React Locomotive Scroll
A locomotive-scroll React wrapper
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Getting Started
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
$ npm install locomotive-scroll @studio-freight/react-locomotive-scroll
or using Yarn
$ yarn add locomotive-scroll @studio-freight/react-locomotive-scroll
1. Import the provider
import { LocomotiveScrollProvider } from '@studio-freight/react-locomotive-scroll'
2. Wrap your application using the provider
const containerRef = useRef(null)
smooth: true,
// ... all available Locomotive Scroll instance options
//..all the dependencies you want to watch to update the scroll.
// Basicaly, you would want to watch page/location changes
// For exemple, on Next.js you would want to watch properties like `router.asPath` (you may want to add more criterias if the instance should be update on locations with query parameters)
<main data-scroll-container ref={containerRef}>
{/* ...your app */}
to prevent weird behaviours
3. Wrap your pages using export function Page() {
return (
<div data-scroll-section>
{/* ...your page */}
From the Locomotive Scroll doc : Defines a scrollable section. Splitting your page into sections may improve performance.
You may want to use data-scroll-section
on each page which may be wrapped by LocomotiveScrollProvider
4. Add the base styles to your CSS file.
5. Get the scroll instance through all your components
import { useLocomotiveScroll } from '@studio-freight/react-locomotive-scroll'
export function Component() {
const { scroll } = useLocomotiveScroll()
// ... your component
At this time you should be able to do whatever your want using the scroll object.
For more examples and to use Locomotive Scroll, please refer to their Documentation
Specific cases
1. Apply code to the location update only
If you want to write some code applied only when the location change but not when the rest of your dependencies added to the watch
list change, here the thing:
First, remove the location props from the watch
dependencies list and add it to the location
will update the scroll instance as it should, but in a differentuseEffect
than the one used to update watched dependencies
const { pathname } = useLocation() // With react-router
const { asPath } = useRouter() // With next/router
smooth: true,
// ... all available Locomotive Scroll instance options
//...all the dependencies you want to watch to update the scroll EXCEPT the location one
onLocationChange={scroll => scroll.scrollTo(0, { duration: 0, disableLerp: true })} // If you want to reset the scroll position to 0 for example
onUpdate={() => console.log('Updated, but not on location change!')} // Will trigger on
<main data-scroll-container ref={containerRef}>
{/* ...your app */}
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Antoine Lin - @vahilloff -
Project Link:
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