
0.14.0 • Public • Published

Live (JavaScript)

This is the JavaScript library for implementing the Ruby gem of the same name.

Document Manipulation

live.update(id, html, options)

Updates the content of the element with the given id with the given html. The options parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional options to the update method.

  • options.reply - If truthy, the server will reply with {reply: options.reply}.

live.replace(selector, html, options)

Replaces the element(s) selected by the given selector with the given html. The options parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional options to the replace method.

  • options.reply - If truthy, the server will reply with {reply: options.reply}.

live.prepend(selector, html, options)

Prepends the given html to the element(s) selected by the given selector. The options parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional options to the prepend method.

  • options.reply - If truthy, the server will reply with {reply: options.reply}.

live.append(selector, html, options)

Appends the given html to the element(s) selected by the given selector. The options parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional options to the append method.

  • options.reply - If truthy, the server will reply with {reply: options.reply}.

live.remove(selector, options)

Removes the element(s) selected by the given selector. The options parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional options to the remove method.

  • options.reply - If truthy, the server will reply with {reply: options.reply}.

live.dispatchEvent(selector, type, options)

Dispatches an event of the given type on the element(s) selected by the given selector. The options parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional options to the dispatchEvent method.

  • options.detail - The detail object to pass to the event.
  • options.bubbles - A boolean indicating whether the event should bubble up through the DOM.
  • options.cancelable - A boolean indicating whether the event can be canceled.
  • options.composed - A boolean indicating whether the event will trigger listeners outside of a shadow root.

Event Handling

live.forward(id, event)

Connect and forward an event on the element with the given id. If the connection can't be established, the event will be buffered.

live.forwardEvent(id, event, details)

Forward a HTML DOM event to the server. The details parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional details to the server.

live.forwardFormEvent(id, event, details)

Forward an event which has form data to the server. The details parameter is optional and can be used to pass additional details to the server.



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  • ioquatix