //Initial zoom level (Android Only)
      minZoom={16} //Minimum zoom level (user can't zoom out further)
      maxZoom={21} //Maximum zoom level (user can't zoom in further)
      useDashboardTheme={true} //Use the primary color & logo of your organization as configured in Situm Dashboard

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
  mapview: {
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',

To call WYF methods, just import SitumWayfindingPlugin from @situm/react-native-wayfinding and use it:

import {
} from "@situm/react-native-wayfinding";

    onPress={() => {
        id: POI_ID,
        buildingId: BUILDING_ID,
    title="NAVIGATE TO POI"


This plugin is just a (partial) wrapper over our native Android / iOS Situm WYF module. Therefore, you should take a look at it's documentation to have an understanding of how it works and the configurations that can be applied. You will also benefit from taking a look at our SDKs documentation, which Situm WYF uses heavily. Specifically, concepts about positioning, cartography, routes, navigation and remote configuration.

MapView Properties

Type Default Description
user string - Your Situm user account (e.g.
apikey string - Your Situm APIKEY
googleApikey string - Your Google APIKEY (see previous section)
buildingId string - The identifier of the building where you want to center the view (e.g. "1234"). More info.
enablePoiClustering boolean true Clusters close POIs together. More info.
showPoiNames boolean true Shows the POI name on top of each POI. More info.
useRemoteConfig boolean true Use the Remote Configuration. More info.
initialZoom number [15-21] 18 Initial zoom level. More info.
minZoom number [15-21] - Minimum zoom level (user can't zoom out further). More info.
maxZoom number [15-21] - Maximum zoom level (user can't zoom in further). More info.
useDashboardTheme boolean true Use the primary color & logo of your organization as configured in Situm Dashboard. More info.

SitumWayfindingPlugin methods

Method Parameters Description
navigateToPoi Poi Start navigation to the given Poi, starting at the current user location.
stopNavigation - Stop navigation.


Callback Data Description
onMapReady WayfindingResult Map has been loaded
onFloorChanged OnFloorChangedResult User has moved from one floor to another
onPoiSelected OnPoiSelectedResult User has selected a POI
onPoiDeselected OnPoiDeselectedResult User has deselected a POI
onNavigationRequested OnNavigationResult User has requested a route
onNavigationStarted OnNavigationResult Navigation has started
onNavigationError OnNavigationResult Route could not be computed or navigation finished unexpectedly
onNavigationfinished OnNavigationResult User has reached its destination point



Prop Type Description
status String "SUCCESS" when the map is ready
message String Human readable message


Prop Type Description
buildingId String ID of the building where the POI was selected
buildingName String Name of the building where the POI was selected
floorId String ID of the floor where the POI was selected
floorName String Name of the floor where the POI was selected
poiId String ID of the POI that was selected
poiName String Name of the POI that was selected


Prop Type Description
buildingId String ID of the building where the POI was deselected
buildingName String Name of the building where the POI was deselected


Prop Type Description
buildingId String ID of the building where the floor change happened
buildingName String Name of the building where the floor change happened
fromFloorId String ID of the floor from which the user moved
toFloorId String ID of the floor to which the user moved
fromFloorName String Name of the floor from which the user moved
toFloorName String Name of the floor to which the user moved


Prop Type Description
id String ID of this point of interest
buildingId String ID of the building where the POI is


Prop Type Description
buildingId String ID of the building where the point is
floorId String ID of the floor where the point is
latitude Number Latitude where the point is in WSG84
longitude Number Longitude where the point is in WSG84


Prop Type Description
category String Type of destination. Options: "POI" or "LOCATION"
identifier String? (Optional) POI identifier (only when category="POI")
name String? (Optional) POI name (only when category="POI")
point Point? Destination point


Prop Type Description
status String Status of the navigation request. Options: "REQUESTED" (navigation has been requested, received by "onNavigationRequested" callback), "CANCELED" (navigation stopped by the user, received by "onNavigationFinished" callback), "DESTINATION_REACHED" (user has arrived to the destination, received by "onNavigationFinished" callback)
destination Destination Destination of the navigation


Prop Type Description
navigation Navigation Result of the navigation provided to callbacks "onNavigationRequested" and "onNavigationFinished" callbacks
error Error? (Optional) Error detected during the navigation


Prop Type
code Number
message String


Please refer to for a list of notable changes for each version of the plugin.

You can also see the tags on this repository.

Submitting contributions

You will need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before making a submission. Learn more here.


This project is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE file for further details.

More information

More info is available at our Developers Page.

Support information

For any question or bug report, please send an email to

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