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Request Transformers


Returns the default request transformer for the Solana RPC API. Under the hood, this function composes multiple RpcRequestTransformers together such as the getDefaultCommitmentTransformer, the getIntegerOverflowRequestTransformer and the getBigIntDowncastRequestTransformer.

import { getDefaultRequestTransformerForSolanaRpc } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const requestTransformer = getDefaultRequestTransformerForSolanaRpc({
    defaultCommitment: 'confirmed',
    onIntegerOverflow: (request, keyPath, value) => {
        throw new Error(`Integer overflow at ${keyPath.join('.')}: ${value}`);


Creates a transformer that adds the provided default commitment to the configuration object of the request when applicable.

import { getDefaultCommitmentTransformer, OPTIONS_OBJECT_POSITION_BY_METHOD } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const requestTransformer = getDefaultCommitmentTransformer({
    defaultCommitment: 'confirmed',
    optionsObjectPositionByMethod: OPTIONS_OBJECT_POSITION_BY_METHOD,


Creates a transformer that traverses the request parameters and executes the provided handler when an integer overflow is detected.

import { getIntegerOverflowRequestTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const requestTransformer = getIntegerOverflowRequestTransformer((request, keyPath, value) => {
    throw new Error(`Integer overflow at ${keyPath.join('.')}: ${value}`);


Creates a transformer that downcasts all BigInt values to Number.

import { getBigIntDowncastRequestTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const requestTransformer = getBigIntDowncastRequestTransformer();

getTreeWalkerRequestTransformer(visitors, initialState)

Creates a transformer that traverses the request parameters and executes the provided visitors at each node. A custom initial state can be provided but must at least provide { keyPath: [] }.

import { getTreeWalkerRequestTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const requestTransformer = getTreeWalkerRequestTransformer(
        // Replaces foo.bar with "baz".
        (node, state) => (state.keyPath === ['foo', 'bar'] ? 'baz' : node),
        // Increments all numbers by 1.
        node => (typeof node === number ? node + 1 : node),
    { keyPath: [] },

Response Transformers


Returns the default response transformer for the Solana RPC API. Under the hood, this function composes multiple RpcResponseTransformers together such as the getThrowSolanaErrorResponseTransformer, the getResultResponseTransformer and the getBigIntUpcastResponseTransformer.

import { getDefaultResponseTransformerForSolanaRpc } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const responseTransformer = getDefaultResponseTransformerForSolanaRpc({
    allowedNumericKeyPaths: getAllowedNumericKeypaths(),


Returns a transformer that throws a SolanaError with the appropriate RPC error code if the body of the RPC response contains an error.

import { getThrowSolanaErrorResponseTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const responseTransformer = getThrowSolanaErrorResponseTransformer();


Returns a transformer that extracts the result field from the body of the RPC response. For instance, we go from { jsonrpc: '2.0', result: 'foo', id: 1 } to 'foo'.

import { getResultResponseTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const responseTransformer = getResultResponseTransformer();


Returns a transformer that upcasts all Number values to BigInts unless they match within the provided KeyPaths. In other words, the provided KeyPaths will remain as Number values, any other numeric value will be upcasted to a BigInt. Note that you can use KEYPATH_WILDCARD to match any key within a KeyPath.

import { getBigIntUpcastResponseTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const responseTransformer = getBigIntUpcastResponseTransformer([
    ['instructions', KEYPATH_WILDCARD, 'accounts', KEYPATH_WILDCARD],
    ['instructions', KEYPATH_WILDCARD, 'programIdIndex'],
    ['instructions', KEYPATH_WILDCARD, 'stackHeight'],

getTreeWalkerResponseTransformer(visitors, initialState)

Creates a transformer that traverses the json response and executes the provided visitors at each node. A custom initial state can be provided but must at least provide { keyPath: [] }.

import { getTreeWalkerResponseTransformer } from '@solana/rpc-transformers';

const responseTransformer = getTreeWalkerResponseTransformer(
        // Replaces foo.bar with "baz".
        (node, state) => (state.keyPath === ['foo', 'bar'] ? 'baz' : node),
        // Increments all numbers by 1.
        node => (typeof node === number ? node + 1 : node),
    { keyPath: [] },



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