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SSL Web Server with Express, Support HTTP/2

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npm i @sumor/ssl-server --save


Node.JS version

Require Node.JS version 18.x or above

require Node.JS ES module

As this package is written in ES module, please change the following code in your package.json file:

  "type": "module"


Host a simple server

import createApp from '@sumor/ssl-server'
const app = createApp()

// listen on port 443 by default if not specified, and redirect 80 to https 443
await app.listen()

console.log('Server running at https://localhost:443/')

Add SSL files

Please add SSL files into root folder ssl with the following names:

  • domain.crt
  • domain.key
  • ca.crt (Optional, It will append to the certificate chain)

If not found, the server will generate a self-signed certificate.
If SSL files changed, it will auto-reload.


it supports all express features, only difference is the listen and close method. Please refer below example for more details.

Add middlewares and routes

import createApp from '@sumor/ssl-server'
const app = createApp()
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'

// you can add any express middleware

// add routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello World!')

// listen is async function
await app.listen()

Force close server

import createApp from '@sumor/ssl-server'
const app = createApp()

// listen is async function
await app.listen()
// close is async function
await app.close()

Listen on custom port

import createApp from '@sumor/ssl-server'
const app = createApp()

// listen is async function
await app.listen(8443, 8080)
console.log(`Server is running on https://localhost:8443/`)
console.log(`Redirect server is running on http://localhost:8080/`)

Listen only http

import createApp from '@sumor/ssl-server'
const app = createApp()

// listen is async function
await app.listen(null, 8080)
console.log(`Redirect server is running on http://localhost:8080/`)

Use custom app

By default, ssl server will use latest express long term support version. You can use your own express app by passing it to createApp function.

import createApp from '@sumor/ssl-server'
import express from 'express'

const expressApp = express()
expressApp.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello World!')

const app = createApp(expressApp)

// listen is async function
await app.listen()

console.log('Server running at https://localhost:443/')



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