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28.2.3 • Public • Published

JavaScript TreeMap Control

The JavaScript TreeMap control provides a simple and effective way to visualize flat or hierarchical data as clustered rectangles with a specific, weighted attribute determining the size of each rectangle.

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JavaScript TreeMap Control

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To install the TreeMap and its dependent packages, use the following command.

npm install @syncfusion/ej2-treemap

Supported frameworks

TreeMap control is also offered in the following list of frameworks.




  ASP.NET Core  


Showcase samples

Key features

  • Data sources: Binds the treemap control with an array of JSON objects or DataManager. Both hierarchical and flat collection data sources are supported.
  • Levels: Renders with any number of levels and items.
  • Layout: Supports four types of layouts: square, horizontal, vertical, and auto.
  • Drill-down: Provides drill-down option to have a closer look at the lower level of a hierarchy.
  • Data label: Provides additional information about the nodes.
  • Header template: Uses any custom HTML element to customize the header of each item.
  • Label template: Uses any custom HTML element to customize the data label for each node.
  • Color mapping: Applies colors to the nodes based on various conditions. Treemap supports three types of color mapping: range, equal, and desaturation.
  • Legend: Provide useful information for conveying what the treemap showcases.
  • Selection and highlight: Support selecting or highlighting the nodes to bring center of attraction.
  • Tooltip: Provides additional information about the node on hover.
  • Print and Export: Prints or exports the rendered treemap to a desired format. Exporting supports four formats: PDF, PNG, JPEG and SVG.
  • Globalization: Personalize the treemap control with different languages, as well as culture-specific number, date and time formatting.
  • Accessibility: Provides with built-in accessibility support which helps to access all the treemap control features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.


Product support is available through the following mediums.


Check the changelog here. Get minor improvements and bug fixes every week to stay up to date with frequent updates.

License and copyright

This is a commercial product and requires a paid license for possession or use. Syncfusion® licensed software, including this control, is subject to the terms and conditions of Syncfusion® EULA. To acquire a license for 80+ JavaScript UI controls, you can purchase or start a free 30-day trial.

A free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue and five or fewer developers.

See LICENSE FILE for more info.

© Copyright 2025 Syncfusion® Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Syncfusion® Essential Studio® license and copyright applies to this distribution.

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  • syncfusionorg
  • essentialjs2
  • syncfusion-javascript