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Storecraft Cloudflare D1 Database support

Two issues awaiting:

  1. make seed_templates migration work
  2. On CF side, they relaxed the FUNC_ARGS_LENGTH, so now json sql should work for me.

Two variants,

  1. D1 over http (used for migrations)
  2. D1 over cloudflare-worker runtime (used for backend)

Official Cloudflare D1 driver for StoreCraft on any platforms.

npm i @storecraft/database-cloudflare-d1


  • First, login to your cloudflare account.
  • Create a D1 database.
  • Create an API Key at here

Apply migrations with local driver

Migrations use a different D1_HTTP driver,

create a migrate.js file with

import 'dotenv/config';
import { D1_HTTP } from '@storecraft/database-cloudflare-d1';
import { migrateToLatest } from '@storecraft/database-cloudflare-d1/migrate.js';
const migrate = async () => {
  const d1_over_http = new D1_HTTP(
      account_id: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID,
      api_token: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_D1_API_TOKEN,
      database_id: process.env.CLOUDFLARE_D1_DATABASE_ID
  await migrateToLatest(d1_over_http, true);


create a .env file with (find the values from cloudflare dashboard)


simply run it,

node run migrate.js


  • seeding of templates migration might fail because http driver does not allow for sql parameters
  • we are working on a solution for that
  • no big deal, you can still use it

D1 over Cloudflare Workers

To use the driver in cloudflare workers environment, we use the native driver of cloudflare, which allows for parameterized sql statements (the http driver does not for some reason, which we hope they will solve and then we can run d1 with parameterized statements at any cloud environment safely without fearing SQL Injection)

So, Create a worker with npx wrangler init

Populate wrangler.toml with

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "<YOUR-DATABASE-NAME>"
database_id = "<YOUR-DATABASE-ID>"

Create a src/index.ts file with

import { App } from "@storecraft/core"
import { D1_WORKER } from "@storecraft/database-cloudflare-d1"
import { CloudflareWorkersPlatform } from "@storecraft/platforms/cloudflare-workers"

export default {
	 * This is the standard fetch handler for a Cloudflare Worker
	 * @param request - The request submitted to the Worker from the client
	 * @param env - The interface to reference bindings declared in wrangler.toml
	 * @param ctx - The execution context of the Worker
	 * @returns The response to be sent back to the client
	async fetch(request, env, ctx): Promise<Response> {
    let app = new App(
        storage_rewrite_urls: undefined,
        general_store_name: 'Wush Wush Games',
        general_store_description: 'We sell cool retro video games',
        general_store_website: 'https://wush.games',
        auth_admins_emails: ['tomer.shalev@gmail.com']
    .withPlatform(new CloudflareWorkersPlatform())
      new D1_WORKER(
          db: env.D1

    app = await app.init();
    const response = await app.handler(request);

    return response;

} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env>;

run locally with remote database

npx wrangler dev --remote

Now, you are good to go, visit

  • http://localhost:8787/api/dashboard
  • http://localhost:8787/api/reference
Author: Tomer Shalev <tomer.shalev@gmail.com>

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