
19.2.0 • Public • Published


It is said that to enable strict mode for TypeScript, only "strict": true should be added in your project's tsconfig.json file. Actually it is not the full truth, there are many more useful additional options and this package enables all of them for an absolute strict mode. SmartRecruiters’ tsconfig contains all strict rules and improves your project type-safety.

For typescript projects, please, use config for TypeScript


There are just two simple steps for starting using strict mode.

Step 1. Install an appropriate version on the package, it's really simple - the version of the package should be the same as your Angular version without patch version

Package version Angular version
19.2.x 19.2.x
19.1.x 19.1.x
19.0.x 19.0.x
18.2.x 18.2.x
18.1.x 18.1.x
18.0.x 18.0.x
17.3.x 17.3.x
17.2.x 17.2.x
17.1.x 17.1.x
17.0.x 17.0.x
16.2.x 16.2.x
16.1.x 16.1.x
16.0.x 16.0.x
15.2.x 15.2.x
15.1.x 15.1.x
15.0.x 15.0.x
14.3.x 14.3.x
14.2.x 14.2.x
14.1.x 14.1.x
14.0.x 14.0.x
13.4.x 13.4.x
13.3.x 13.3.x
13.2.x 13.2.x
13.1.x 13.1.x
13.0.x 13.0.x
12.2.x 12.2.x
12.1.x 12.1.x
12.0.x 12.0.x
11.2.x 11.2.x
11.1.x 11.1.x
11.0.x 11.0.x
10.2.x 10.2.x
10.1.x 10.1.x
npm i -D @smartrecruiters/tsconfig-strict-angular@{version}

When Angular in your project wil be updated don't forget to update the package as well. But anyway, if the current version of the package is not perfectly matches for the new version, there will be a warning in your terminal.

Step 2. Configure typescript in your project:

Just add "extends": "@smartrecruiters/tsconfig-strict-angular", in your main tsconfig file. It's also possible to override any rule that the package provides by default, for example

  "extends": "@smartrecruiters/tsconfig-strict-angular",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowUnusedLabels": false



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npm i @smartrecruiters/tsconfig-strict-angular

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