
0.2.1 • Public • Published

Spinner Cash CLI (Beta)

A command line utility that manages private notes of https://spinner.cash.

Users can use this tool to create private notes, deposit to or withdraw them from smart contracts on the Internet Computer.

Beta V2

This beta version is only meant for testing and demo purposes.

  • There is no charges aside from the usual ICP transfer fees (0.0001 ICP).
  • It will be deprecated and replaced by a new package once Spinner.Cash officially launches.
  • After official launch, new deposits via this tool will be rejected, but withdrawals will continue to be supported.

Beta V1

The old V1 of this CLI had a different interface, and used a different set of backend canisters. It has been deprecated and you should use V2 instead, unless you have existing balance in V1.


Usage: index [options] [command]

  --url <URL>                             The URL to IC API (default: "https://ic0.app")
  -y, --yes                               Answer YES to all questions
  --store <file>                          Path to the file that stores notes
  -h, --help                              display help for command

  balance [options] [currency]            Check account balances
  deposit <amount> <currency>             Deposit tokens of specified currency and amount
  withdraw [options] <amount> <currency>  Withdraw tokens to a public address
  consolidate [currency]                  Consolidate notes and re-try unfinished transactions
  account-ids [options] [currency]        List account ids
  stats                                   Get pool and mixer stats
  send [options] <amount> <currency>      Send tokens to a private address
  help [command]                          display help for command

All private notes will be stored in the file specified by the --store <file> option. Losing this file basically means losing all your deposited funds. So please make sure you keep it safe and regularly backup.


The code is packaged and minified for easy installation. Full source of the official version will be made available before launch.

Package Sidebar


npm i @spnrapp/cli-beta



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  • spnr