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v4 Indexer

This monorepo holds a set of packages and services used to deploy the V4 Indexer.

The V4 Indexer is a set of microservices which provides a set of rich APIs and websocket channels for a jInX V4 application.

The services that make up the V4 Indexer are:

  • ender: Receives on-chain events from V4 node via Kafka, archives them to a PostgreSQL database and sends websocket events for the on-chain events to Kafka
  • vulcan: Receives off-chain events from V4 node via Kafka, archives them to a PostgreSQL database and sends websocket events for the off-chain events to Kafka
  • socks: Websocket server that accepts subscriptions for websocket channels, and forwards websocket events from Kafka to websocket clients that are subscribed
  • comlink: Serves all HTTP API calls made to the V4 Indexer
  • roundtable: Periodic job service
  • bazooka: Deploys Indexer services via AWS Lambda

TODO(DEC-784): Add comprehensive descriptions/documentation for each service and the mono-repo as a whole.


We use pnpm in this repo because it is a "faster and more disk efficient package manager" and it works better than npm with a monorepo.

nvm install
nvm use
nvm alias default $(nvm version) # optional
npm i -g pnpm@6

Now, you can install dependencies for Indexer.

pnpm install

Adding Packages

Use packages/example-package as a template:

cp -r packages/example-package packages/<package-name>
  • Update package.json name to @jinxprotocol-indexer/<package-name>, update the README.md, and run pnpm i to install dependencies.
  • Add in Dockerfile.service.local, Dockerfile.service.remote, and Dockerfile.postgres-package.local to copy the package.json file and build/ files.
  • Add in Dockerfile.bazooka.remote to copy the package directory

Adding Services

Use services/example-service as a template:

cp -r services/example-service services/<service-name>
  • Update package.json name to <package-name>, update the README.md, and run pnpm i to install dependencies. Add service deployment config to docker-compose-local-deployment.yml.
  • Add Service to v4-terraform repo (TODO(DEC-838): Add link to the specific files)
  • Add Github action in .github/workflows/build-and-push.yml to push image to ECR
  • Add Service to be deployed to Orb so it will be shut down, updated, and redeployed
  • Update Auxo to deploy service

Running package.json scripts

package.json scripts for any service or package can be run with pnpm run <script-name> in the respective directory.

NOTE: pnpm allows running scripts across all directories using the -r flag or running them in parallel using the --parallel flag. Due to our unit tests sharing a test database, they cannot be run in parallel, so do not use either flag.


Protos can be found in proto/ here.

Running unit tests

First build all the services and packages by running:

pnpm run build:all

Open up 2 terminals (or have another tmux or screen session) and run:

# In session / terminal 1
docker-compose up

# In session / terminal 2
pnpm run test:all

If you change any logic, you'll have to re-build the services and packages before running unit tests.

Running Dockerfile locally

TODO(DEC-671): Add e2e tests Deploying Indexer locally serves to run e2e tests (DEC-671) and to test new messages from a local deployment from v4-protocol.


Add to your ~/.zshrc file: export DD_API_KEY=<INSERT_DD_API_KEY_HERE>

See https://app.datadoghq.com/organization-settings/api-keys for API keys. API Key is "Key", NOT "Key Id".

Indexer can be deployed locally with: docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-deployment.yml up

If you want to export stats to Datadog, add the following flag to above command: --profile export-to-datadog

Follow steps under redeploying if any changes have been made to services since the last time indexer was deployed locally (e.g. after pulling from master/new branch).

NOTE: The kafka container may run into issues when starting up/initialization, if the kafka container is not healthy after several minutes, Ctrl-C and run docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-deployment.yml down to remove all the containers, then try running docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-deployment.yml up again.

Running local V4 node

By default the Indexer services connect to a local V4 node. To run a local V4 node alongside the indexer, follow the instructions here.

NOTE: The local V4 node needs to be started up before deploying the Indexer locally.

Connecting to remote V4 node

To change the locally deployed indexer to connect to a remote V4 node, update the environment variable TENDERMINT_WS_URL for both the comlink service in docker-compose-local-deployment.yml.


      dockerfile: Dockerfile.service.local
        service: comlink
      - 3002:3002
      - postgres
        condition: service_completed_successfully

Deploying to AWS Dev Environment

We use Terraform to describe our infrastructure. On merging to master branch, we automatically build ECR images of each service for both the dev/staging environments (see .github/workflows directory). However, if you want to test and deploy local changes, you can use the scripts/deploy-commit-to-dev.sh script.

Example usage: scripts/deploy-commit-to-dev.sh <commit_hash>, e.g.

scripts/deploy-commit-to-dev.sh comlink 875aecd

You can get the 7 character commit hash like so:

git add .
git commit -m "<commit_msg>"
git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD


The docker image for each container must be rebuilt for each code change or update to Dockerfile.local.

Images can be deleted individually:

# List all docker images
docker images
# Delete docker image
docker rmi {docker_image_id} -f

All Images can be deleted with this command:

docker rmi $(docker images 'indexer_*' -a -q) -f

The docker container can then be redeployed with the command in the previous section.

Querying API of locally run Indexer

comlink will serving API requests from http://localhost:3002.

For example, to get all BTC-USD trades:

curl http://localhost:3002/v4/trades/perpetualMarket/BTC-USD

Subscribing to websocket messages from Indexer

socks will accepting websocket connections from http://localhost:3003.

To connect to the dev/staging endpoints, use the following commands:

# dev
wscli connect ws://dev-indexer-apne1-lb-public-890774175.ap-northeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com/v4/ws

# staging
wscli connect wss://indexer.v4staging.jinx.exchange/v4/ws

Use a command-line websocket client such as interactive-websocket-cli to connect and subscribe to channels.

Example (with interactive-websocket-cli)

wscli connect http://localhost:3003
<output from ws-cli>
<type 's' to send> { "type": "subscribe", "channel": "v4_trades", "id": "BTC-USD" }

Other example subscription events:

{ "type": "subscribe", "channel": "v4_candles", "id": "BTC-USD/1MIN" }
{ "type": "subscribe", "channel": "v4_markets" }
{ "type": "subscribe", "channel": "v4_orderbook", "id": "BTC-USD" }
{ "type": "subscribe", "channel": "v4_subaccounts", "id": "address/0" }




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npm i @sudophunk/indexer

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  • sudophunk