
2.5.4 • Public • Published




account-base is a service based on nodejs and express aimed to support user accounts management. It adopted token-based authentication as its core. The package exports a REST api singleton so that it can be easily integrated with serverless platforms such as Amazon Lambda.


Docker is required to run the local database in the example.

After install docker, remember to add your current user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

If you are running docker behide a coporate proxy. Follow below steps to add proxy into docker environment.

  1. Create a systemd drop-in directory for the docker service

    $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d

  2. Create a file called /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf that adds the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variable:

  3. Flush changes

    $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  4. Restart docker

    $ sudo systemctl restart docker

  5. Verify that the configuration has been loaded

    $ systemctl show --property=Environment docker

Run example demo

If you want to explore the service, run the example demo provided with this package.

Clone package from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/stormgle/account-base

Install all dependencies

npm install

Run example demo

npm run example

It will setup environment variables. Run docker and install the necessary image if not installed yet. Then, it starts the local database service from docker, create USERS Collection and add three initial documents for Super-Admin, Admin and Tester users. Eventually, it starts the API Server at port 3100.

After the server is started and running. Open a ternimal and make a request to the example server, using curl for example.

Signup a new account

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"tester@test-team.com","password":"123456"}' http://localhost:3100/auth/signup


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"tester@test-team.com","password":"123456"}' http://localhost:3100/auth/login

For the complete list of the API, refer section [TBD]

Use the package in your project

Install packages

npm install --save @stormgle/account-base

To loose coupling the database with the api. I've used database-abstractor. At the time you create and use the api, you need to install a database driver. Here I will install the dynamodb driver for example .

npm install --save @stormgle/userdb-dynamodb-driver

Curently, I only designed the dynamodb driver packages. More drivers will be supported in future.

If you want to change PORT number of the example server, edit the PORT_LOCAL_TEST in ./env/.env.test file.

Setup environment

I use dotenv to supply the environment variables during development. ./env/.keys stores the secret keys for token generation as well as validation. ./env/.env.test stores environment variables to support unit testing and local example server. Running npm run env will concatenate those two files into .env file.

It is recommended that you setup the environment variables natively. However, if you're interesting in using dotenv (since it's perfectly fine in production), remember do NOT commit your changes in .env.test and .keys to a public repository like github as they are store sensitive information about your system.

The following enviroment variables are required when production:

AUTH_KEY_ACCOUNT=/* this is secret key for user service - role user */
AUTH_KEY_ADMIN=/* this is secret key for user service - role admin */
AUTH_KEY_SUPER=/* this is secret key for user service - role super admin */

DELIGATE_KEY_FORGOT_PASSWORD=/* this is secret key use when user forgot password */

POLICY_SUPER="super admin account"


If you use AWS DynamoDB Web Service. You also need to configure your aws credential provided by AWS.



Create API Server

Require the api in your server

const api = require('account-base')

You also need to let the api know which database driver is used.

const DatabaseAbstractor = require("database-abstractor")
const userdb = new DatabaseAbstractor();

const dynamodb = require('@stormgle/userdb-dynamodb-driver')

  region : 'us-west-2', 
  endpoint : `${process.env.DB_HOST}:${process.env.DB_PORT}`

api.useDatabase({ userdb });

Then we create API functions using generateFunctions . Some functions accept options to let you have flexibitity to configure them. In this example, we create API functions with options for POST /auth/forgot_password. POST /auth/reset_password and GET auth/0/form.

const PORT = process.env.PORT_LOCAL_TEST || 3100;

const forgotPassword = {
  onSuccess: (token) => console.log(token.token),
  onFailure: (err) => console.log(err)

const form = {
  title: 'Auth-0', 
  body:'Hello from Auth-0 / ',
  endPoint: `http://localhost:${PORT}/auth/reset_password`,
  redirect: {
    success: `http://localhost:${PORT}/`

const reset = {
  title: 'Auth-0', 
  service: 'Example',
  redirect: `http://localhost:${PORT}/`

api.createFunctions({forgotPassword, form, reset})

createFunction return an express route that you can use in your server

const express = require('express')
const cors = require('cors')

const app = express();

  .use('/', api)

const httpServer = require('http').createServer(app);

Compile all code pieces together

"use strict"


const express = require('express')
const cors = require('cors')

const api = require('../api/main')

const DatabaseAbstractor = require("database-abstractor")
const userdb = new DatabaseAbstractor();

const dynamodb = require('@stormgle/userdb-dynamodb-driver')

  region : 'us-west-2', 
  endpoint : `${process.env.DB_HOST}:${process.env.DB_PORT}`

const PORT = process.env.PORT_LOCAL_TEST || 3100;

const forgotPassword = {
  onSuccess: (token) => console.log(token.token),
  onFailure: (err) => console.log(err)

const form = {
  title: 'Auth-0', 
  body:'Hello from Auth-0 / ',
  endPoint: `http://localhost:${PORT}/auth/reset_password`,
  redirect: {
    success: `http://localhost:${PORT}/`

const reset = {
  title: 'Auth-0', 
  service: 'Example',
  redirect: `http://localhost:${PORT}/`

api.useDatabase({ userdb })
   .generateFunctions({forgotPassword, form, reset});

const app = express();

  .use('/', api)

const httpServer = require('http').createServer(app);



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  • duongtdn