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0.2.11 • Public • Published

Sunset Editor

An expressive Markdown editor with flexible HTML capabilities. The Sunset editor can be included in any project that needs an easy to use, capable text editor with Markdown syntax parsing.

Check it out on Github!


The Sunset Editor is currently only available for Vue.js projects as a Vue component. To get started, install the Sunset editor package with npm.

npm install --save @sunsetlearn/sunset-editor


You can use the SunsetEditor component within any other Vue component in your project. Custom element is coming soon in order to support any framework (or simple vanilla JS).

<script setup lang="ts">
import { SunsetEditor } from 'sunset-editor'

  <div class="top">
    <SunsetEditor :start_with_editing_enabled="true"

<style scoped>


Take a look at the sunset-editor-test project to see how most of these properties and functions come together when hooking up the Sunset editor into your Vue application.

Component Properties

  • asset_endpoint: A string with the base path for assets referenced by asset-based components, such as the adjustable image and adjustable video components.
  • start_with_editing_enabled: Whether the Sunset editor should start in edit mode on startup.
  • stylesheet_string: A string with stylesheet overrides for any elements within the Sunset editor.

Component Events

  • componentmodified: Fired whenever the content is modified, either through the component palette or regular keystrokes.

Component Methods

  • export_document_string(): Exports all contents of the Sunset editor as a single string, to be saved to a file or processed externally.
  • import_document_string(doc: string): Imports the contents of an exported Markdown document into the Sunset editor and applies all formatting and transformations.

Free Functions

  • register_editor_components(app): For Vue.js applications, this function must be called with the app instance as a parameter before mounting the app. This will register all internal Sunset editor components with your Vue application.
  • start_editing(): Puts the Sunset editor into editing mode.
  • stop_editing(): Puts the Sunset editor into read-only mode.




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  • adrsanchez