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2.2.3 • Public • Published


Convert Slate JSON objects to HTML and vice versa.

View the demo at https://thompsonsj.github.io/slate-serializers-demo.

Table of contents


For details on how all serializers work, see Engineering decisions.


yarn add @slate-serializers/html
# or
npm install @slate-serializers/html



import { slateToHtml } from '@slate-serializers/html'

const slate = [
    children: [
        text: 'Heading 1',
    type: 'h1',
    children: [
        text: 'Paragraph 1',
    type: 'p',

const serializedToHtml = slateToHtml(slate)
// output
// <h1>Heading 1</h1><p>Paragraph 1</p>


By default, slateToHtml incorporates transformation rules based on the example in Deserializing | Serializing | Slate.

Payload CMS

If you are using Payload CMS, import the Payload configuration file and pass it as a parameter to the serializer.

import { slateToHtml, payloadSlateToHtmlConfig } from '@slate-serializers/html'

const slate = [
    children: [
        text: 'Heading 1',
    type: 'h1',

const serializedToHtml = slateToHtml(slate, payloadSlateToHtmlConfig)
Custom configuration

You can create your own configuration file that implements your schema. See packages/dom/src/lib/config/payload.ts for an example of how to extend the default configuration or copy packages/dom/src/lib/config/default.ts and rewrite it as appropriate.

Option Description Default
markMap Map Slate JSON properties to HTML formatting element tags. Accepts an array of HTML element tag names. See default config. Example: { code: ['pre', 'code'], /* ... */ }
elementMap Map Slate JSON type values to HTML element tags. Use elementTransforms for more control over the returned element. See default config. Example: { paragraph: 'p', /* ... */ }
markTransforms Define transform functions for Slate JSON properties. Overrides and corresponding values in markMap. { fontSize: ({ node }) => { return new Element('span', { style: `font-size:${node.fontSize};` }) } }
elementTransforms Define transform functions for Slate JSON node types. Overrides and corresponding values in elementMap. See default config.
encodeEntities See cheeriojs/dom-serializer - encodeEntities true
alwaysEncodeBreakingEntities Encode &, < and > regardless of other option settings. false
alwaysEncodeCodeEntities Encode entities in <pre> tags regardless of other option settings. true
convertLineBreakToBr Convert \n line breaks in Slate text nodes to an HTML <br> element. true


import { htmlToSlate } from '@slate-serializers/html'

const html = `<h1>Heading 1</h1><p>Paragraph 1</p>`

const serializedToSlate = htmlToSlate(html)
// output
    children: [
        text: 'Heading 1',
    type: 'h1',
    children: [
        text: 'Paragraph 1',
    type: 'p',


By default, htmlToSlate incorporates transformation rules based on the example in HTML | Serializing | Slate.

Payload CMS

If you are using Payload CMS, import the Payload configuration file and pass it as a parameter to the serializer.

import { htmlToSlate, payloadHtmlToSlateConfig } from '@slate-serializers/html'

const html = `<h1>Heading 1</h1><p>Paragraph 1</p>`

const serializedToSlate = htmlToSlate(html, payloadHtmlToSlateConfig)


Create your own configuration file that implements your schema.

For more detailed documentation and examples, see htmlToSlate | slate-serializers.

Option Description Default
textTags Define transform functions for HTML formatting elements. See default config. Examples: textTags.spec.ts.
elementTags Define transform functions for HTML element tag names. See default config. Example { p: () => ({ type: 'p' }), /* ... */ }.
htmlPreProcessString Perform operations on the HTML string before serialization. (html) => html.replace(/<pre[^>]*>/g, '<code>').replace(/<\/pre>/g, '</code>')
filterWhitespaceNodes Remove whitespace that does not contribute meaning. true
convertBrToLineBreak Convert br tags to a new line character (\n). true




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  • thompsonsj