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1.1.0-stable • Public • Published

Story Protocol React SDK

The react-sdk is a library that provides a set of hooks to interact with the SDK. It is designed to be used in a React application.

How to use Story Protocol SDK in Your Project

Generate React SDK

  1. Install the dependencies
pnpm install
  1. Update the @story-protocol/core-sdk package version in the packages/react-sdk/package.json file to the latest version.

Important: Once publish core-sdk, you need to update the core-sdk version in the react-sdk package.json file.

  1. Generate the SDK
pnpm run generate

This SDK is generated using the command pnpm run generate. The source code resides in the packages/sdk directory and the generated SDK can be found in the packages/react-sdk folder.

How to use Story Protocol React SDK in Your Project

  • Install Story Protocol React SDK
pnpm install @story-protocol/react-sdk
  • Import the provider in your React application
import { StoryProvider } from "@story-protocol/react-sdk";
const client = StoryClient.newClient(config);
    chainId: "sepolia",
    transport: http("RPC_URL"),
    wallet: walletClient,
  • Use the hooks in your component
import { useIpAsset } from "@story-protocol/react-sdk";
const { data, error, loading, register } = useIpAsset();
register({ nftContract: "0x1234", tokenId: "1" });

How To Build and Test Story Protocol React SDK for local testing

  • Install yalc
npm install -g yalc
  • For manual testing of the react-sdk, set up a separate web project. The guide below uses yalc to link the react-sdk locally, enabling its installation and import for testing.

Under the typescript-sdk/packages/react-sdk directory:

  • Execute npm run build to build your latest code.

  • Run yalc publish. You should see a message like @story-protocol/react-sdk@<version> published in store. (Note: The version number may vary).

  • To set up your testing environment (e.g., a new Next.js project), use yalc add @story-protocol/react-sdk@<version> (ensure the version number is updated accordingly).

  • Run pnpm install. This installs @story-protocol/react-sdk@<version> with your local changes.

Steps to Refresh the Changes

Under the typescript-sdk/packages/react-sdk directory:

  • Execute npm run build to build your latest code.
  • Run yalc push.

In your testing environment:

  • Run yalc update to pull the latest changes.

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npm i @story-protocol/react-sdk

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  • storyprotocol
  • andybowu
  • vinod.tiwari