Welcome to the official JavaScript SDK for the Sociate API! This SDK allows developers to easily integrate Sociate's powerful features into their JavaScript projects, providing seamless access to various functionalities offered by the Sociate platform. It supports TypeScript for strong typing and enhanced developer experience.
- Comprehensive API Coverage: Access all endpoints available in the Sociate API.
- Type Safety: Provides strong type definitions for all requests and responses.
- Easy Integration: Simplifies the process of making API requests with minimal configuration.
- Promise-based: Fully supports async/await and promises for easy asynchronous operations.
Install the SDK using npm or yarn:
bash npm install @sociate/sociate-api-sdk
bash yarn add @sociate/sociate-api-sdk
import { SociateClient, SociateConfig } from '@sociate/sociate-api-sdk';
Initialize the SociateClient
with the base URL of the API and an optional authentication token:
const config: SociateConfig = {
basePath: 'https://api.sociate.ai',
token: 'your-auth-token'
const client = new SociateClient(config);
const credentials = { username: 'user@example.com', password: 'password123' };
const authResponse = await client.auth.login(credentials);
client.setToken(authResponse.access_token); // Set token for future requests
const productData = {
products: [
id: '1',
title: 'Product 1',
price: 100,
brand: 'BrandName',
image_url: 'http://example.com/image1.png',
url: 'http://example.com/product1',
price_currency: 'USD'
const createResponse = await client.products.create(productData);
const product = { file: yourFile };
const uploadResponse = await client.products.upload(product);
const deleteData = { products: ['1', '2'] };
const deleteResponse = await client.products.delete(deleteData);
const searchParams = { text: 't-shirt' };
const searchResults = await client.search.basic(searchParams);
const advancedSearchParams = {
text_include: 'red',
text_exclude: 'blue',
filters: { availability: 'available' }
const advancedResults = await client.search.advanced(advancedSearchParams);
const userInfo = await client.users.me();
You can set or clear the authentication token at any time:
For detailed API documentation and endpoint descriptions, visit the Sociate API Documentation.