Create Nuxt Project
A generator to kickstart your Nuxt project in a few seconds!
Run the following command to bootstrap a WordPress project using Studio Meta's tools and workflows:
npx @studiometa/create-nuxt-project@alpha <project-name>
This tool will generate a Nuxt project setup with our favorite tools at Studio Meta. It includes:
- The @nuxtjs/axios module
- The @nuxtjs/dotenv module
- The @nuxtjs/pwa module
- Tailwind CSS via @nuxtjs/tailwindcss and our custom configuration @studiometa/tailwind-config
- Linting via ESLint and Prettier with our custom configurations @studiometa/eslint-config and @studiometa/prettier-config
- Linting via StyleLint and Prettier with our custom configuration @studiometa/stylelint-config
- Tests with Jest and @vue/test-utils
- GitLab CI or Github Actions to run tests
This project's branches are managed with Git Flow, every feature branch must be merged into develop via a pull request.