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0.4.1 • Public • Published


An easy-to-use in-app browser module for React Native, powered by Chrome Custom Tabs / SFSafariViewController.

mit licence npm version bundlephobia
platform - android platform - ios



$ yarn add @swan-io/react-native-browser
# --- or ---
$ npm install --save @swan-io/react-native-browser


import { openBrowser } from "@swan-io/react-native-browser";
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { Button, SafeAreaView } from "react-native";
import parseUrl from "url-parse";

const App = () => {
  const handleOnPress = useCallback(() => {
    openBrowser("https://swan.io", {
      onClose: (url) => {
        if (url) {
          const { protocol, host, query } = parseUrl(url, true);
          const origin = `${protocol}//${host}`;

          if (origin === "com.company.myapp://close") {
            console.log(JSON.stringify(query, null, 2));
    }).catch((error) => {
  }, []);

  return (
      <Button title="Open browser" onPress={handleOnPress} />


openBrowser(url: string, options: Options)

import { openBrowser } from "@swan-io/react-native-browser";

openBrowser("https://swan.io", {
  animationType: "", // "fade" | "slide" (default to "slide")
  dismissButtonStyle: "close", // "cancel" | "close" | "done" (default to "close")
  barTintColor: "#FFF", // in-app browser UI background color
  controlTintColor: "#000", // in-app browser buttons color
  onOpen: () => {
    // fired on browser opened
    // useful to switch the StatusBar color, for example
  onClose: (url) => {
    // fired on browser closed
    // url will be defined if the browser has been closed via deeplink
}).catch((error) => {

[!IMPORTANT] On Android, the Chrome app must be opened at least once for this to work — a step often overlooked when using emulators in development.

Handle deeplinks

In order to receive deeplink on browser close event, you have to setup them first. We highly recommand defining a custom schema + url for this specific task. For example, com.company.myapp://close.

On iOS

First, you need to enable react-native deeplinks support. Then, edit your Info.plist file to add:


On Android

Edit your AndroidManifest.xml to add (more documentation):

<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <data android:scheme="com.company.myapp" android:host="close" />

[!TIP] Once the redirect URL is visited (a GET hits your server), handle the result and perform a server redirect to com.company.myapp://close?success=true to close the browser (and pass any data back to your app using query params ✨).

Run the example app

$ git clone git@github.com:swan-io/react-native-browser.git
$ cd react-native-browser/example

$ yarn install && yarn start
# --- or ---
$ npm install && npm run start

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npm i @swan-io/react-native-browser

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  • swan-io