Build objects from schemas.
npm install @smonn/builder
import { Builder, type InferOptions, type InferResult, sequence } from "@smonn/builder";
const nested = Builder.from({
// use functions for dynamic values
shout: ({ message }: { message: string }) => message.toUpperCase(),
const builder = Builder.from({
// automatically increment the id using the sequence helper
id: sequence(),
// non-function values are used as-is
literal: 42,
// nest builders to make more complex objects
nested: (options: InferOptions<typeof nested> & { count: number }) =>
nested.buildList(options.count, options),
// obj type === InferResult<typeof builder>
const obj = builder.build({
// options will be an intersection of the first parameter to each function in the schema
// note: take care to not mismatch the option types when reusing the same keys
message: "Hello World",
count: 2,
// => { id: 1, literal: 42, nested: [{ shout: "HELLO WORLD" }, { shout: "HELLO WORLD" }] }