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1.0.3 • Public • Published


With this small and simple library, you can better manage your console logging. console.log() is a very often used method that also helps you a lot in the development. But there is one problem with it. It gets easily confusing and when the application goes live, you only want to output the important messages (e.g. console.warn() or console.error()). So what can be done to clean it up? Search for console.log in the code and delete it or comment it out? That doesn't have to be the case. With this library, you have your logging better under control, like a pro.


npm i @spfxappdev/logger


  1. import the logger class into your project
import { Logger, ILoggerSettings } from '@spfxappdev/logger';
  1. You can now create an instance. The first parameter is the category of the logger instance. It will be appended to all log outputs.
const logger = new Logger("spfxAppDev");
  1. Log to console
logger.log("Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
logger.warn("Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
logger.info("Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
logger.error("Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
logger.table(["Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger"]);
  1. Shorthand
//In this case, Logger.DefaultSettings are used as settings
Logger.Log("spfxAppDev", LogType.Log, "Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
Logger.Log("spfxAppDev", LogType.Warning, "Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
Logger.Log("spfxAppDev", LogType.Info, "Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
Logger.Log("spfxAppDev", LogType.Error, "Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger");
Logger.Log("spfxAppDev", LogType.Table, ["Welcome to @spfxappdev/logger"]);
  1. Output in the Dev-Console

Console Output

As you can see, the logcatergory spfxAppDev was appended to the outputs.


The "Logger" constructor has a second, optional parameter for the settings. The following settings can be set and are default:

const loggerSettings: ILoggerSettings = {
    LogNamespaceUrlParameterName: 'LogOnly',
    LoggingEnabledUrlParameterName: 'EnableConsoleLogging',
    LogLevel: LogLevel.All

Override default settings per instance

If you want to override the default settings, you can do it like this:

const myLoggerSettings: ILoggerSettings = {
    LogLevel: LogLevel.Error | LogLevel.Warning //Log Only Errors and Warnings

const logger = new Logger("spfxAppDev", myLoggerSettings);

Override default settings globally

If you want to override the default settings, you can do it like this:

const myLoggerSettings: ILoggerSettings = {
    LogNamespaceUrlParameterName: 'LogOnlyMy',
    LoggingEnabledUrlParameterName: 'EnableLogging',
    LogLevel: LogLevel.All

Logger.DefaultSettings = myLoggerSettings;

Important: This only works if the settings were overwritten first and then the instances were created. Also, you then have to make sure that the overwritten code is imported everywhere.

URL Handling

For the production environment, you may want to disable the settings for console.log() so that the console doesn't get too crowded. The problem is then: When analyzing errors, you want to activate logging for a short time without having to adjust the code. For this the URL parameters were introduced. With these URL parameters you can still enable logging. You can even activate only certain logging categories.

Enable Console Logging via URL

Just add the URL parameter EnableConsoleLogging and it is activated.

Example: http://localhost:1234?EnableConsoleLogging=1

Note: The URL parameter corresponds to the one from the settings (ILoggerSettings.LoggingEnabledUrlParameterName)

Only certain categories log via URL

Just add the URL parameter LogOnly and it will be log only this categories).

Example: http://localhost:1234?LogOnly=spfxAppDev

You can filter several categories if you separate the categories with a comma

Example: http://localhost:1234?LogOnly=spfxAppDev,spfxAppDev2,spfxAppDev3

Note: The URL parameter corresponds to the one from the settings (ILoggerSettings.LogNamespaceUrlParameterName)


To use the logging decorators, you have to set the experimentalDecorators property to true in your tsconfig.json



import { log, IClassLogger } from '@spfxappdev/logger';

Class Decorator

//For Intellisense with the @classLogger(), use this:
interface TestAppWithDecorators extends IClassLogger { }

    customLogCategory: "myCustomLoggingCategory"
class MyClassWithDecorators { }

Method Decorator

    customLogCategory: "myCustomLoggingCategory"
class MyClassWithDecorators { 
    public doThings(): void {
        this.logger.log("Hello World");

Property Decorator

    customLogCategory: "myCustomLoggingCategory"
class MyClassWithDecorators { 
    public myProp: string = "";

    public doThings(): void {
        this.logger.log("Hello World");

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